英语人>词典>汉英 : 常识 的英文翻译,例句
常识 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

common knowledge · common sense · common-sense · general knowledge
更多网络例句与常识相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In his first period works as if you go through a violence and fearful world, that also according to the prevalent style of writing in the pioneer literature age at that time. He abandoned the common sense and building a widely different world from the common sense experience, we take effort to his brimless tribulation in his novels and research into his core of his described topic, to analyze the factor of violence in his works, at the same time affirm this expression, it also describe the nonplus to this expression.


It is certain that different groups of people have different psychological commonsense.


Human psychological commonsense is a special kind of commonsense related to human psychological phe...


Do not imagine that mathematics is hard and crabbed and repulsive to common sense, it is merely the etherealization of common sense.


In essence, the study of lying in this dissertation extracts its theoretical nutrition from interactionism and ethnomethodology. It is in the context of post-positivism. It shows endeavor to find and break common sense, and it is also the reflection to "sociological crisis".


With one stroke, the Egyptian pharaohs are thus cleared of millennia of libelous charges.


The door was so low that he hit his head on the lintel.


There are two issues which have to be elaborated again: in the first place, according to their own experience in their environment, an effective experience will be regarded as a correct understanding, for the time being, it can not be considered to be an effective understanding, because the activities must rely on common sense. But common sense is often a result of collective consciousness and the mutual influence in our social environment. Second, after the people having grasped what is "reality", they also will have expectations beyond their conditions. They need a certain neglectfulness, neglecting their own responses, ignoring the "general" statements and rules that follow common sense.


Apoptotic cells have immunogenicity,and may be the major source of autoantigens in lupus BXSB mice.Lupus genetic factors and Yaa gene can potentiate the immunogenicity of apoptotic cells or accelerate their inducing the lupus nephritis. Apoptosis; Mice,BXSB; Lupus erythematosus,systemic


The politics teaching material in senior middle school is Common Sense of Economics, Common Sense of Philos...


更多网络解释与常识相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be devoid of common sense:缺乏常识

rainy season: 雨季 | be devoid of common sense 缺乏常识 | born表示"天生的、与生俱来的".

There's a few things you don't get from book learning:你博览群书却没学到某些常识

...and I got patio furniture in my living room.|我的客厅里摆着庭院椅 | There's a few things you don't get from book learning.|你博览群书却没学到某些常识 | Well, what can you swing?|好吧,你有什么?

come into one's own:得到应得的;名副其实;设法被人常识

Suddenly an idea came into his mind. 突然一个想法出现在他的脑海里. | come into one's own得到应得的;名副其实;设法被人常识: | Hale didn't come into own. 黑尔没有得到他应得的荣誉.

common knowledge:常识

第91条证明责任(Burden of proof)和举证(1)法院认定为普遍常识(common knowledge)的事实,勿需证明. (2)生效民事判决确定的事实,相同诉讼当事人在其他民事案件中不得提出异议,参加有关诉讼的第三人(a third party)亦不得提出异议.

it is common knowledge:是常识

It is good news that.........是好消息 | it is common knowledge.........是常识 | (2) It is+过去分词十从句:


commons 平民 | commonsense 具有常识的 | commonsensible 常识


commonsense 具有常识的 | commonsensible 常识的 | commonweal 公益


commonsensible | 常识的 | commonsensical | 明白事理的,有基本常识的 | commonstorage area | 公用存储区

folk psychology:常识心理学

这种理论认为,我们关于心灵的常识信念是由一种低级的"常识心理学"(folk psychology)构成的,但成熟的认知科学或大脑神经科学很可能表明,常识心理学中的大部分内容是错误的,这样,我们就不再有理由相信,我们在常识心理学中所假定的信念、欲望等心灵状态是存在的.

Confusable"English common sense:我这还有一些易混的"英语常识

我这还有一些易混的"英语常识"Confusable"English common sense" | horse sense 常识(不是"马的感觉") | white coal 水(不是"白色的煤")