英语人>词典>汉英 : 差别待遇 的英文翻译,例句
差别待遇 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
discriminate  ·  discriminated  ·  discriminates

differentiated treatment
更多网络例句与差别待遇相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The present WTO agreements consist of approximately 150 articles related to special and differential treatment, and these articles fall roughly into three categories'.(1) articles aimed at giving more trading opportunities to developing members;(2) articles demanded a guaranty of developing countries' interests;(3) a kind of flexibility applied to developing countries in promise-making, action-taking and policy-implementation;(4) to permit developing countries to have a more flexible time-table;(5) to provide technical assistance and capability building-up to developing countries;(6) to exercise a more favorable treatment to the least developed countries.


The third explanation is associated with employee stereotypes and is often termed stat is tical d is crimination.


Treating suppliers differentially or discriminatingly by raising unreasonable requirements


To give d, ifferent or discriminative treatment to suppliers by means of unreasonable terms and conditions


Applying dissimilar prices or other transaction terms to trading parties with equal standing


Vi apply dissimilar prices or other transaction terms to equivalent counterparties


Unjust or poor treatment; ill-usage.


Hey! I have been in the US for quite a LONG time and one thing I have learned by heart is EQUAL RIGHT, EQUAL TREATMENT. So, if you come to San Francisco, you automatically get a price too. Same as moonflower's, no preferential treatment.

喂! 我在美国已经很长的时间了,我所铭记在心的一件事就是平等权,一视同仁,因此,如果你来到旧金山,你也可以自动得到一个奖品,跟moonflower一样的,没有差别待遇

This appears to penalise the holder of rights and discriminate against small breeders.


This paper analyses the National Treatment of foreign investment on the base of jurisprudence as the followings: The legal value of National Treatment is to secure non-discrimination and farsightedness, to create a relatively fair play field for the residenter and the foreigner in order to realize the liberalization of trade and investment.


更多网络解释与差别待遇相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

disguised credit sale:变相信贷销售

discrimination差别待遇 | disguised credit sale变相信贷销售 | disguised purchaser of the leased asset经过伪装的租赁资产买入人(指融资租赁的承租人)


说起"种族歧视",在美国,"差别待遇"(discrimination)固然不可,按种族辨别也是敏感区,可能会被认为是"racism". 说句老实话,人和人其实是不一样的.


差别待遇 discrimination | 禁治产 Disfranchisement | 不受理判决 dismissal judgment

export subsidy:出口补贴

在农产品贸易方面,关贸总协定给予了农业贸易差别待遇(Special and Differential Treatment,SDT),允许各国在农产品贸易上采取数量限制(Quantity Restrict)、出口补贴(Export Subsidy)以及国内支持(Domestic Support)等措施.

first-degree discrimination:一级差别待遇

first-come-first-served 先着優先 | first-degree discrimination 一级差别待遇 | first-fit method 首次满足法


defamatory 诽谤的 | minatory 威胁的,恫吓的 | discriminatory 歧视的,差别待遇

Express mail special:特快传递

糖浆 Syrup | 特快传递 Express mail special | 特殊差别待遇 Special and differential treatment

Import Surtax:进口附加税

按照差别待遇和特定的实施情况,关税可分为进口附加税,差价税,特 惠税和普遍优惠制 进口附加税(Import Surtax)进口国家对进口商品,除了征收一般进 进口附加税 口税以外,还往往根据某种目的再加征进口税.这种进口国家对进口商 品征收正常进口关税以外,

unjustified deviation:不当偏航

不公差别待遇 unjust discrimination | 不当偏航 unjustified deviation | 不知条款 unknown clause


discriminate 差别待遇 | discriminately 有差别地 | discriminating 识别的