英语人>词典>汉英 : 巴哈教的 的英文翻译,例句
巴哈教的 的英文翻译、例句


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The Babi and Baha'i Religion: From Messianic Shi'ism to a World Religion.


Earlier this year, residents of a small town in Egypt burned down four homes that belonged to followers of the Bahai faith.


The Bahai Faith considers Jesus to be one of many "Manifestations" of God, with both human and divine stations.


"Being a Bahai has transformed me," she admits.


Buddhism, the Taoism, Catholicism, Christianity, the Islam and Bahai Faith, are the Aomen main several kind of religions.


Members of Egypt's 2,000-strong Bahai community, for instance, have found they cannot state their religion on the national identity cards that all Egyptians are obliged to produce to secure such things as driver's licences, bank accounts, social insurance and state schooling.


Confucianism and Bahaism,both initiated in the East,are facing the subject of modernization now.Having inherited from Confucianism the humanistic spirit and social ideal,the newly founded Bahaism has finished its convert from a traditional religion to a modernized one.

论文关键词儒学/巴哈伊/人文精神/现代化Confucianism Bahai Humanistic spirit Modernization,论文来源海南大学学报:社科版,论文单位海口,点击次数 10,论文页数 57~63页1998年1998月论文网 http://www.lw23.com/paper_103961971/产生于东方的儒学和巴哈伊教,在当今都面临着现代化的问题。

Thirty-one plans were presented, reflecting representation by virtually all of the world's independent religions: the Baha'i Faith, Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, and Sikhism.


Harry, you must have misheard Professor Sinistra,says Hermione on page 300 of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Europa's covered in ice, not mice!


By the 1990s Bahá'ís were developing programs for systematic consolidation on a large scale, and the early 21st century saw large influxes of new adherents around the world.


更多网络解释与巴哈教的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bahai:巴哈教徒 <单词词性>巴哈教的

never come to anything 彻底失败, 毫无成效 | Bahai 巴哈教徒 巴哈教的 | recuse 要求撤换


Bahaism | 大同教, 一种穆斯林教派 | bahaist | 巴哈派信徒(的) | bahama white wood | 白木

never come to anything:彻底失败, 毫无成效

spencite [矿]褐硅硼钇矿 | never come to anything 彻底失败, 毫无成效 | Bahai 巴哈教徒 巴哈教的


Bahaism || 大同教, 一种穆斯林教派 | bahaist || 巴哈派信徒(的) | bahama white wood || 白木