英语人>词典>汉英 : 工伤事故 的英文翻译,例句
工伤事故 的英文翻译、例句


industrial accident
更多网络例句与工伤事故相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He had his two fingers cut off in an accident at work.


Paul had a terrible accident at work and both of his ears were ripped off.


Ken's illness resulted from an accident at work.


Money pay to the family of someone who dies in an accident at work.


The third part of industrial injury accident from the encroacher principle, industrial injury accident of tort liability form aspects of infringement of industrial injury accident compensation.


In modern society, the industrial accident insurance indemnification system is from unification gradually to multiplex development.


The industrial accident cognizance is the most important links in the insurance system of the industrial injury.


Article 14 (Insurance Benefits for Industrial or unexpected Injuries)In case that the out-of-town employees used by the employer-units, the out-of-town employees not affiliated with any unit suffer industrial injury, or industrial disease during the valid period of the comprehensive insurance, they shall, after being affirmed have the appraisal of the sufferer's labor ability issued by the relevant department, enjoy insurance benefits for industrial injury taking the standard of industrial injury benefits set by this Municipality as reference.

第十四条(工伤或意外伤害保险待遇)用人单位使用的外来从业人员、无单位的外来从业人员在参加综合保险期间发生工伤事故(或者 wwW.ssbbwW.coM 意外伤害)、患职业病的,经有关部门作出认定和劳动能力鉴定后,参照本市规定的工伤待遇标准,享受工伤(或者 wwW.ssbbwW.coM 意外伤害)保险待遇。

When the accident happens, relative dept should work with safety committee's surver.


Construction of this commuter workmen's compensation model from the perspective of using comparative analysis, the standard analysis, benefit analysis and other methods. closely on how to improve our mode of commuting workmen's compensation system for the analysis and study of this issue.


更多网络解释与工伤事故相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

consequence of accident at work:工伤事故后果

consent declaration 同意声明 | consequence of accident at work 工伤事故后果 | consequence 结果

accident benefit:意外保险金

45accident at work工伤事故 | 46accident benefit意外保险金 | 47accident cost意外费用,事故支出

industrial accident:工伤事故

indulgence 宽容;恩惠;纵容;特惠;付款延期 | industrial accident 工伤事故 | inequitable 不公正的;不公平的;偏私的

disability insurance:工伤事故保险

disability benefit伤残抚恤金 | disability insurance工伤事故保险 | disaggregated cost分解成本

Industrial accident fund:工伤事故抚恤金

immediately available fund 立即有效的资金 | industrial accident fund 工伤事故抚恤金 | industry fund 工业基金

Industrial accident fund reserve:工伤事故资金准备

598,"industrial accident ","劳动事故/工伤事故" | 599,"industrial accident fund reserve ","工伤事故资金准备" | 600,"industrial arbitration"," 劳资仲裁"

industrial injury insurance:工伤保险

工伤保险(industrial injury insurance)是指国家或社会为生产经营活动中所发生的或在规定的某些特殊情况下遭受事故伤害和患职业性疾病的劳动者及家属提供医疗救治、生活保障、经济补偿、医疗和职业康复等物质帮助的一种社会保障制度.

industrial injury:工伤

一、工伤保险概述 (一)工伤事故及其补偿机制 工伤(industrial injury)是工伤事故的简称,在英美法中,最经典的定义是:工伤是因职业引起或在职业过程中而受到的伤害.

Accident de trajet:路程事故

Accident d'exploitation工伤事故 | Accident de trajet路程事故 | Accident du travail工伤事故

disabling accident:丧失劳动能力的事故;使设备失去效能的事故

disabled worker 残废工人 | disabling accident 丧失劳动能力的事故;使设备失去效能的事故 | disabling injury frequency rate 造成缺勤的工伤发生率