英语人>词典>汉英 : 建筑物多的 的英文翻译,例句
建筑物多的 的英文翻译、例句


更多网络例句与建筑物多的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think there will be more tall buildings .


We will be very glad to see the new buildings go up.


Now , the sight of so many buildings and people completed Prissy s demoralization .


If there are higher water level of ground water,must consider that problem of floatage resistance with relation to sub-sidiary building such as under ground garage etc.,so more and more pulling resistance pile were used in the engineering.


First mostly contraposing hull deck structure it goes along FEA analysis, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different simplifications of the mathematical model, thereinto mostly analyse five different simplifications of the deck model; Second contraposing hold section and hull deck structure it goes along FEA analysis together, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different elements style, gridding number and gridding density, thereinto mostly analyse the difference between adopting 8 node shell element and 4 node shell element, nondense gridding and thick gridding, and numerous gridding number and few gridding number, In the end mostly contraposing hold section structure it goes along FEA analysis, discuss the different influence degree of calculational results between the different boundary conditions, thereinto mostly analyse the difference between adopting CCS boundary conditions and LR boundary conditions.


This paper discusses some problems that have more differences in the standard execution and presents the point that we should properly adjust the project scale and structure grade of the project under construction according to the new standard in order to upgrade the design; analyzes the project classification of the project extension and project to be constructed in phases, and classific...


Saturday's quake was centeredoffshore an estimated 21 miles (34 kilometers) underground in a relatively unpopulated area while Haiti'stectonicmayhem struck closer to the surface -- about 8 miles (13 kilometers)-- and right on the edge of Port-au-Prince.


The crucial defect of this government's white paper was that it proposed to draw boundary lines tightly around the built-up areas of the conurbations, leaving them ''.


The crucial defect of this government's white paper was that it proposed to draw boundary lines tightly around the built-up areas of the conurbations, leaving them no breathing, no catswinging, no developable space.


As we all know, the more points we have, the more can be constructed triangulations, and the city construction's details are show more. But now the point cloud data we collected existence of a large quantity and data redundancy, it would greatly enhance the time cost of the follow-up Grid Construction and other operating.


更多网络解释与建筑物多的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Barrel Vault:筒形拱

筒形拱(Barrel Vault)覆盖平面为长方形的内部空间的拱顶,半圆形,单向的即称筒拱,与筒拱走向平行的两侧墙为承重墙6、罗马叠柱式 为了解决柱式和多层建筑物的矛盾.

Buckingham Palace:宫

虽然"标志"这个词越来越多地用于表示突出的或引人注目的建筑物,但建筑学上的"标志"包含特定的意思. 例如,白宫意味着总统办公室,正如其他的"标志"大房子一样,"白金汉宫"(Buckingham Palace)代表英国君主政治. 在"冷战"期间,克里姆林宫(Kremlin)代表苏联政权.


但有评论指出,自迪拜房地产泡沫爆破,迪拜塔难再成为"成功"(success)象徵,而将沦为"过剩"(excess)标志. 迪拜塔把人类建筑物极限由500多米一下子拉高到逾800米. 由於没有人知道高逾600米的建筑面对的风力到底有多强,


柱廊(COLONNADE) 支撑楣(LINTEL)或檐部(ENTABLATURE)的一排间隔相等的立柱(COLUMNS)(图76、700). 柱楣(POST AND LINTEL) 建筑结构的一种基本体系,即用两根或更多根直立的柱支撑一根水平的楣. 这根楣可能是建筑物的最顶上的部分(图33、34),


一般在建筑物多的地方是30英里/小时;繁华闹市区是40英里/小时;公路上是50英里/小时;高速公路(motorway)上是70英里/小时. 在市区停车的规定非常严格,有专门的交通主管人员检查未经许可的停车.

mural painting:壁画

壁画 壁画(mural painting) 以绘制、雕塑或其他造型手段在天然或人工壁面上制作的画. 作为建筑物的附属部分,它的装饰和美化功能使它成为环境艺术的一个重要方面. 壁画为人类历史上最早的绘画形式之一. 现存史前绘画多为洞窟和摩崖壁画,


为达到排气之环境要求化学洗涤器 (scrubber) ,焚化炉或更多的机械及化学过滤设备必需被应用. 活性碳或高锰酸盐能有效达到化学过滤的要求. (二) 就成本而言 在一些外表特殊的建筑物中,那些增加的设计和设备使用的费用在长期的利益中须作正确的判断.

trimmers:用于铺砌广场及道路的陶瓷砖. 配件砖

用于怃与保护建筑物地面及墙面的由多块小砖拼贴成联的陶瓷砖(也称马赛克). 广场砖 plaza st... | 用于铺砌广场及道路的陶瓷砖. 配件砖 trimmers | 用于铺砌建筑物墙脚、拐角等特殊装修部位的陶瓷砖. 抛光砖 polished t...


built-up | 组合的,建筑物多的,高楼林立的 | buirdly | 粗壮的,强健的,高大结实的 | Buitenzorg | 茂物(音译博果尔)

spreads layers of mortar to serve as base and binder for blocks, using trowels:使用泥铲来铺设多层灰泥作为建筑物的基质和包装

seals foundations with damp... | spreads layers of mortar to serve as base and binder for blocks, using trowels 使用泥铲来铺设多层灰泥作为建筑物的基质和包装 | lays bricks in rows, designs or shapes, sp...