英语人>词典>汉英 : 平价汇率 的英文翻译,例句
平价汇率 的英文翻译、例句


par of exchange · par exchange rate · par rate of exchange
更多网络例句与平价汇率相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Similarly when use purchasing computation Renminbi balanced exchange rate, the exchange rate base period choice appears extremely importantly.


Which leads to exchange parity of money as the basis of market exchange rate.


This correlation is known as the Balassa-Samuelson effect (Bergin et al., 2004) and shows that China's PPP exchange rate is not unusual given its level of economic development.

这种关联被称为巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应(亚斯等。, 2004 )表明,中国的购买力平价汇率是不寻常由于其经济发展水平。

And even if the parity is abandoned, high rates may still be needed to escape an "inflation-depreciation spiral".


The concerned international organization such as world bank announced the GDP of world each country that calculates by law of purchasing power par and exchange rate law and GDP of average per capita, and the difference of these two kinds of data is bigger.


In this paper,the interest rate parity theory is introduced and its .


According to Meese's exchange rate model in 1986, in this paper, we modified Meese's (1986) model and suppose the Interest Rate Parity is untenable, the risk premium factor and real exchange rate parameter are considered, and the Purchasing Power parity doesn't follow random walk, we derive our modified equilibrium model. Base on the State Space Model, we try to estimate bubbles and risk premium which are unobservable variables by Kalman Filter to test which one is or both are the main factors that to cause the real assets price biased from the market fundamental price.

本文是以Meese(1986)所决定的汇率模型为基础,但Messe一文并未讨论到风险溢酬的问题,故本文为了克服此一缺憾,而假设未抛捕的利率平价说(uncovered interest parity,UIP)不成立,以加入风险溢酬因子,且更进一步假设偏离购买力平价理论(purchasing power parity,PPP)不服从随机漫步,若如此则顺利将实质汇率变数纳入於模型中,重新建立均衡汇率模型,为了验证本文所创立的模型,实证方法以状态空间模型为基础,运用卡门滤波器递回法来估计不可观察的变数,以观察台湾的外汇市场上是因泡沫现象还是风险溢酬造成资产价格偏离市场基要价值或是两者皆是造成实际资产价格偏离市场机要价格的因素。

The economist Menzie Chinn, using purchasing power parity exchange rates, reckoned the renminbi's undervaluation to be 40%. But, after the World Bank revised China's GDP in PPP terms downward by 40%, that undervaluation disappeared. Nick Lardy and Morris Goldstein suggest that the renminbi was probably undervalued only by 12-16% at the end of 2008. And Yang Yao of Beijing University has put the misalignment at less than 10%.


In economics, purchasing power parity is an estimate of the exchange rate required to equalise the purchasing power of different currencies, given the prices of goods and services in the countries concerned.


And Hong Kong businessmen will find that taxi drivers in the border boomtowns – who long ago adopted exchange rate parity – demand more Hong Kong dollars for their renminbi-denominated fares.


更多网络解释与平价汇率相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at par:平价

如果一种货币的远期汇率高于即期汇率,则称为"升水"(At Premium);如果远期汇率低于即期汇率,则称为"贴水"( At Discount);如果两者持平,则称为"平价"(At Par).

mint par:铸币平价

A.官方确定的价格 B.铸币平价(Mint Par)C.市场汇率 D.黄金输送点(Gold Transport Points)11.如投资者以950美元市价买进面值为1000美元的债券,息票利率为6 %,尚有10年才到期.

par of exchange:外汇行市;平价汇率

par 同等,等价;平均;标准 | par of exchange 外汇行市;平价汇率 | parabasalt 普通玄武岩

arbitrated par of exchange:裁定外汇平价,比例外汇平价

arbitrated loan 裁定借款 | arbitrated par of exchange 裁定外汇平价,比例外汇平价 | arbitrated rate of exchange 比例外汇汇率,裁定汇兑比例价

par value:平价

经第二次修订的>除赋予成员国选择汇率制度的自由外,还在>第4条第4款和附录C中规定了恢复外汇平价(Par Value)制度的程序和基本要求,从而使未来在国际货币关系中建立外汇平价制度成为某种可能.

purchasing power parity:购买力平价理论

购买力平价理论(purchasing power parity)指出,货币汇率应该按照每个国家之间的相对物价为标准,也就是说,两个货币的汇率应该等于这两个国家的物价水平(以一固定揽子的货物和服务来计算)的比例.

par rate of exchange:平价汇率

-- par issue -- 平价发行 -- | -- par rate of exchange -- 平价汇率 -- | -- par value -- 票面价值,平价 --

Arbitrated rate of exchange:比例外汇汇率,裁定汇兑比例价

arbitrated par of exchange 裁定外汇平价,比例外汇平价 | arbitrated rate of exchange 比例外汇汇率,裁定汇兑比例价 | arbitration 裁定,仲裁,判优法

arbitrated par of exchange:裁定外汇平价,比例外汇平价

arbitrated loan ==> 裁定借款 | arbitrated par of exchange ==> 裁定外汇平价,比例外汇平价 | arbitrated rate of exchange ==> 比例外汇汇率,裁定汇兑比例价

par issue:平价发行

-- Par -- 与票面价值相等的 -- | -- par issue -- 平价发行 -- | -- par rate of exchange -- 平价汇率 --