英语人>词典>汉英 : 开始画面 的英文翻译,例句
开始画面 的英文翻译、例句


startup screen
更多网络例句与开始画面相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The formation or abstractness of a painting is not decided from the beginning, but is dependent on the momentary or flash memories and experiences.


So since 2007, Yin Chaoyu began to study out more methods of dividing the picture except the "apparent horizon".


He began to zoom out the close shots, such as in the artworks about airports and flyovers, the unexpected "inserting" of arcs of upper sides of the plane, the car and the flyover in the close shots is not only a fruit of "accidental gain of daydreams", but also the result of the intentional arrangement of the artist, it disturbs the horizontal composition formed by the existence of the "apparent horizon" and compresses the depth of field in great extent so that the picture turns to be more planar


Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not properly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

Click graphic for enlargement About four items down from the top of the Fast Color Corrector, you'll see a little white square with an eye dropper next to it with a label to the left called White Balance. All you need to do to correct the shot that's not pro perly white balanced is to sample something in the shot that is, or is supposed to be, white. What you're doing is telling the software that this is white, correct everything else based on this.

,从上到下基本上由四个方面组成Fast Color Corrector调色器,你会看到一个白色的方块,边上还有一个吸管工具,在左边有一个标签,上面写着White Balance,所有你需要做的就是纠正视频里不恰当的白平衡,只要用吸管工具选择视频画面中的某一点,这一点在你认为原来应该是白色的(或是灰色的,即不偏色区域),这个举动就告诉调色工具你选择的这个区域应该是白色的,对于其他一切的校色都是基于这一步开始的。

From third chapter to seventh chapter , unscrambled detailedly Godard's five films.


In one of his paintings, he sets out his journey from where he lives and witnesses his ups and downs in life. I reckon that he even has practiced his narcism by mirroring the frame on his everyday encounter and mirroring details of life on his painting as well.


This was an attempt to interpret kitsch culture - the serious repercussions of obscurantism start first with the education of children who are baptised flowers of the motherland.


By then scenes of looting, by desperate parents and opportunists alike, were rolling across TV screens, together with images of police lobbing tear gas in response.


In the same direction, the focus on the crowns of their head, then a group portrayed face on to those in profile, a one-child family,in a tondo composition, with father filming and mother and child grouped in harmony, or a swanky duo dressed up to party, The slightly unreal appearance of these standardized groups is intensified by thinly applied colors, where the plastic effect results more from a masterful application of color rather than from a concern with the forms of the body.


更多网络解释与开始画面相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Beginning:开始

有获纽伯瑞奖的作品洛伊丝.洛利>,也有畅销一时的"布莱恩.威尔史密斯(Brian Wildsmith)的图画书>讲述小男孩不意间得到一个鹈鹕蛋,鹈鹕成长的故事,最后的画面是鹈鹕的小宝宝,配字不是"完"(the end),而是"开始"(the beginning).


当歌曲进行到"呼吸"(Breathe)唱到"看一看周围"(look around),画面里的女主角马上一回头; 当小女孩开始跑步,乐队唱到"没人告诉你什么时后跑"(No One Told You When To Run); "天空里的表演"开始时正是影片里龙圈风登场时,


因此即日起所有ABC新闻时段将禁播九一一遭劫持两架班机撞上纽约世贸中心南、北两塔的画面. 除了"美国广播公司"之外,"哥伦比亚广播公司"(CBS)以及"国家广播公司"(NBC),从本周开始则是减少播出世贸中心大楼遭飞机撞毁的画面.

Double Dragon:双截龙

其整体画面风格与元老格斗红白机游戏>(Double Dragon)极其相似. 而今日发布的该视频中描述着新人角色诞生之后的一系列新手任务游戏场面,其画面效果非常可爱小巧. >已在5月30日开始进行最后一次封闭,


18 Absolute Force 黑骑士或守卫部队的主题曲 | 19 The Man of Honor 活动开始,颁奖,任务完成,占领敌人地区时 | 20 Eternally 游戏结束画面,游戏结束背景音乐



The Man of Honor:活动开始,颁奖,任务完成,占领敌人地区时

18 Absolute Force 黑骑士或守卫部队的主题曲 | 19 The Man of Honor 活动开始,颁奖,任务完成,占领敌人地区时 | 20 Eternally 游戏结束画面,游戏结束背景音乐

make a noise:制造噪音

上赛季就有的西语大讲堂又开始了,斯科拉穿着训练装捋着头发,拿着粉笔,在小黑板儿上一本正经地写了起来. 斯科拉先是教大家怎么喊"制造噪音"(make a noise)的西语发音,到第四节斯科拉的画面再次出现时,他又开始教现场球迷如何高喊"防守"(defense).


色指定方面, 画面的gamma值过高, 尤其以summer编最为严重, 整个画面呈现一大片白色. 如果要表示这一段是一千年前的故事, 可以在开始与结束时这麼处理, 或是在边框作喷雾. 让画面过饱和(oversaturation)会让m众的眼睛迅速疲劳.

Rerouted CCTV footage is online:监控系统画面重定位完毕

- Rerouting: - Thank you.|- 开始重定向 - 谢谢 | Rerouted CCTV footage is online.|监控系统画面重定位完毕 | Confirm complete camera tap.|摄像头指向已确认