英语人>词典>汉英 : 差强人意 的英文翻译,例句
差强人意 的英文翻译、例句


just passable · barely satisfactory
更多网络例句与差强人意相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be sure you record the date each time you make any entry.Journals do not have to be expensive or fancy. Some people find a loose-leaf [17] or spiral [18] notebook adequate [19], or a daily log [20] book. Others prefer to purchase a journal from a stationery [21] store, or use a computer. Try several different ways before you find one that works best for you. What matters most is that you record your times with the Lord.


In that, Asia's failure was just as big as that of the EU in the Balkans.


Verbs often need special treatment, as for example bivouac (from french, and before that probably from swiss german) which needs a k in the past tense (bivouacked,not bivouaced which might be mispronounced), and ski where the past form skied is not really satisfactory, and ski'd was once popular as an alternative.in this dictionary extensive help is given with these and other difficulties of inflection.

动词往往需要特殊对待,如bivouac(源自法语,更早时可能源自瑞士德语)的过去时需要增加一个k (bivouacked 而不是bivouaced,后者可能导致错误发音), ski的过去时skied 差强人意, ski'd 作为其替代形式曾流行一时。对于诸如此类以及其他屈折变化方面的困难,本词典中提供了广泛的帮助。

Verbs often need special treatment, as for example bivouac (from french, and before that probably from swiss german) which needs a k in the past tense (bivouacked, not bivouaced which might be mispronounced), and ski where the past form skied is not really satisfactory, and ski'd was once popular as an alternative.

动词往往需要特殊对待,如bivouac(源自法语,更早时可能源自瑞士德语)的过去时需要增加一个k (bivouacked 而不是bivouaced,后者可能导致错误发音), ski的过去时skied 差强人意, ski'd 作为其替代形式曾流行一时。

Weekly rail carloadings for all traffic, as reported by U.S. Class I railroads, have not found any momentum since 2009 started, performing well behind recent levels.


Reflection on the Excessive Complanation in Current DesignSun Ting Currently many domestic designs fail to respect reality......


Even a contortionist could not make Mr Brown's electioneering position on spending fit the budget arithmetic of his own chancellor, the heavily-eyebrowed Alistair Darling. In April he set out a strategy, of sorts, for plugging the gaping hole in the public finances.


At the moment, the world's pandemic-alert system is distressingly secretive.


SEO foreground is good, the process is drab, income is goodish, it is tremendous that energy is used up.


And is oneself website goodish however?


更多网络解释与差强人意相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Millennium Actress:千年女优

与>(perfect blue)、>(Millennium Actress)等片子相比,今敏没有突破,依旧保持原水准. >尽管在动漫题材上很有新意,但是片子中对梦境深层意识的表达差强人意,本应该渗透潜意识的画面被梦境的无意识狂欢所代替,

adequately: adv.1:适当地,胜任地 2.足够地 3.勉强够地,差强人意地

replicate: v.复制,摹写 | adequately: adv.1.适当地,胜任地 2.足够地 3.勉强够地,差强人意地 | fastidious: a.爱挑剔的,过分讲究的

Charlie Bartlett:麻煩人物

本周末一共大范围首映了四部影片,除了上面提到的两部,分别还有>(WITLESS PROTECTION)和>(Charlie Bartlett),这两部影片的票房成绩实在是差强人意.

The Bodyguard:终级保镖

45岁的惠特尼休斯顿曾于80年代与90年代红极一时,靠着1992年上映的电影>(The Bodyguard)主题曲 ...>发片首周销售成绩差强人意,仅排到告示牌(Billboard)排行榜Billboard 200第九名.


领跑基金多为"铁公鸡" 债券(bonds)型基金成分红主股市风云变幻的2009年已经临近年底,基金也累积了不同程度可分配收益,不过从目前看,今年以来分红次数较多的反而是收益差强人意的债券(Bonds)型基金,相反,


goodbye /再见/!/再会/告辞/告别/告别辞/ | goodish /尚好的/差强人意的/颇的/ | goodliness /美丽/美貌/美好/


goodish 尚好的 | goodish 差强人意的 | goodlooking 姿色


goodish /尚好的/差强人意的/颇的/ | goodliness /美丽/美貌/美好/ | goodlooking /标致的/漂亮的/貌美的/潇洒的/美貌的/美貌/



just passable:差强人意

臭味相投 a meeting of minds | 差强人意 just passable | 沉鱼落雁 describe a woman who is extremely beautiful