英语人>词典>汉英 : 开国者 的英文翻译,例句
开国者 的英文翻译、例句


founding father · founding fathers
更多网络例句与开国者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They worried that when fear displaces reason, the result is often irrational hatred and division.


According to this view, the Founding Fathers and original ratifiers have told us how to think but are no longer around to tell us what to think.


According to this view, the Founding Fathers and original ratifiers have told us how to think but are no longer around to tell us what to think.


And so, when we get in a tussle about abortion or flag burning, we appeal to a higher authority—the Founding Fathers and the Constitution's ratifiers—to give us more direction.


And so, when we get in a tussle about abortion or flag burning, we appeal to a higher authority—the Founding Fathers and the Constitution's ratifiers—to give us more direction.


He calls Americans back to the can-do spirit of the nation's founders.


He proved by flying a kite that lightning was electricity, and he invented a rod to tame it. He devised bifocal glasses and clean-burning stoves, charts of the Gulf Stream and theories about the contagious nature of the common cold. He was a pioneer of do-it-yourself civic improvement, launching such schemes as a lending library, volunteer fire corps, insurance association and matching-grant fund raiser. He helped invent America's unique style of homespun humor and philosophical pragmatism. In foreign policy, he created an approach that wove together idealism with balance-of-power realism.


His" post-King "is a clear directional, that is, Ming's Founding Fathers.


更多网络解释与开国者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


founding father 开国者;创立人 | downplay 不予重视 | underscore 划线于...下, 强调;(名词)下划线


reverence n.尊敬 | 同respect, honor, adoration, veneration, worship | The memorial statue was erected in reverence of the founderof the country.该纪念像是为景仰开国者而建立的.

respect, honor, adoration, veneration, worship:同

reverence n.尊敬 | 同respect, honor, adoration, veneration, worship | The memorial statue was erected in reverence of the founderof the country.该纪念像是为景仰开国者而建立的.

the founders:开国者

more than anything 最重要的是,主要地 | the founders 开国者 | hamper 妨碍

Founding father:开国者;创立人

lose sight of 不再看见, 忽略, 忘记 | founding father 开国者;创立人 | downplay 不予重视


根据埃塞俄比亚的传说,其开国者是埃塞俄普斯(Ethiops),他是库什(Kush)的十二个子女之一,库什是含(Ham)的儿子、诺亚的孙子. 另一个传说声称其统治者的血统渊源可以远溯至犹太人的所罗门王和示巴女王的一次偷情,虽然这种传说带有神话性质,