英语人>词典>汉英 : 已获得的 的英文翻译,例句
已获得的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In order to determine the revenue earned during the year, the adjusting entry to transfer $1 from the advance on service revenue account would be


The integrity of the data acquired in these systems depends on all parts of the analog signal path shown here.


The EU would have a crisis of confidence and the likely result would be that other powers it has acquired, on everything from immigration to social policy, would come into question.


Code C identifies a derived quantity and would usually be associated with an OM6 segment.

代码 C 识别已获得的数量,它通常结合 OM6 段。

In this paper,by the University has been the chemical knowledge of the potassium dichromate has no mercury titration experiment, given the conditions and the determination of reliable analytical methods.


Success may go to one's head but the stomach is where it gets in its worst work.


They're sunk unless they've got the ability and heart to match.


The single micronucleus and multi-micronucleus were observed at the interphase. The chromosome aberrational cells including chromosome fragment, lagging chromosome, chromosome bridge and circular chromosome were found during the mitosis. RAPD analysis of seedling genomic DNA variation in M 2 generation of three mutants showed their DNA sequences had changed. The result confirmed that the implantation of 7Li +3 ions could induce genetic mutation in wheat.

对幼苗根尖细胞学研究观察,获得单桥、双桥、桥断裂、落后染色体、三级、断片和微核等畸变类型;对已获得的小麦突变株,分别进行M2 代DNA分子的RAPD分析,结果发现DNA均发生变异,证明7Li+ 3 注入通过内靶核反应能够诱发小麦在分子水平上产生遗传变异。

This age is consistent with the available Sm-Nd isochron age with the error limits.


Today on 20th August 2007, he has been granted bail by Supreme Court 今天就2007年8月20日,他已获准保释,由最高法院 The bail has been granted on the basis that he was on the bail anyhow from '93 till 2007 and since the case is under supreme court, he can be granted conditional bail.


更多网络解释与已获得的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

acquire vt.1:取得,获得 2.学到

questionnaire n.(作统计或调查用的)问卷,征求意见表 | acquire vt.1.取得,获得 2.学到 | acquired a.已获得的, 已成习惯的, 后天通过自己的努力得到的

Acquired immunity:后天免疫性

acquire 获得 | acquired immunity 后天免疫性 | acquired 已获得的


acquired immunity 后天免疫性 | acquired 已获得的 | acquirement 取得


acquired 已获得的 | acquirement 取得 | acquisition 获得

Babette's Feast:芭贝特的盛宴

芭贝特幸运地获得了法国巨额彩金,她为了回报这对好心的姊妹,特别为她们及村民准备了一场丰富的晚餐,并且唤醒了大家心中尘封已久的对美好事物的渴望 影片评价 >(Babette's Feast)是一部宛若小人书般精致的电影.

be able to do something:与can的区别

plain n. 平原 | Be able to do something 与can的区别 | (1) be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can则强调自身已具有的能力. 如:


在这一意义上,文化被广泛认为涉及"有教养的"(cultured)人们所从事的"优雅的"消遣. 在人文科学中,"文化"这一词语已获得了广泛的传播,用来指"使一种特定的生活方式显得与种不同"的符号(symbols)的创造与使用,无论这种生活方式的是属于"一个民族的,

error analysis:错误分析法

传统的错误分析法(error analysis)依据语言形式,对语言错误作了分门别类:一是形成系统前的错误(Pre-systematic errors)这类语言错误的产生是由于学生尚未意识到某些语言规则的存在,其语言表达只是从已获得的语言素材中去收集一些手段应付,

Success may go to one's head but the stomach is where it gets in its worst work:成功会令人冲昏脑筋也未可知,但胃口[欲望]却是它[已获得的成功]永远填不满的地方

Tawdry a. 价廉而花哨... | Sth. go to one's head被... | Success m...


最高学历: 本科+学士(BA/BS) 计算机能力: 其它(Other)英语水平: 其它(Others) 汉语普通话: 二级甲等(Band-2 Grade A)已获得的职称: 见习期 (Novitiate) 已取得的教师资格证: 未选择证书