英语人>词典>汉英 : 差不多地 的英文翻译,例句
差不多地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与差不多地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Still learning now, the plan learn almost, begin the mobile phone of a website to inquire attributively, the function such as train schedule inquiry comes true.


I had a Mind once to try if he had any hankering Inclination to his own Country again, and having learn'd him English so well that he could answer me almost any Questions, I ask'd him whether the Nation that he belong'd to never conquer'd in Battle, at which he smil'd; and said; yes, yes, we always fight the better; that is, he meant always get the better in Fight; and so we began the following Discourse: You always fight the better said I, How came you to be taken Prisoner then, Friday?


A village which began almost at the park gates, and trailed in utter hopeless ugliness for a long and gruesome mile: houses, rows of wretched, small, begrimed, brick houses, with black slate roofs for lids, sharp angles and wilful, blank dreariness.


The moment Mr. Cha were going, he said brokenly in his last breath:" To live or to die, it's the s…s…sa…same,everything is not s…s…s…so bad, th…th…that's O.K. Wh…Why we ought to be too…too canny?"


But he did not see Mrs Bolton come to the window and draw back the old curtain of dark-blue silk, and stand herself in the dark room, looking out on the half-dark of the approaching day, looking for the longed-for dawn, waiting, waiting for Clifford to be really reassured that it was daybreak.


Certainly have not suffered loss, Li is a former British Hong Kong government is one of Li Ka-shing is indeed business Wizards, in the case of real estate are constantly rising had considered restructuring and the transfer of assets, has bought some foreign quality assets, telecommunications companies such as Germany orange shares, the New Jersey ports, the Panama Canal shares, and Hong Kong Cyberport aggressively into the building, will tentacles stretching the transformation and upgrading of telecommunications, Li Ka-shing is the only person in his fox, and many people are of the view that is Li and the former British Hong Kong government to give them weaving a better future, a beautiful dream, and Tung took office play his body more healthy, more destructive power of the strong characteristics of this beautiful dream hit a smash, this is one is caught, the onlookers-to the real estate collapse of the responsibility of all to Mr Tung who is totally unjustified, Although Mr Tung to the mainland, Beijing has followed some acts are in the eyes of some people, but to objectively evaluate, Dong is a honest kind of person, he is inadvertently let Tianzao point that the arrival and the day is certainly coming, the night time, the more devastating losses, Originally, the intention is that Mr Tung real estate prices trend eased, and then the case now almost Shanghai, prices every quarter on a 20% increase, almost all Hong Kong people have been crazy, and just opened a new development, the stage has long been ranked team to effectively alleviate this situation, the new SAR government changed in the past starvation effect of land supply policy, a substantial increase in the level of land supply in order to stabilize high land prices, while the Yuen Long, New Territories into the new City of mass construction, the expansion of public housing, housing construction plan (equivalent to our low-cost housing, economic applicable housing), if no major accident These measures should ensure that real estate to landing, but nobody thought that 98 years of financial turmoil, Hong Kong dollar devaluation Suoluosiming gambling, but the call foul silent do real estate, stock market doing transactions, the use diversionary tactics tactical let him return home with a full load, although the SAR government have been successfully defend the Hong Kong dollar does not depreciate, but the housing market and stock market watch.


I thank the gods for giving me such a brother, who was able by his moral character to rouse me to vigilance over myself, and who, at the same time, pleased me by his respect and affection; that my children have not been stupid nor deformed in body; that I did not make more proficiency in rhetoric, poetry, and the other studies, in which I should perhaps have been completely engaged, if I had seen that I was making progress in them; that I made haste to place those who brought me up in the station of honour, which they seemed to desire, without putting them off with hope of my doing it some time after, because they were then still young; that I knew Apollonius, Rusticus, Maximus; that I received clear and frequent impressions about living according to nature, and what kind of a life that is, so that, so far as depended on the gods, and their gifts, and help, and inspirations, nothing hindered me from forthwith living according to nature, though I still fall short of it through my own fault, and through not observing the admonitions of the gods, and, I may almost say, their direct instructions; that my body has held out so long in such a kind of life; that I never touched either Benedicta or Theodotus, and that, after having fallen into amatory passions, I was cured; and, though I was often out of humour with Rusticus, I never did anything of which I had occasion to repent; that, though it was my mother's fate to die young, she spent the last years of her life with me; that, whenever I wished to help any man in his need, or on any other occasion, I was never told that I had not the means of doing it; and that to myself the same necessity never happened, to receive anything from another; that I have such a wife, so obedient, and so affectionate, and so simple; that I had abundance of good masters for my children; and that remedies have been shown to me by dreams, both others, and against bloodspitting and giddiness...; and that, when I had an inclination to philosophy, I did not fall into the hands of any sophist, and that I did not waste my time on writers of histories, or in the resolution of syllogisms, or occupy myself about the investigation of appearances in the heavens; for all these things require the help of the gods and fortune.


