英语人>词典>汉英 : 布鲁姆 的英文翻译,例句
布鲁姆 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与布鲁姆相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Which is why, when Brum Omtar, a farmer who lived outside the village, came running into town, he went straight to her for help.


As Brum's Farm came into view through the thick trees of the Cheydinhal forest, Tyadara realized that Brum had in fact not been exaggerating at all, for his house was completely demolished, even the foundations barely recognizable amidst the pulverized dust.


CBBS is an implementation in C++ of the Blum Blum Shub pseudorandom number generator.

CBBS是实现在C ++(不布鲁姆布鲁姆夏布的伪随机数生成的MFC)。

Bloom's recapitulation of Strauss's other conundrum—the status of modern natural right—is even more fundamental to his entire enterprise.


Swashbuckler Orlando Bloom and Aussie girlfriend Miranda Kerr, splashing around in the Canary Islands on a vacation from Bloom's two-year break between films, hit the Gran Hotel Residencia's pool over the weekend.


In 2003, Brad is back in a blockbuster, Troy, where he played alongside Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom and Diane Kruger.


James' control. I have a great fondness for Bloomsbury and found the St.


None of Pakistan's 8000ers (K2, Nanga Parbat, Broad Peak, GI, and GII) have been summited in winter. In Nepal, only Makalu still remains unclimbed during the cold season.

据MountEverest.net 10日报道,到目前为止人类未曾成功在冬季登顶巴基斯坦境内的任何一座八千米以上的高峰(乔戈里峰,南迦帕尔巴特峰,布特阿特峰,迦舒布鲁姆Ⅰ峰及迦舒布鲁姆II峰),同时还有尼泊尔境内的马卡鲁峰。

MountEverest.net None of Pakistan's 8000ers (K2, Nanga Parbat, Broad Peak, GI, and GII) have been summited in winter. In Nepal, only Makalu still remains unclimbed during the cold season.

据MountEverest.net 10日报道,到目前为止人类未曾成功在冬季登顶巴基斯坦境内的任何一座八千米以上的高峰(乔戈里峰,南迦帕尔巴特峰,布特阿特峰,迦舒布鲁姆Ⅰ峰及迦舒布鲁姆II峰),同时还有尼泊尔境内的马卡鲁峰。

It also includes the introduction of Harold Bloom and his works, the relation between Harold Bloom and his deconstruction father Jacques Derrida and the deconstructionist criticism – antithetical criticism.


更多网络解释与布鲁姆相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Orlando Bloom:奥兰多.布鲁姆

也许很多人熟悉米兰达可儿是由于她是一线男星"精灵王子"奥兰多 布鲁姆(Orlando Bloom)的女友,两人拍拖近3年来非常甜蜜,是广受关注的一对金童玉女. 实在,现在的米兰达可儿已经可以成为一名超级名模,她经常出现在全球各大时尚杂志中,

Orlando Bloom:主演:奥兰多.布鲁姆

近几个月,她与>的主演奥兰多-布鲁姆(Orlando Bloom)经常在一起,还与自己在影片>中的联合主演艾伦-艾克哈特(Aaron Eckhart)有过一段感情.

Len Blum:编剧:莱恩.布鲁姆

凯瑞.柯克帕特里克 Karey Kirkpatrick | 编剧:莱恩.布鲁姆 Len Blum | 配音:布鲁斯.威利斯 Bruce Willis

Blum measure:布鲁姆测度

"蓝紫","bluish Purple" | "布鲁姆测度","Blum measure" | "大错误","blunder"


"布鲁诺"机器人--2008年11月20日,在德国达姆施塔特举办的第三届国家IT技术峰会上,德国总理默克尔正与一个名为"布鲁诺"(Bruno)的机器人握手拍照. 该机器人由达姆施塔特技术大学开发.

Penelope Cruz:佩勒洛普.克鲁兹

好莱坞大明星奥兰多-布鲁姆(Orlando Bloom)传出姐弟恋消息,对象是新片<<加勒比友人透露,奥兰多-布鲁姆去年与女友凯特-伯斯沃斯(Kate Bosworth)分手,以及月前遭到佩勒洛普-克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz)抛弃后,尼奥梅-哈里斯都扮演"倾听大姐

Pierce Brosnan:演 员:皮尔斯.布鲁斯南

皮尔斯.布鲁斯南(Pierce Brosnan) 吕塞特.安东尼(Lysette Anthony) 伊恩.哈特(Ian Hart) 肖恩.布鲁斯南(Sean Brosnan) 吉姆.克拉克(Jim Clark) 詹姆斯.弗莱恩(James Frain) 马丁.格雷斯(Martin Grace) 戴米恩.刘易斯(Damian Lewis) 地区 美国 语言 英语 剧情简介 一个英国水手遇船难漂流到一个无人的荒岛上,

Willie the Weeper:布鲁姆,马蒂/梅尔罗斯,沃尔特/莱玛尔,格兰特:悲叹者威利

14: 瑞德曼,唐:听我对你说Squeeze Me 3:20 | 布鲁姆,马蒂/梅尔罗斯,沃尔特/莱玛尔,格兰特:悲叹者威利Willie the Weeper | 15: 喧闹的低级爵士乐勃鲁斯Willie the Wee.... 3:13

Brome grass:布鲁姆草

2010 石茂高粱 Johnson grass | 2011 布鲁姆草 Brome grass | 2012 种植的黑麦花粉 Cultivated rye


Braintree Town 布伦特里 | Bromley 布鲁姆利 | Cambridge City 剑桥城