英语人>词典>汉英 : 帽章 的英文翻译,例句
帽章 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cockade  ·  cocarde

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The Battle of the Boyne had been fought more than a hundred years before, but, to the O'Haras and their neighbours, it might have been yesterday when their hopes and their dreams, as well as their lands and wealth, went off in the same cloud of dust that enveloped a frightened and fleeting Stuart prince, leaving William of Orange and his hated troops with their orange cockades to cut down the Irish adherents of the Stuarts.


English cavalry soldiers in ceremonial capes and white-cockaded helmets sit their mounts before the Horse Guards building in central London.


Nbsp; Frenchmen, unworthy of the name, emigrants whom we have pardoned, have mounted the white cockade and joined the enemy.


A white metal straight-winged spread eagle and swastika emblem was pinned to the front of the crown; below it on the band was a white metal oak leaf wreath surrounding a raised, painted metal cockade.


Grouping.Grouping is acharacteristic of dermatitis herpetiformis,herpes simplex,herpes zoster,and late syphilitic eruptions.Small lesions arranged around alarge one are said to be in acorymbose arrangement.Concentric annular lesions are typical of borderline leprosy and erythema multiforme.These are sometimes said to be in acockade pattern,like the tricolor cockade hats worn by French revolutionists.Flea and other arthropod bites are usually grouped and linear(breakfast-lunch-and-dinner sign).Grouped lesions of various sizes may be termed agminated.


Grouping.Grouping is acharacteristic of dermatitis herpetiformis,herpes simplex,herpes zoster,and late syphilitic eruptions.Small lesions arranged around alarge one are said to be in acorymbose arrangement.Concentric annular lesions are typical of borderline leprosy and erythema multiforme.These are sometimes said to be in acockade pattern,like the tricolor cockade hats worn by French revolutionists.Flea and other arthropod bites are usually grouped and linear(breakfast-lunch-and-dinner sign).Grouped lesions of various sizes may be termed agminated.


English cavalry soldiers in ceremonial capes and white-cockaded helmets sit their mounts before the Horse Guards building in central London.


更多网络解释与帽章相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




cockade /帽章/ | cockaigne /安乐乡/蓬莱岛/伦敦/ | cockaleekie /韭菜鸡肉汤/

Cockaigne:(想象中的)安乐乡, 伦敦及其近郊

cockade | 帽章 | Cockaigne | (想象中的)安乐乡, 伦敦及其近郊 | cockalorum | 小公鸡, 自负的人(尤指自命不凡的小人物)


cock-up || 错误,一团糟 | cockabully || (新西兰产)淡水钝鼻小鱼 | cockade || 帽章


cock-and-hen 包括男女的 | cock-of-the-rock 动冠伞鸟 | cockade 帽章