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帕加 的英文翻译、例句


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The constant efforts of Horacio Pagani and his team shows once again how art and engineering can be combined in the Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster.


Scott Pagano is a filmmaker, motion designer and spatial reconstructionist.

Scott帕加诺是一个导演,动作设计和空间reconstructionist 。

As filmmaker, motion designer, and spatial reconstructionist, Scott Pagano creates moving image content utilizing shards of architecture, disfunction, and futurism.

作为导演,动作设计,和空间reconstructionist ,斯科特帕加诺创建活动影像内容利用碎片的结构,功能不全,以及未来。

Arroyo's government saw the "correct" positioning of the Philippines on the "war on terror" as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get rid of Muslim separatism, especially in strategic Mindanao - located close to Indonesia and critical checkpoints in the Strait of Malacca, Sunda, Lombok and Makassar, areas through which at least 40% of Japanese and ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) trade transits.


Pagani it may be argued, does not need advertising to sell the Zonda R or any other car for that matter.


The Pagani Zonda is a supercar produced by Pagani in Italy.


If you think you know very much about cars Quemo heard of Pagani Pagani Zonda S, Do not sad, because that is Ferrari, Lamborghini from the same hometown - Italy.

若你自认为很懂车却没听过帕加尼Pagani Zonda S,千万别难过,因为这个与法拉利、兰博基尼来自同一故乡—意大利。

As if a Pagani Zonda on its own wasn't enough exclusivity, an English customer by the name of Peter Saywell had himself this exclusive example specially designed.


Here at Luxist we write a lot about the world's most expensive cars. Now the London Telegraph has compiled a list of the world's most expensive car wrecks, following Jackie Stewart's trashing of a Pagani Zonda supercar in Scotland , which my colleague Noah Joseph reported on last week.


All weight reduction measures adopted by Pagani to improve driving pleasure, performance and emission of the Zonda Cinque have found use in the Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster as well.


更多网络解释与帕加相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Galapagos Penguin:加島環企鵝

加拉帕戈斯群岛上居住的加岛环企鹅(Galapagos Penguin)开始直接受到全球变暖的影响而死亡. 根据2005年达尔文科研站的报告指出,加拉帕戈斯群岛水域的营养物由于厄尔尼诺现象不断减少,有可能致使加拉帕戈斯企鹅的灭亡.

Apple-Frangipane Galette:苹果弗兰吉帕加莱特

* Apple-Quince Tarte Tatin *苹果坎斯塔尔特塔坦 | * Apple-Frangipane Galette *苹果弗兰吉帕加莱特 | * Apple-Red Wine Tart *苹果红葡萄酒挞

Helga Hufflepuff:赫尔加 赫奇帕奇

25.赫尔加 赫奇帕奇 赫尔加赫奇帕奇 赫尔加 赫奇帕奇(Helga Hufflepuff): HUFFLEPUFF,源于英文 HUFF 和 : PUFF.两个词都和吹气有关,其中 HUFF 作为名词还有怒气冲冲的意思,而赫奇帕 奇学院的象征是 Badger(獾) , Badger 作为动词还有纠缠不休,


Pandav Falls 潘达夫瀑布 | Papago 帕帕格 | Pergamum 帕加

Paloma Picasso:帕洛玛毕加索

其中尤以帕洛玛.毕加索(Paloma Picasso)设计的Crown of Hearts 限量版手表为不二选择. 与此同时,帕洛玛.毕加索(Paloma Picasso)设计的20克拉宝石吊坠及耳坠也同步亮相. 帕洛玛.毕加索向来以时尚的大颗彩色宝石设计而闻名.

Paga Conta:帕加康塔

Pag 帕格 | Paga Conta 帕加康塔 | Pagai Is. 帕遘s島

grana padano:帕加诺奶酪

Prosciutto di Parma帕尔玛火腿, | Grana Padano帕加诺奶酪, | Pruneau d'Agen - Pruneaux d'Agen mi-cuits阿让李子干




印加版图继续扩大1493年 第11位印加王瓦伊纳.卡帕克(Huayna Capac)继位1525年 第12位印加王瓦斯卡(Huascar)继位1532年4月 瓦斯卡与阿塔瓦尔帕(Atahualpa)在库斯科附近激战,阿塔瓦尔帕夺取了王位,

DIP Diapaga,Upper Volta:上沃尔特,贾帕加

DIL Dilly,Portuguese Timor 葡属帝汶,帝力 | DIP Diapaga,Upper Volta 上沃尔特,贾帕加 | DIR Dire Dawa,Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚,迪雷达瓦