There was no sound save the noise, the faint shuffling noise from Stacks Gate colliery, that never ceased working: and there were hardly any lights, save the brilliant electric rows at the works. The world lay darkly and fumily sleeping.


When the infant had taken its fill the young mother sat it upright in her lap, and looking into the far distance dandled it with a gloomy indifference that was almost dislike; then all of a sudden she fell to violently kissing it some dozens of times, as if she could never leave off, the child crying at the vehemence of an onset which strangely combined passionateness with contempt.


In Dublin next arrived, I thought it such a pity,To be so soon deprived, A view of that fine city.Then I took a stroll, All among the quality,My bundle it was stole, In a neat locality;Something crossed my mind, Then I looked behind;No bundle could I find, Upon my stick a wobblin'.Enquirin' for the rogue, They said my Connacht brogue,Wasn't much in vogue, On the rocky road to Dublin.One, two, three, four, fiveHunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road and all the way to Dublin, whack-fol-la-de-da!

在欢乐地五月,偶从家中出发离开了身边的女孩向我亲爱的父亲告别我吻了1下亲爱的妈妈喝一品脱啤酒我悲痛得差不多窒息泪流个不停我要离开家乡去收割玉米离开了我出生的地方我折了株黑木手杖驱除鬼魂和精灵我穿着一双新皮鞋卡嗒卡嗒地跨过沼泽惊走野狗在通往都柏林的石径上一二三四五抓只野兔吃沿着这一条满是石子的路我要去都柏林 Whack-fol-lol-de-ra。

更多网络解释与差不多地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as good as new:几乎是新的

as good as 几乎,差不多 | as good as new 几乎是新的 | for good 永久地,永远地

or rather:毋宁说;更确切地说

or else 否则;要不然 | or rather 毋宁说;更确切地说 | or so 大约,差不多

or so:大约,差不多

or rather 毋宁说;更确切地说 | or so 大约,差不多 | other than 除...之外;不同于;非


practically /实际地/实用地/事实上/差不多/几乎/ | practicalness /实际/实用/应用/ | practiced /熟练的/熟练/


51. virtually:差不多地,事实上,实际上 | realistically:写实地,逼真地 | practically: 几乎,实事求是地

soft spot:软点

平时各自忙,工作,各自更大强度的感情探险出航事件之间--他的软点(soft spot)是韩国美女--一起看戏说话吃饭,愉悦地,没有强度或是负担地. 差不多认识了五年,混了三四年后,一种类似亲人的温暖出现--一次他说了句关于彼此友谊的什么话,


tolerable /可容忍的/可以的/相当的/不错/可容忍/ | tolerableness /可容忍/尚可/ | tolerably /可容忍地/差不多地/相当地/


tolerabletolerableness 可容忍 | tolerably 差不多地 | tolerably 可容忍地


tolerableness /可容忍/尚可/ | tolerably /可容忍地/差不多地/相当地/ | toleragen /耐受原/


游走球(Bludger)正如上面所说,比赛中有两个,它们是黑色的,铁制的. 它们直径为十英寸,比鬼飞球小一点. 游走球追击离它们最近的飞天扫帚上的魁地奇球员. 金色飞贼(Snitch)我个人认为它是魁地奇比赛中最重要的球,与核桃大小差不多金属球,