英语人>词典>汉英 : 引起不快 的英文翻译,例句
引起不快 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
irritate  ·  irritates

更多网络例句与引起不快相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I was watching the curiously different motions of the two men, the young thin one in bright blue trousers, the elderly fat one in shabby black trousers that stick out in front, the different amount of effort in their mowing , the lack of grace in the elderly one, his jerky advance, the unpleasant effect of the new "boater" on his head----and I tried to interest the little lady.


The substitution of agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant.


Up to this, petite boy, you have caused me great displeasure and unhappyness .


Be careful enough not to ruffle others' feathers by words or actions.


On the other hand.an attempt to influence any one—especially children—by causing them to reflect on the disgrace involved in the fault itself,must lead to a habitual self-contemplation, the results of which are not unlikely to be both unwholesome to the penitent and offensive to his friends.


Language communication is an important way to maintain the social relationship among human beings. The use of Euphemism avoids causing the unpleasantness of two communicative sides and damaing their relationship. Basing on the implication of Euphemism, the paper mainly explores the functions of taboo, politeness, avoidance of vulgarism, cover of Euphemism and persuasion that are helpful for our conscious and correct language using in cross-cultural communication.

摘 要:语言交际是人类赖以维系社会和人际关系的重要手段,委婉语的使用有效避免了引起交际双方的不快从而损害双方的关系,本文从委婉语的应用出发,着重探讨了委婉语的避讳功能、礼貌功能、避俗功能、掩饰功能、劝诱功能,这将有助于我们在跨文化交际中更加自觉和准确地使用语言。

An alternative would be thinking about what is making you unhappy," says Wakefield."


Also you will henceforth possibly become oversuspicious, he one late will turn over to you to be terribly suspicious and fearful, will cause him not to be quick and to be repugnant.


Often this phenomenon is undesirable, since it causes excessive control action leading to increase wear of the actuators and to excitation of unmodeled dynamics.


Driving your Ferrari to the Piggly Wiggly and want to avoid shopping-cart dents?

想开着你的法拉利到 Piggly Wiggly ,而且想避免因购物车碰撞而引起的不快吗?

更多网络解释与引起不快相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a pet name:昵称,爱称

pestilent adj.瘟疫的,引起疾病的;不断扰人的,令人不快的 | a pet name 昵称,爱称 | make a pet of 宠爱,把...当宝贝

appease: agitate:平息,安抚:激怒

45.appealing: noisome 引起兴趣的:令人不快的 | 46.appease: agitate平息,安抚:激怒 | 47.appreciable: imperceptible 可感知的:感觉不到的

apologist: critic:辩护者:批评家

43.antipathy: benevolence 憎恶:仁爱 | 44.apologist: critic 辩护者:批评家 | 45.appealing: noisome 引起兴趣的:令人不快的


又如,生活中我们经常询问别人的年龄(age)、婚姻状况(marriage)和工作收入(income),对此等现象已习以为常. 但在西方国家这会引起别人的不快甚至反感,因为这会被认为是在调查别人的隐私(privacy).


人们称呼未婚(unmarried)女子时,大多用"小姐"(Miss),已婚的(married)称"太太"(Mrs.). 如果你无法断定其婚否,除了极年轻者外,可以称呼其为"太太",因为这个词含有"贵妇,女士"的意思. 如果对已婚者称"小姐",会引起其不快,

appealing: noisome:引起兴趣的:令人不快的

44.apologist: critic 辩护者:批评家 | 45.appealing: noisome 引起兴趣的:令人不快的 | 46.appease: agitate平息,安抚:激怒

painful a.1:疼痛的,引起疼痛的 2.困难的,令人不快的

vt.使痛苦 | painful a.1.疼痛的,引起疼痛的 2.困难的,令人不快的 | painkiller n.止痛药,解痛物