英语人>词典>汉英 : 序幕的 的英文翻译,例句
序幕的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
prelusive  ·  preludial  ·  preludious

更多网络例句与序幕的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And what's this have to do with the prologue about a Soviet fighter jet crashing some decades earlier?


This marks the Baidu and Nuoji Avignon in the letter cooperation in the field of mobile search officially began.


Perhaps this matter will be closed after awhile or perhaps it's just a curtain raiser


Going back to the prologue of Ecclesiasticus, prefixed to it about 132 BC, we find mentioned "the Law, and the Prophets, and others that have followed them".

回到序幕的ecclesiasticus ,后缀,它大约在公元前132个,我们找到了",并规定了先知,和其他人都跟随他们"。

In the prologue to his commentary of the book, St. Jerome informs us that some understood 'Elqoshite as a patronymic indication:"the son of Elqosh"; he, however, holds the commonly accepted view that the word 'Elqoshite shows that the Prophet was a native of Elqosh.

在他的评注序幕的书,圣杰罗姆告诉我们,有些人理解' Elqoshite作为父表明:"儿子Elqosh ";不过,他认为,普遍接受的观点,即这个词' Elqoshite表明,先知是一个土生土长的Elqosh 。

Accompany " 95 " pull open prelusively, I save macroscopical economy environment to appear likely a few new change, national economy will continue to maintain rapidder growth momentum in smooth fall after a rise.


So it has become the vitalest theme of American realistic literature,which is the prelude to abrogating slave novel,to accuse the brutality of slave system indignantly,sympathize deeply with Negroes in their miserable sufferings,and appreciate highly the Negro spirit of revolt and vindicate "Chocolate Blood" honour.

因此 ,愤怒控诉奴隶制的残暴,深切同情黑奴的悲凄命运,真诚礼赞黑人的觉醒反抗,维护&巧克力血液&的尊严,就成为以废奴小说为序幕的美国现实主义文学最富生命力的主题

For the v, we lost too much. Only for the prelude, we can perform our love more beautifully and touching.


In the late 1990s, when China began to privatise urban housing, the central government ordered that the bulk of new housing projects should be low-cost and restricted to middle- and lower-income families.


A prologue to the "Synopsis" of Athanasius gives his name as Jesus; but this passage is spurious.


更多网络解释与序幕的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

curtain raiser:序幕

curtain off 遮掉 | curtain raiser 序幕 | curtain speech 剧终的幕前演说


preludize 作序言 | prelusive 序幕的 | premarital 结婚前的


preludize /作序言/奏序曲/ | prelusive /前奏曲的/序幕的/序言的/ | premalignant /恶变前的/


prelusive 序幕的 | premarital 结婚前的 | premature delivery 早产


成功的因素分析 对影响因素的一般分析一)横向分析 外部因素 领导者 员工 组织 文化 外部因素、 市场 资源 技术 一般社会环境(二)纵向分析、 LCM矩阵的基本框架一)矩阵的纵轴3个变量是时间因素 简称3P 序幕 (PROLOGUE) 过程(PROCE

FABIAN: To set the scene:来拉开今天的序幕

St. Crispin's Day speech from ''Henry V.''|来自亨利五世在鞋匠之神之日的演讲 | FABIAN: To set the scene--|来拉开今天的序幕 | -Goddamn, Barnes. -l shot the damn ear off.|该死的 我把耳朵打下来了


prelude /序曲/ | preludial /序言的/序幕的/ | preludize /作序言/奏序曲/


preludial /序言的/序幕的/ | preludize /作序言/奏序曲/ | prelusive /前奏曲的/序幕的/序言的/

Fixed bug where one player kicks off with no team mate next to him:固定千年虫而一名球员揭开序幕,没有队友在旁的另外一位

- Fixed advantage being played then pl... | - Fixed bug where one player kicks off with no team mate next to him -固定千年虫而一名球员揭开序幕,没有队友在旁的另外一位 | - Slightly toned down effect on b...

Prelude: Hobbits from the Shire:(序幕-夏尔的霍比特人)

1.Prelude - Hobbits From the Shire(序幕-夏尔的霍比特人) | 2.The Road to Rivendell(瑞文戴尔之路) | 3.The Quest(探索)