英语人>词典>汉英 : 市场分割 的英文翻译,例句
市场分割 的英文翻译、例句


market segmentation
更多网络例句与市场分割相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese government and academia pay more and more attention to this problem.


The dualistic organ to divide cities –the reasons of systems, that is, the census registering system to divide urban and rural areas; city-bias financial system; the inequality of political rights between urban and rural areas; the inequality of the distribution to social resources; the division of unsymmetrical markets between urban and rural areas; the system of burgage and the abuse to the system of peasant-labors.


This paper first summarizes the existing western economic explanations on corporate diversification, such as scope economy theory, resource-based theory, defense hypothesis, market power theory, transaction cost theory, internal capital market theory, coinsurance hypothesis, and agency theory. Then according to the situation in China, the paper discusses another explanation proposed by domestic scholars, i.e.


Traditional theory focused on how to explain the characters of the term structure, which can be divided into three orientations– expectations theory, segmentation theory and liquidity preference theory.


The Forming Mechanism of Market Segmentation and Institutional Arrangement to Unify China's Markets.


Article basis the circumstance of Chinese stock market, defined market segmentation.


The Chinese market has presented the market segmentation phenomenon of the certain degree. And it has hindered the development of market economy.


In addition, human capital also does not play an import role between trade and output per capita.


The precondition and key point to solve the problems occurred in the labor market in the Yangtze River Delta is to repair the adjustment function of the market system, that is the competition system, the price system, the supply and demand system and etc., to the labor market, clamp down those census registration administration system and relative labor system which have a character of discriminational color and identity difference, dredge the labor force circulation channel, eliminate the systematic system caused by the segmentation of the labor market step by step and set up an unified and more flexible labor market.


The causes are unreasonable ownership structure effects on corporate in completely changing system, too much attention paid to planned management rather than market mechanism, the unreasonably divided securities, shortage of the corporate seceding system, imperfect rules and immature market subject.


更多网络解释与市场分割相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

domestic market fragmentation:地区市场分割

修正碎裂函数:Modified Fragmentation Function | 地区市场分割:domestic market fragmentation | 升阶:degree elevation

Labor Market Segmentation:劳动力市场分割

根据劳动力市场分割(Labor Market Segmentation)理论,劳动力市场可区分为普通劳动力市场、职业劳动力市场和内部劳动力市场三种. 第一'种又被称为二级劳动力市场,后两者被称为一级劳动力市场. 二级劳动力市场不要求任何特殊的知识技术和严格的准人条件;

Labor Market Segmentation:市场分割

根据劳动力市场分割(Labor Market Segmentation)理论,劳动力市场可区分为普通劳动力市场、职业劳动力市场和内部劳动力市场三种. 第一'种又被称为二级劳动力市场,后两者被称为一级劳动力市场. 二级劳动力市场不要求任何特殊的知识技术和严格的准人条件;

Labour Market Segmentation:劳动力市场分割

劳动市场制度:labour market institution | 劳动力市场分割:Labour Market Segmentation | 农民工劳动力市场:Labour Market of Peasant workers

labour market institution:劳动市场制度

Labour Market相关词的翻译: | 劳动市场制度:labour market institution | 劳动力市场分割:Labour Market Segmentation

market niche:小摊位;专业市场的一个小部分

undifferentiated marketing 无差异性营销策略 | market niche 小摊位;专业市场的一个小部分 | market segmentation 市场划分,市场分割

market segmentation:市场分割

我国当前由体制性扭曲导致国内市场扭曲的突出表现形式为国内市场分割(market segmentation),国内市场一体化程度差. 国内市场分割又可以分为所有制偏好的制度性分割和地方保护主义的地方市场分割. 所有制偏好的制度性分割是指的由计划体制遗留下来的,


树立对企业有利的形象报道,消除或减缓对企业不利的形象报道; 7.探查(Probe)即探索,就是市场调研,通过调研了解市场对某种产品的需求状况如何,有什么更具体的要求; 8.分割(Partition)即市场细分的过程.

market segment:市场分割

收益管理(Revenue Management)是一种谋求收入最大化的新经营管理技术,它针对顾客的不同需求和对价格的敏感程度进行市场分割(Market Segment). 从本质上讲,收益管理就是采用一定的机制和策略使得有限的供给能够和变化的市场需求达到一个平衡,


第二个步骤是"分割"(partitioning),即把市场分成若干部分. 每一个市场上都有各种不同的人,人们有许多不同的生活方式. 有些顾客要买汽车,有的要买机床,有的希望质量高,有的希望服务好,有的希望价格低. 分割的含义就是要区分不同类型的买主,