英语人>词典>汉英 : 引见 的英文翻译,例句
引见 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
meet  ·  present  ·  presents  ·  meets  ·  presented  ·  presenting

更多网络例句与引见相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

John McCain's wife, Cindy, gazes adoringly at him on the stump but says little.


If you are introduced to someone called Arnold you can imagine that person as "The Terminator".


Then you will be presented to the king and to your fiancé,Louis Auguste.

接下来你会被引见给皇帝还有你的未婚夫 Louis August

Our Uncle George's first wife, Belinda's mother, coached me before I was presented.


Biographically the letters take the reader through Berlin's professional ascent from clever young don to Oxford professor, public educator and transatlantic academic star. They track the consolidation of his social position as an intellectual jewel of the post-war British establishment. Three or four footnotes a page introduce perhaps 1,000 or more politicians, public servants, academics, musicians and socialites whom Berlin knew or talked about. For that alone, his letters are a unique record of a bygone milieu.


Biographically the letters take the reader through Berlin's professional ascent from clever young don to Oxford professor, public educator and transatlantic academic star. They track the consolidation of his social position as an kal online geons intellectual jewel of the post-war British establishment. Three or four footnotes a page introduce perhaps 1,000 or more politicians, public servants, academics, musicians and socialites whom Berlin knew or talked about. For that alone, his letters are a unique record of a bygone milieu.


So even before this year's draft took place,sights were set on June 24,2010when David Stern will stroll onto the stage to another Bronx Cheer.

所以,在2010年7月24日的NBA选秀起头之前,人们都会一贯注意,直到年夜卫·斯特恩布告那最终的奥秘Bronx Cheer是1990年的奥斯卡提名影片,可惜没看过,也没找到剧情引见

During the talk, Mr. Jin Xinze put forward to introduce Korea Manufacturer Association leaders to visit Made-in-China Drawnet, to carry on the negotiation on the Made-in-China "Never Ending Gallery" in Korea.


Why do we need faceless annual reports and third-hand market research studies to introduce us to each other?


Lee Man told him about the truth, and then tried to introduce him to grandmaster Yip as he requested.


更多网络解释与引见相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bask Om:巴斯克.欧姆

由上一次Big Wheel的主角巴斯克.欧姆(Bask Om)上校为我引见,乘着其正在SIDE7视察正在建造中的格力普斯(Geyps)的机会进行了此次采访. U.C.0013年在地球的欧洲传统文化强国法兰西(France)出生,现年约73岁. 父母不是军界人物,


2007年12月22日,星期六,霍巴特多云转阴有阵雨 正如早在2006年11月的游记>中就已经详细引见过的那样,"纳尔逊小姐"号(Lady Nelson)与"上风"(Windeward Bound)一样,是一艘以霍巴特(Hobart)港为主要基地的双桅帆船(brigantine).

职业引见所 (美作:Employment Bureau):Labour exchange, Employment exchange

labour market 劳工市场, 劳务市场 | Labour exchange, Employment exchange 职业引见所 (美作:Employment Bureau) | labour management 职业引见经纪人

The Fugitive:亡命海角

林肯...逃狱第二季剧情引见 逃狱第二季-亡命海角(The Fugitive) 暗示逃狱成功 美国福克斯电视台(Fox)决意为悬疑情节剧>大开绿灯,将播出该连续剧集的第2季>.

in the interests of:为了......的利益

interview 会见,会晤 | in the interests of...为了......的利益 | introduce 介绍,引见

Business introduction:业务引见

注册 login | 社区 community | 业务引见 business introduction


7 利物浦大学 (Liverpool) 学校及课程引见 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 8 阿伯丁大学 (Aberdeen) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 9 纽卡斯尔大学 (Newcastle) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 10 兰卡斯特大学 (Lancaster) 学校及课程介绍 专业申请 奖学金申请 论坛 11 瑞丁大学 (Reading) 学校及课程介绍

Tell the sheriff to introduce me. She doesn't belong in this mudhole:去叫镇长给我引见一下 她这种美人不属于这种小地方的

...is a first-rate piece of ass.|是第一流的美臀 | Tell the sheriff to introduce me. She doesn't belong in this mudhole.|去叫镇长给我引见一下 她这种美人不属于这种小地方的 | Excuse me.|请原谅

presence n.1:出席,在场 2. 存在

presently ad. 1. 一会,不久 2. 现在,目前 | presence n. 1. 出席,在场 2. 存在 | present v. 1. 赠送,呈现 2. 介绍,引见 3.提出(论点等)

Introductions and courtesies:引见和礼节

75. I really don't know. 我真的不知道. www.test99.com | [6] Introductions and courtesies 引见和礼节 www.test99.com | 76. What's your name? 你叫什么名字? www.test99.com