英语人>词典>汉英 : 异常生长的 的英文翻译,例句
异常生长的 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与异常生长的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results Ultrasound studies have demonstrated that 14 cases chromosomal defects are associated with multiple fetal abnormalities, including 11 cases cardiac abnormalities (78.6%), 9 cases hydroamniofluids (64.3%), 8 cases mild ventriculomegaly (57.1%), 7 cases fetal growth restriction (50%), 5 cases abnormal umbilical arterial doppler waveforms (35.7%), 4 cases esophageal atresia (28.6%), 3 cases exomphalos (21.4%), 1 cases clubhands (7.1%), 1 cases cleft lip (7.1%).

结果 14例胎儿产前超声检查均发现二项以上的超声表现异常,其中心脏结构异常11例(78.6%);羊水过多9例(64.3%);脑室增宽8例(57.1%);胎儿生长受限7例(50%);脐动脉血流指标增高5例(35.7%);食道闭锁4例(28.6%);脐疝3例(21.4%);腕关节异常1例(7.1%);唇裂1例(7.1%)。

Lthough a low frequency of abnormal growthof nucellus was observed,no embryo originating from nucellus cell and integumentwas found.


The research advance on organogenesis, somatic embryogenesis and protoplast regeneration system of soybean are introduced in this paper.


Agents of the Company's products urapidil grass for functional health supplies, urapidil grass under the Cyperaceae, the natural growth of herbaceous plants for many years, leaves soft, fibrous dysplasia tenacity.


Observation under Transmission Electron Microscope was carried out and growth curve of E. coli was ploted out. It was indicated that PSPPs might change the permeability of cell membrane, make cell excrescent and inhibit cell division.


The main changes were the downward and backward rotation of the mandible, the retrusion of the lower incisors, the protrusion of the upper incisors.FR-Ⅲ also promotes the growth of maxilla and reaches the normal relationship of the anterior overjet and overbite.


Though the primary stimulator of 1H is not clear, it is related to physical, cell and body fluid IH is a chronic process involving multiple faction injury and blood flowing abnormal are revamped as the main reason, the proliferation level depend on the length and width of the injure of vessel large amount research illustrate injury cause many growth factor infolded in IH, for example: template derived growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, transmission growth factor , endothelin (ET-1) et al, some early responsive gene such as c-fos、c-jun c-myc also take part in SMC proliferation after vessel injury.


During the first two weeks after birth, the growth performances were not significant between the mutant mice and the normal ones, but after that, the mutant mice grew much slower. The differences were significant in the indexes of eyes, lungs, thymuses, and adrenal glands between the genders. At the same time, the differences were significant in the organ indexes, such as lungs, adrenal glands, uterine and testicles between the normal phenotype mutant mice and the abnormal ones. And these two kinds of mice showed different amount of hemoglobin and red blood cell.


Results: B6-Co mice showed higher sterile rate, and significant lower average litter size and survival rate at weaning than the normal B6 mice, but the time interval between deliveries was shorter in the mutant population. During the first two weeks after birth, the growth performances were not significant between the mutant mice and the normal ones, but after that, the mutant mice grew much slower. The differences were significant in the indexes of eyes, lungs, thymuses, and adrenal glands between the genders. At the same time, the differences were significant in the organ indexes, such as lungs, adrenal glands, uterine and testicles between the normal phenotype mutant mice and the abnormal ones. And these two kinds of mice showed different amount of hemoglobin and red blood cell.


Theoretically, re-expression of tumor suppressor genes by demethylating agents may contribute to inhibiting the development of tumor. It has been suggested that DNA hypermethylation results in resistance to chemotherapy and consequently reduces the efficacy of chemotherapeutic treatment.


更多网络解释与异常生长的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fetal abnormalities:胎仔异常

Fertility studies 生育力研究 | Fetal abnormalities 胎仔异常 | Fetal and neonatal parameters 胎仔和仔鼠的生长发育参数


5.1 乙醇(alcohol) 一种典型的致畸药物,将影响生育过程及其后裔. 孕期酗酒的妇女,其后裔的35%~40%发生胎儿乙醇综合征 [16] . 除了生长发育迟缓,还有中枢神经系统异常,如小头畸形、行为异常及智力迟钝,有些病儿可出现特征性的面部形态畸形.




其形成过程,被称为肿瘤形成(neoplasia). 肿瘤细胞具有异常功能、代谢和结构,以及与机体不相协调的过度生长能力和分化不完全等特点. 肿瘤分为良性与恶性两大类. 良性肿瘤生长较慢,具有一定自限性,与周围组织分界明显,危害相对较小;


对OTLF组患者与正常人的胸椎黄韧带中弹力纤维,胶原纤维形态变化进行对比观察;用免疫组织化学方法对OTLF组患者与正常人胸椎黄韧带中转化生长因子β1(TGF2003/10/62001/10/22肿瘤( Neoplasm)细胞生长发育异常增生:细胞数目增加,

arachidonic acid:花生油酸

必须脂肪酸包括:亚麻油酸(linoleic acid)、花生油酸(arachidonic acid)等. 若体内缺乏这些必须脂肪酸,会有抑制生长发育、皮肤毛发异常、再生组织损害、血清及组织脂肪酸异常等影响. 这些必须脂肪酸以植物油脂中的含量较动物性油脂多,


excremental /排泄物的/ | excrementitious /排泄物的/ | excrescence /异常生长/瘤/赘生物/


excrescence 赘生物 | excrescent 异常生长的 | excrescentexpletiveotiosepostichesupernumeraryuncalled-for 多余的


excrescent 异常生长的/多余的/浪费的 | fescennine 下流的 | flavescence 黄白病状


prosopopilar 面毛生长异常的 | prosopoplegic 面瘫的 | prosopopoeia 拟声法