英语人>词典>汉英 : 幸运草 的英文翻译,例句
幸运草 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与幸运草相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But I know that is always Clover Clover.


Many years ago, my friend told me about the four-leaved clover.


If you find a four-leaf clover,it will bring happiness.


However, the four-leaf clover is a number of merchants Clover.


A symbol of good luck, the four-leaf clover brings you good fortune, romance, health and wealth.


Yes, for those looking for a four-leaf clover of the country children, four-leaf clover 100% in their four-leaved clover.


Both hands and one Lucky Star, happiness will arrive, attend-a four-leaved clover, happiness infinite zoom!


According to statistic, there just can be one trunk of a tree in 100 thousand individual plant probably 4 part of a historical periods are rough, very rare, so the clover of 4 leaves is regarded as symbolize fortunately, another namer is lucky careless.


A BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, HARD TO FIND and LUCKY TO HAVE.


A BEST FRIEND is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and luck to have .


更多网络解释与幸运草相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Canterbury bell:风铃草

7月10日 风铃草(Canterbury Bell) 花语:感谢 花占卜:你是个知恩图报的人,别人给你的恩惠,你会铭记于心. 但你极度自我,相信自己的感觉,对人有点冷漠,而且很在意别人的缺点,令身边的朋友都不敢轻易走近你,逐渐被孤立. 幸运花:风铃草,桔梗,


六月一日 黄玫瑰(Yellow Rose) 幸运(Good Fortune)我的,九月二十八日 秋麒麟草(Goldenrod) 施舍(Charity)六月二十叁日 仙女


中国花意通鲜花礼品网: 5月幸运花--三叶草5月1日野樱草(立金花,黄花九轮草)(Cowslip)花语﹕青春与愁伤花占卜﹕年轻时曾有一段刻骨铭心的恋爱,最后因了解而分开,令您至今未能忘怀.

four-leaved clover:四叶荷兰翘摇, 幸运草

four-leaf clover 四叶苜蓿草 | four-leaved clover 四叶荷兰翘摇, 幸运草 | fourchette 指叉; 叉骨; 阴唇系带; 蹄之软甲 (名)

Think of the day you found a four-leaved clover:想想那天你找到了一株幸运草

[107:47.17]and how happy we shall be again. 我们... | [107:50.24]Think of the day you found a four-leaved clover 想想那天你找到了一株幸运草 | [107:52.01]and of all the good luck it's going to bring us....


Kaktus仙人掌 | Klee三叶草 | Gluecksklee四叶草(三叶草的变异,象征幸运)


[注:酢浆草(Shamrock)是爱尔兰的国花,为酢浆草科酢浆草属;而苜蓿(Clover)的四叶突变种才是一般所称的幸运草,是豆科苜蓿属,其实是不同的植物. ]"

If you find two four-leaf clovers:如果你找到了两棵幸运草

而且你确实有过同样的经历 And the same thing did | 如果你找到了两棵幸运草 If you find two four-leaf clovers | 就会送一棵给我 You give me one

If you find two four-leaf clovers you give one:如果你找到了两棵幸运草 就会送一棵给我

而且你确实有过同样的经历 And the same thing did | 如果你找到了两棵幸运草 就会送一棵给我 If you find two four-leaf clovers you give one | 如果我找到了四棵 也会送两棵给你 If I find four I give you tw...

Honey and Clover:蜂蜜幸運草

能够在<<蜂蜜幸运草>>(Honey and Clover)电影版演出花本育的角色,苍井优被评为具有透明感的表演魅力. 2001年她在电影处女作<<青春电幻物语>>(All About Lily Chou-Chou)之中,演出一个被迫援交的少女角色,虽然戏份不多,却让人印象深刻.