英语人>词典>汉英 : 开始生育的 的英文翻译,例句
开始生育的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This is the time when the fetus begins to look more baby like and before it moves downward into the birth canal in preparation for birth.


The reasons that a lower-pitched voice gives a man a greater chance of producing many offspring are not clear, but the researchers make several suggestions. Deep-voiced men might have more mates, healthier mates or shorter intervals between births; perhaps they start reproducing at an earlier age.


If the children do not start arriving until later in life, there is less time to reach that ideal number.


In 1991, for example, when the government began offering cash bonuses to couples with more than two children, the newspaper printed tips for having sex in the back seat of a car, including directions to some of the "darkest, most secluded and most romantic spots" for parking. It suggested covering the windows with newspapers for privacy.


Anna Cristina d'Addio, an expert on fertility policy at the OECD in Paris, thinks they will probably have fewer children in total than if they had started earlier, even though more of them now give birth in their 40s.

经合组织巴黎总部的生育政策专家Anna Cristina d'Addio认为,尽管更多妇女年逾四十后已开始生育,但与首次生育年龄较早的情况相比,很可能她们的总体生育数量将减少。

Wild giant pandas generally live for about 20 years, giant panda birth, the body is a flesh-colored, weighing about 100 to 200 g; about 20 days to grow hair; in 3 months or so hair can be long-range a; panda baby at six months of age can begin feeding the; grow to 6,7 years of age have fertility capability.


Work in this area at all levels is increasing and will continue to increase as the generation born after the second world war, called the baby boomers, move into this type of accommodation.


The results indicated: the nitrogen of root,stem and leaf was mainly from soil and fertilizer nitrogen at growth stage,and the nitrogen from root nodule azotification started and increased at later growth...


The results indicated: the nitrogen of root,stem and leaf was mainly from soil and fertilizer nitrogen at growth stage,and the nitrogen from root nodule azotification started and increased at later growth stage.


But with the forward historical evolution, the relationship between marriage and bear has been recognized by the human being and strengthened by the country's power, and the gender foundation of marriage has been regulation zed step by step so that to result to the mythological superstition to the natural characteristics of the gender foundation of marriage.


更多网络解释与开始生育的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

actuate get under way operate run start up treadle:开动

开腰槽于 gain | 开动 actuate get under way operate run start up treadle | 开始生育的 germinant


职场上的女性,只要不是铁了心做丁克的,基本都会面临生育这么一个难题. 怀孕的准妈妈是否要放弃升职或者外派的机会?产假中的妈妈是否会担心工作上的拖延?刚刚生完孩子的妈妈是否要开始寻找工作与孩子之间的平衡? 工作(Career)和孩子(Child)的双C问题到


开设offergoodsorservicesopenforbusiness,etc. | 开始的inaugural | 开始生育的germinant


1960年,赫尔伯特第三次结婚,娶了自己的秘书约翰娜(Johanna)为妻,生育了女儿苏珊娜、克拉腾和儿子斯特凡.科万特(Stefan Quandt). 1977年开始,赫尔伯特又参与了生产电池的Varta集团和制药企业阿尔塔纳公司. 1982年,71岁的赫尔伯特突然去世,


开始生育的germinant | 开始衰老senesce | 开始以前beforethebeginningofsth


germinal /幼芽的/ | germinally /幼芽/ | germinant /发芽的/开始生育的/开端的/


germinally /幼芽/ | germinant /发芽的/开始生育的/开端的/ | germinate /发芽/萌芽/开始发育/成长/使发芽/使发达/


开始的inaugural | 开始生育的germinant | 开始衰老senesce

infralittoral zone:潮下帶

这些植物开始繁茂出现在年平均低潮线附近,至其生育下限的水深20-60来附近,称为潮下带(infralittoral zone)或亚潮间伴生种是植物群落中存在度(presence)和优势度(dominance)大致相等的生长而特定群落间并无联系的限度(fidelity)为二级的种类.

sublittoral zone:亚潮间带

这些植物开始繁茂出现在年平均低潮线附近,至其生育下限的水深20-60来附近,称为潮下带(infralittoral zone)或亚潮间带(sublittoral zone). 这里距离大潮最低低潮线以上的部分称为潮间带下缘(infralittoral frin-ge),但也有把它作为潮间带一部分的.