英语人>词典>汉英 : 延安 的英文翻译,例句
延安 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Yanan  ·  Yan'an

更多网络例句与延安相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That is, these particular things in Yenan act on the sense organs of the members of the observation group, evoke sense perceptions and give rise in their brains to many impressions together with a rough sketch of the external relations among these impressions: this is the first stage of cognition.


At that time, there are a lot of garbage inside the air-raid shelter that he find someone to clean up a week before we pack up like a home and are called "Yan'an leisure Pavilion."


January 6, journalists in the pipe near the city South Gate Street, to see the title "Yan'an Leisure Pavilion," air-raid shelter in the ruins of independence in a very eye-catching.


Next, the key word that does not make some of no use namely goes in, resemble above that electron business affairs, space, domain name, yan'an website is built, news, jest, female, talent, yan'an is secondhand net, secondhand, store, download, huang Ye, house property, game, oneiromancy, animation, fortune-telling, picture, mu Ying, the film, dress, learn, literature, the film, bt film downloads, allied, forum, humorous, recreation, short message, diary, leave a message, postcode, map, perpetual calendar, invocatory blessing, train inquiry, civilian service, TV, life net makes station program


Before the Rectification Movement in Yan'an, because the party's literature policy was relatively loose, Din Ling's editing movement rootedness from "Wu-Si"spirit tradition was full of strong criticized -awarness of modern intellectual.


By combating Chang Kuo-tao's Right opportunism, the Pasi and Yenan Meetings (the fight against the Chang Kuo-tao line began at the Pasi Meeting and ended at the Yenan Meeting) succeeded in bringing all the Red forces together and in strengthening the unity of the whole Party for the heroic struggle against Japan.


Taking a view of Yan'An literature deciding by political for a example: the view of Yan'An literature decided by political is result by defects of two view between "literature is reflection of political" and "pure literature". Although it includes some positive features, it's ruddily and judgment feature in theory result in a new ideology.


In the first day or two, they see its topography, streets and houses; they meet many people, attend banquets, evening parties and mass meetings, hear talk of various kinds and read various documents, all these being the phenomena, the separate aspects and the external relations of things.


I could have taken one of the American courier planes which were then still flying to the Communist capital at Yenan, but that cave village had become kind of a tourist center with every foreign correspondent in China hopping over to have a quick look at Mao Tze-tung and Chu Teh, leaders of the Communist party and army, and I had no desire to get mixed up in that circus, fearing it might be very difficult for me to get in close contact with the people, the war or their revolution.


The Yan'an Spirit and the life on the plateau of northern Shensi have made an honest and straight person of him.


更多网络解释与延安相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

case study:个案研究

大多数研究都以"个案研究"(Case Study)的形式出现,但基本结论则又具有宏观的综合性. 这与20世纪90年代至今的整体学术走向是一致的. 例如,阿普特在"话语-权力"(discourseas power)的分析框架下,把"延安时期"看成一个整体的政治符号.


以机票实时查询或者机票北京(BJS) - 锡林浩特(XIL)北京飞锡林浩特机票价格>机票价格请以机票实时查询北京(BJS) - 延安(ENY)北京飞延安机票价格>机票价格请以机票实时查询或者机票北京(BJS) - 迪庆(DIG)北京飞迪庆机票价格

Route Ferguson:武康路 福开森路

长乐路 蒲石路 Rue Bourgeat | 武康路 福开森路 Route Ferguson | 延安中路 福煦路 Avenue Foch

Route Lafayette:复兴中路 辣斐德路

延安中路 福煦路 Avenue Foch | 复兴中路 辣斐德路 Route Lafayette | 吴兴路(淮海中路至衡山路段) 潘兴路 Route Pershing

critical thinking:批评性思维

去听了延安大学政法学院教授武宏志老师的"批评性思维"(Critical Thinking)的讲座,非常精彩!信息量大、新,脉络非常清晰,语言流畅、有趣,用带陕北口味的普通话说出来别有风味儿,古今中外、纵横捭阖,一个半小时不知不觉就过去了!极好!


今天是2009年4月1日 星期三 三月初六 愚人节/全国爱国运动月/税收宣传月 延安(Yanan) 城市标识图片征集天气社区 相关数


YaAn = 四川雅安 | YanAn = 陕西延安 | Yanchi = 宁夏盐池

Yanan ENY:延安

张家界荷花机场 zhangjiajie dyg | 延安 yanan eny | 阜阳 fuyang fig

Yenite; jenite:黑柱石

"Yenan series","延安统" | "Yenite; jenite","黑柱石" | "Yenshan fold belt","燕山褶曲带"

Avenue Foch:延安中路 福煦路

武康路 福开森路 Route Ferguson | 延安中路 福煦路 Avenue Foch | 复兴中路 辣斐德路 Route Lafayette