英语人>词典>汉英 : 并行执行 的英文翻译,例句
并行执行 的英文翻译、例句


collateral execution · concurrent execution
更多网络例句与并行执行相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many embedded systems run autonomously and need to execute many tasks in parallel with specific timing requirements.


To prediting the parallel execution time of the parallel program that is composed of a number of sub-tasks, each of which has identically, independent distributed random execution time, this paper presents the parallel execution time predicting method which is based on the Johnson distribution.


The method can be used not only for predicting the maximum or minimum parallel execution time, but also for solving any problem about the maximum or minimum of identically, indentical distributed random variables.


A thread is a sequence of instructions that can be executed in parallel with other threads .


For pioneering contributions to the theory and practice of optimizing compiler techniques that laid the foundation for modern optimizing compilers and automatic parallel execution.


Therefore, this approach is well suited for parallel computation on a parallel computer or system.


Workflow executive service The workflow executive service is a core of a workflow system, and it only supports sequent execution and parallel execution of activities.


After packing the parallel executable tasks in the task graph, the PEPs are generated in which the communication and synchronization primitives are inserted automatically.


Through statical analysis of the data dependency between subgoals, combined with the analysis results of the characteristic of parallel execution and the impacts of side-effects, the intelligent backtracking points with conditions can be found in precompiling time. At run time, the intelligent backtracking points for failed goals can be determined by variable testing and run state testing. Using intelligent backtracking scheme, a lot of redundant backtracking can be avoided and the execution efficiency of programs is improved.


Array privatization is one of the most effective loop transformations for the exploitation of parallelism. This transformation technique privatizes arrays according to the information of the data dependence analysis, which eliminates the memory-related dependences, i.e. anti and output dependences, to make the loop execute parallel.


更多网络解释与并行执行相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

collateral execution:并行执行

391collate copies自动分页 | 392collateral execution并行执行 | 393color bits颜色位


同步化不仅造成程式缓慢, 并且丧失了 并行(concurrency)的可能. 请采用「单物件多锁」技术以允许更多并行.实践51:在单一操作(single operation)中锁定所有用到的objects 同步化某一函式, 并不一定就会使其成为「执行绪安全」的函式码.

concurrent computer:并行计算机

concurrent 并发的 | concurrent computer 并行计算机 | concurrent execution 并行执行

concurrent operation:并行操作

concurrent execution 并行执行 | concurrent operation 并行操作 | concurrent process 并行进程

parallel computer:并行计算机

如下所示,设和是两个子公式,把表达式并行计算机(parallel computer)是能够同时执行多个操作的计算机. 用并行计算机解某些问题可能会比用顺序计算机(sequential computer)快得多,后者每次只能做一个操作. 在实践中,两者之间的差别有点模糊不清,

parallel processing:并行计算

HPC Cluster是一种并行计算(Parallel Processing)集群的实现方法. 并行计算是指将一个应用程序分割成多块可以并行执行的部分并指定到多个处理器上执行的方法. 为了满足哪些"计算能力饥渴"的科学计算任务,并行计算集群的方法被引入到计算机界.


迅驰实现了节能与性能的平衡,英特尔还以"并行性"(parallelism)为基础,开发了一种微处理器架构--让双核或多核或单个微处理单元在同一芯片上执行任务. 这种架构能够在主频和温度更低的情况下执行更多任务. 欧德宁已放弃了英特尔"双重管理"(two in a box)的传统,

instruction pipelining:指令流水线

现代CPU一般都支持指令流水线(instruction pipelining)和预测性执行(speculative execution). 通过将一条指令拆分为多个可以并行执行的阶段,CPU的一个执行核心可以在一个时钟周期内处理多条指令;通过预先将后面的指令读进CPU执行,

with respect to:有关

它显示了有关(with respect to)时间的3个任务的执行模式. 任务名用颜色标注出来,写在左手边. 时间从左到右增加,相应的颜色的线条显示该任务在某个特殊时间正在执行. 上面的图 演示的是用户所觉察到的并行执行模式,下面的图是实际的多任务执行模式.


这可以下面的示意图来描述(depicted). 它显示了有关(with respect to)时间的3个任务的执行模式. 任务名用颜色标注出来,写在左手边. 时间从左到右增加,相应的颜色的线条显示该任务在某个特殊时间正在执行. 上面的图演示的是用户所觉察到的并行执行模式,