英语人>词典>汉英 : 州际的 的英文翻译,例句
州际的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与州际的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Validity of bequests Where the essential validity of a will or interstate succession to movables is determinable by the law of a foreign country, the view that would be taken of the matter by the foreign judge, if he were hearing the case, must be adopted.


The problem is there are times that you need much more power like merging into traffic on the interstate.


Any activity, even if purely intrastate, can be regulated by the federal government if it substantially affects interstate commerce.


Intrastate as well as interstate commerce .


Because the waste was classified by county, and thus inter- and intrastate waste were treated the same way, the lower court found no problem with the law.


To their credit, Nagin and state officials did pull off a complex traffic-evacuation plan that weekend, which involved reversing the traffic flow on three interstates.


Because the waste was classified by county, and thus inter- and


Beginning with the Interstate Commerce Act and Interstate Commerce Commission,Independent Regulatory Agencyexercises quasi—legislative,utive and quasi—judicial power in industry regulation and becomes the vital part of state power system.


Eisenhower saw first-hand how the Nazi Autobahns gave a huge strategic advantage to a country fighting a war on two fronts. So as president, he pitched the Interstate system as a national security project, even though its immediate benefit was felt in terms of interstate commerce.


The reorganization,combined with the savings realized from streamlining processes and facilities,allowed BNSF to achieve roughly$500 million worth of cost savings that it had committed to the Interstate Commerce Commission to obtain merger approval.

改组,和从使程序和设备成流线型被了解的储蓄结合,允许了 BNSF 概略地达成$它已经委托到州际的商业佣金获得合并赞成的节省费用的五亿价值。

更多网络解释与州际的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


6.contemporary当代的; | 7. intercontinental州际的; | 8.available可得到的;


电台风袭击后的两周里,所有的大街小巷,地方和州际(INTERSTATE)高速公路因两旁倒落的大树阻拦而关闭. 附近的加油站和食品店也因积水和损坏而全部关门. 到处听到切割倒落树干的伐木声. 我被堵在家里无所事事,没有电,夜晚一片黑暗,


我发现这些讯号多半来自' 州际公路'(Interstate)旁的小道 这些区域是我不熟悉的 我得更深入探索这些区域才行. 一天早上 清晨三点 我缓慢地出体 来到"州际公路"之后 我正打算到一条小径 突然收到一个奇异的讯号 猛力地拉着我 我不情愿地跟随它.


interspersion 散布 | interstate 州际的 | interstation 台际的

interstate highway:州际公路

路线(大致):以美国州际公路(Interstate Highway)为主线,间或走一些州内公路或怀旧或旅游线路. 从东北挥师西南,追随当年移民西进的脚步,穿越东部、中部和西部十余个州. 告别大西洋,拥吻太平洋,遥望我神州. 系列电影>曾在伊利诺伊州的梅特罗波利斯(Metropolis)取景

Interstate commerce:州际贸易

首先,联邦宪法第三条规定了国会调节"州际贸易"(interstate commerce)的权力,因而地方和地方之间的贸易争端原则上都可以在联邦那里获得解决. 其次,也是更重要的,1803年的"马伯里诉麦迪逊案"确立了司法审查制度. 既然联邦法院可以审查国会的违宪行为,

Interdistrict Settlement fund:美国州际清算基金组织

nucleus of flame (引入燃烧混合物的)火花 | Interdistrict Settlement fund 美国州际清算基金组织 | stationary target 固定目标, 固定对阴极 固定靶


interstate 州际的 | interstation 台际的 | interstellar 星际的

Interstate Commerce Commission:州际商务委员会

那项判决,再加上州际商务委员会(Interstate Commerce Commission)日益壮大所意味的更多管制,使几家主要铁路公司的股票下跌,而愈来愈明显的信用危机,也使整个金融情况更加恶化.

Interstate Commerce Commission ICC:州际商务委员会

Interstate 州际间的(一般指出入受限的公路) | Interstate Commerce Commission ICC 州际商务委员会 | Interval 时段