英语人>词典>汉英 : 布什政府 的英文翻译,例句
布什政府 的英文翻译、例句


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The Bush administration says Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are being placed in a government conservatorship with new executive leadership.


In a government conservatorship with new executive leadership.


Patrice McDermott, director of Open the Government, a watchdog group, told IPS, The federal government under the Bush administration has shown its commitment to secrecy by where it has put its money — more no-bid contracts, fewer government employees processing FOIA requests, less on training on classification issues, and almost 200 dollars spent on keeping secrets to every dollar allocated to open them.

"博士帕特里斯麦克德莫特,主任公开政府,监察组,告诉IPS ",美国联邦政府下,布什政府已表明其承诺保密的地方,它已经把它的钱-更没有投标合同,较少的政府雇员处理foia 的要求,减少对训练的分类问题,和近200美元,用在保密的每一个美元分配给打开它们。

Until last year, the eastern countries swallowed their misgivings about George Bush, while the west of the continent writhed in distaste at what many saw as his administration's incompetence and heavy-handedness.


The Obama Administration is unswayed, pointing out that the Bush Administration had intervened with government loans by the time the new team arrived.


Further more, numerous American advocated rearming Taiwan.


The report, after all, demolishes the approach that Mr Bush has taken to national security since September 11th 2001—sidelining grand ideas about democratisation and emphasising negotiation with powers that Mr Bush has demonised as untouchables.


Wade, I issued executive orders ending the Reagan-Bush ban on fetal-tissue research; abolishing the so-called Mexico City rule, which prohibited federal aid to international planning agencies that were in any way involved in abortions; and reversing the Bush gag rule barring abortion counseling at family planning clinics that receive federal funds.


Clinton and his advisers are following the same well-trod path as the Bush administration, which threatened sanctions against the Community last year and walked away from GATT negotiations rather than sign an agreement that would provide only small gains for U.S.


Joseph Cirincione, head of the Ploughshares Fund and a leading advocate for disarmament, said that while the new policy was a 'compromise document,' it was a major shift from the Bush administration, which sought to widen the uses of nuclear weapons.


更多网络解释与布什政府相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

comptroller general:主计长

市场这只调节经济的无形之手对于无节制的政府花费也将无能为力. 近来布什政府的一些官员也开始毫无顾忌地批评赤字增长过快. 美国会计总署(GAO)主计长(Comptroller General)大卫.沃克 (David Walker)应该是在公开场合对预算赤字显得最悲观的政府官员.


英文日报>(Dawn)的总编辑说,美国要巴基斯坦的新政府听从它的指挥,没有那么便宜的事. 另一家>(News)则发表社论,题目是("Hands Off Please, Uncle Sam"). 看来布什政府需要改变一下态度,

Great Depression:大危机

他说:"当年经济大危机(Great Depression)留下的一个持久的历史教训就是,全球性贸易保护主义只能最终导致全球性经济衰败". 在布什政府执政以前,在亚太经合组织21个成员国中,美国只与3个国家签订有自由贸易协定. 在布什政府执政八年期间,

Eric Schmidt:博士

()布什政府近日要求Google公司提供其用户的个人信息,这一举动立即遭到了公司总裁埃里克.施密特博士(Eric Schmidt)的强烈反对. 施密特博士表示,他将坚决抵制政府的无理要求. 美国民主党在中期选举中的胜利给正处于低潮期的英国工党提了一个醒--策划至关重要.

George Bush:乔治?布什

在布什即将卸任之际,这个极其意外的事件再次让人们重拾那个讨论已久的问题:乔治 布什(George Bush)真的是美国历史上最糟糕的总 ...水门事件(Watergate Affair)指美国共和党政府在1972年总统竞选运动中的非法活动暴露后的政治丑闻.



Islamic radicalism:伊斯兰激进主义

对伊斯兰武装势力也没有使用"伊斯兰激进主义(Islamic radicalism)"这一措辞,而是改用"暴力性极端主义(violent extremism)". 在布什政府时期经常被使用的"恐怖主义(terroris)"一词在奥巴马政府的使用频率大幅降低. 面对这样的变化,


这并不是要"收缩"(shrink)公立学校,而是相反,要在实质上"扩展"(expand)公立学校. 这一新思想曾经为布什政府所采用. 布什在1992年1 月的哥伦比亚演讲中阐明到,"无论一所学校是由私人教育者、宗教组织还是地方政府所开办,

The Cabinet:(内阁)

政府责任署(GAO),国会预算局(CBO),等.行政当局以美国总统(U.S.President)为首,也以总统为名,比如现在就是布什政府(Bush Administration).行政当局有两名选举官员,总统和副总统,美国的内阁(The Cabinet)由行政部长及总统指定官员组成,

Eric Schmidt:博士

(<卫报>)布什政府近日要求Google公司提供其用户的个人信息,这一举动立即遭到了公司总裁埃里克.施密特博士(Eric Schmidt)的强烈反对. 施密特博士表示,他将坚决抵制政府的无理要求. 美国民主党在中期选举中的胜利给正处于低潮期的英国工党提了一个醒--策划至关重要.