英语人>词典>汉英 : 年所得 的英文翻译,例句
年所得 的英文翻译、例句


annual earnings
更多网络例句与年所得相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Rather, this almost 600% increase has been achieved through large gains in National Indemnity's traditional liability areas plus the starting of new companies (Cornhusker Casualty Company in 1970, Lakeland Fire and Casualty Company in 1971, Texas United Insurance Company in 1972, The Insurance Company of Iowa in 1973, and Kansas Fire and Casualty Company in late 1977), the purchase for cash of other insurance companies (Home and Automobile Insurance Company in 1971, Kerkling Reinsurance Corporation, now named Central Fire and Casualty Company, in 1976, and Cypress Insurance Company at yearend 1977), and finally through the marketing of additional products, most significantly reinsurance, within the National Indemnity Company corporate structure.

相反地,这600%的成长几乎都是来自于国家产险本身的传统业务的稳定成长再加上新创立的公司(包含1970年的 Cornhusker 产险、1971年的 Lakeland 火险、1972年的德州联合保险、1973年的爱荷华保险及1977年的堪萨斯火险公司等),以购并方式买下的(1971年的家庭与汽车保险、1976年现已更名为中央火险的 Kerkling 再保险以及1977年的赛普路斯保险公司),以及最后透过行销新业务-主要以国家保险名下进行的再保险业务所得。

In the early years of its nationhood, Botswana was one of the poorest countries in the world, with a per capita income of about $80 a year.


A: Because China has adopted the comprehensive declaration method under the schedular tax system, as long as taxes have been withheld or paid in full by an individual when obtaining the income, he/she does not need to pay more taxes but needs to submit the Individual Income Tax Declaration Form (applicable to taxpayers with annual income of Over RMB120,000) and a copy of ID card according to the requirements when declaring taxes at the end of a year.


The soldiery also received large donatives, which often amounted to serveral year's pay, on an irregular basis.


Shall a taxpayer bear legal responsibility if he/she does not declare taxes truthfully in order to pay no tax or underpay the tax?


Article 14 The income from interest fruited by savings deposit before October 31, 1999 shall be exempted from individual income tax, where the income of interest is fruited by the savings deposit after December 1, 1999, individual income tax shall be collected according to these Measures.


First, the social insurance system of Taiwan stills has the function of redistributing people's income.


The soldiery also received large donatives, which often amounted to serveral year's pay, on an irregular basis.


With the west of China exploiting and the economic development west-going,the text will discuss the thinking of the opportunity、chanllenge and development of the economic and trade cooperation between Sichuan and Pakistan.


Each of Healthspan?s Pycnogenol tablets contain 30mg of pine bark extract, derived from trees that have been cultivated over a period of 30-50 years, and grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides in the expansive natural forest of Les Landes in south-west France.


更多网络解释与年所得相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Capital expenditure:资本开支

由1973年第8号第8条修订)"资本开支"(capital expenditure)─"入息"(income) 就任何人而言,指该人所得并享有实益的入息;"共同入息总额"(joint total income) 指按照第42A条计算后所得的共同入息总额;"个人"(individual) 指任何选择或已选择根据本部课税的人;

GDP gross domestic product:国内生产毛额

这主要是因为,经济成长率主要是指一国国内生产毛额(GDP Gross Domestic Product)的年成长率,而在GDP的计算中,不论是从一国的商品生产总值;或者从生产所得的分配面(生产商品所创造的利息、地租、企业利润之所得分配);又或者由商品最终支出面来计算国内生产毛额,

national income:国民所得

但重要的不是口头争论而是实际执行,专栏作家 Samuel Brittan 坦言,他认为目前政府及舆论界仍太墨守国民所得(National Income) 的概念,而国民所得不仅是以年来计算的平均值,而且可能忽略其他重要讯息,例如 2007 年年初国际主流预测都认为经济成长仍处在黄金期当中,

per capita income:个人平均所得

这是第二次世界大战以后出现的新名次,是指一个国家或者经济社会,在一定的时期中(通常为一年)全部生产的最后财务与劳务的市场总值. 也就是一个国家的生产能力和竞争力,关系国家的经实力. 国民平均生产总额越高,相对的,个人平均所得(per capita income)也高

to draw a blank:一無所得成語英美片語成語

5487一朝被蛇咬十年怕草繩成語中國成語Once bitten, twice shy. | 5488一無所長;毫無用處成語英美片語成語to be good for nothing | 5489一無所得成語英美片語成語to draw a blank

Hoover feuded with the CIA for decades:胡佛与中情局对抗了几十年

33. a savage feud over drugs money.因争夺毒品所得的黑钱引起的残酷争斗. | 34. Hoover feuded with the CIA for decades.胡佛与中情局对抗了几十年. | 38. a feud between two families 两个家族之间的世仇


所谓勤劳所得,是指工资(wages)、薪水(salaries)、小费(tips)等挣(earn)来的收入,而租金、利息、股利等收入,不属于勤劳所得. 从60年代后期开始,美国对避税行为开始限制,于1969年通过了最低限度税负(minimum tax)的法规. 在这项规定下,


亚当斯于1965年提出:员工的激励程度来源于对自己和参照对象(Referents)的报酬和投入的比例的主观比较感觉. 公平理论认为,人能否受到激励,不但受到他们得到了什么而定,还要受到他们所得与别人所得是否公平而定. 这种理论的心理学依据,

tax year:纳税年度

第十一条 纳税人发生年度亏损的,可以用下一纳税年度(Tax year)的所得弥补;下一纳税年度(Tax year)的所得不足弥补的,可以逐年延续弥补,但是延续弥补期最长不得超过五年.

the Internal Revenue Service:国税局

美国国税局(The Internal Revenue Service)对长期资本所得征收所得税的税率给与优惠. 这里,长期资本所得指的是一年以上拥有资产的增值. 我国证券市场是个新兴的发展中的市场,规范化程度不高,市场具有较强的投机性. 这样的背景下,长期投资还没有成为股票市场的主流,