英语人>词典>汉英 : 常在误差 的英文翻译,例句
常在误差 的英文翻译、例句


constant error
更多网络例句与常在误差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then the FLUENT software was used to simulate the amphibious vehicle' ambient flow field through defining the unsteady boundary condition. The lift, resistance, velocity, pressure, and wave of the amphibious vehicle moving in the regular waves were obtained, which can avoid the errors resulted from neglecting the free surface and provides theoretic basis for the research on optimization design of high performance amphibious vehicle.


In Chapter 2, starting from the basic fractional ordinary differential equations,weapply a high order approximation of fractional derivative advanced by Lubich to frac-tional differential equation, construct a high numerical difference scheme to solve thefractional differential equation, present error analysis of the algorithms theoretically,and prove the consistency ,convergency and stability.


Among used machine learning methods, the gradient descent method is widely used to train various classifiers, such as Back-propagation neural network and linear text classifier. However, the gradient descent method is easily trapped into a local minimum and slowly converges. Thus, this study presents a gradient forecasting search method based on prediction methods to enhance the performance of the gradient descent method in order to develop a more efficient and precise machine learning method for Web mining.However, a prediction method with few sample data items and precise forecasting ability is a key issue to the gradient forecasting search method. Applying statistic-based prediction methods to implement GFSM is unsuitable because they require a large number of data items to model a prediction model. In the contrast with statistic-based prediction methods, GM(1,1) grey prediction model does not need a large number of data items to build a prediction model, and it has low computational load. However, the original GM(1,1) grey prediction model uses a mathematical hypothesis and approximation to transform a continuous differential equation into a discrete difference equation in order to model a forecasting model.

其中梯度法是一个最常被使用来实现机器学习的方法之一,然而梯度法具有学习速度慢以及容易陷入局部最佳解的缺点,因此,本研究提出一个梯度预测搜寻法则(gradient forecasting search method, GFSM)来改善传统梯度法的缺点,用来提升一些以梯度学习法则为基础的分类器在资讯探勘上的效率与正确性;而一个所需资料量少、计算复杂度低且精确的预测模型是梯度预测搜寻法能否有效进行最佳解搜寻之关键因素,传统统计为基础之预测方法的缺点是需要较大量的数据进行预测,因此计算复杂度高,灰色预测模型具有建模资料少且计算复杂度低等优点,然而灰色预测理论以连续之微分方程式为基础,并且透过一些数学上的假设与近似,将连续之微分方程式转换成离散之差分方程式来对离散型资料进行建模及预测,这样的作法不尽合理,且缺乏数学理论上的完备性,因为在转换过程中已经造成建模上的误差,且建模过程仅考虑相邻的两个资料点关系,无法正确反应数列未来的变化趋势。

Also the problems of stochastic controllability, observability and stability of the filter are studied, a simple observability criterion for the time-invariant systems is set up, error band of the filtering is given theoretically, and the filtering stability results are proved under more general conditions; besides, the filtering error caused by uncorrect mathematical models is analysed.


In Chapter 4, we consider more complex fractional nonlinear differential equation,also using the high order approximation presented by Lubich to construct correspond-ing numerical scheme and giving the error analysis of the algorithms.


Methods and results We assume the carotid arterial wall is the elastic material so we can use the Hooke's law to analyze it. The experiment is based on the use of ultrasound B-mode imaging technique and the off-line image analysis. Elastic tube phantom experiments demonstrated the validity of the technique, providing the size of the tube within 3% of the actual values. The system was also tested in the common carotid arteries of 10 healthy males (age 23.6 y). According to the experimental result, it shows that our index is less variant than Peterson's elastic modulus. The results of and are and respectively.

根据橡皮管的体外实验结果,利用超音波以及影像分析所得到的橡皮管尺寸,与实际尺寸间的误差只有3%,而使用超音波 B-mode 量测颈动脉的实验结果显示,在把颈动脉当作完全弹性体的假设下,所得到的 CIMT 硬度指标,於十位平均年龄为23.6岁的年轻健康男性中,结果与过去文献中常使用的 Peterson's elastic modulus 相比较,结果显示容易受到不同受试者间,不同的生理状态之影响,而在考虑受试者的 IMT 变化情况下,比能够反映更多的受试者颈动脉材料性质,因此得到了较为稳定的实验结果。

But in the numerical calculation process, such as numerical differentiation, if we use these numerical methods inadequately, then it may be induced non necessary numerical error, including round off and truncation error.


In this paper,based on an improved orthogonal expansion in an clement , using the new idea of Ref.[3] ,a new error expression of n-degree Hermite finite element approximation to one-dimensional 4-degrec 2-point bounded problem and 2-degree ordinary differential problem, and then optimal order superconvergence for their first derivatives is obtained.


The RANS governing equation and RNG κ-ε turbulence model were used, and the flow fields at different relative positions between blade and volute tongue in a centrifugal pump were simulated by using finite volume method, under the hypothesis of steady flow.


Without measuring the relative angles between objects, the validity of traffic accident on-site sketch is often challenged. In Taiwan, two common measuring methods for drawing a traffic accident on-site sketch: one is trilateration method, and another one is offset method. Both methods have their limits.


更多网络解释与常在误差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


对于像LTE和WiMAX当中的正交频分复用(OFDM)信号,本振(LO)的相位噪声叠加在n个副载波上的. 这里的相位噪声有两个效果:(1)所有副载波的随机相位旋转常称为公共相位误差(CPE);(2)载频间干扰(ICI)是由给定的副载波被n-1个相邻的带有噪声的副载波恶化而产生的.