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屏蔽了的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与屏蔽了的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The preparation of electromagnetic shielding concrete adulterated short carbon fibers and graphite respectively have been introduced in this paper.


To solve the External transport issues, this paper build a " Transportation Circumscription " approach, then presents a shield strength and the adjustment of the strength.


To solve problem of electromagnetic pollution, a Ni-based composite shielding coating has been prepared based on the electromagnetic shielding principle. Nickel and metal fiber are used as composite fillers, and acrylic resin as binder. The coating is designed for use in some community antenna television nets and shielding workshops.


Just because that we adopted the attitude of pragmatism while absorbing the western culture and thoughts, so shielded the redemption consciousness of western culture and sacrifice spirit; shielded the loftiness of tragedy and Bacchus spirit of Dionysos; shielded the western wise man's criticism spirit of self-subversion against metaphysics; shielded the artists 'courage of confronting reality and fearless art experimentation spirit.


The shielding effectiveness of cylindrical shield and the influence of the shield on the magnetic field in the solenoid are calculated by using finite element method. The curves of the shielding effectivencess and magnetic field in the solenoid against the shield dimension are obtained.


Last, the Eigenenergies of isoelectronic series change against screening parameterλhas been discussed, it's shown that the plasma screening effects are decreasing as nuclear charge increasing.


Theαvalues for shielding wall in some radiation therapy rooms and X-ray defectoscopy rooms have been evaluated,throngh the measuredexposure rates outside the shielding wall,and the transmission curve of the shields.

屏蔽设计的最优化需要确定α值。本文对若干放射治疗室及 x 射线探伤室的屏蔽墙外表面的照射量率作了测定与计算,从而根据该屏蔽的透过曲线计算了这些已建设备的α值。

Fifteen one-layered fabrics with different texture, density of fabric and fiber disposition were designed and woven before the designation of medical barrier fabrics.


2KV, and the critical disruptive discharge voltage of low voltage transformer, filter and relay is between 3. 1 to 10.2kV. The lightning current withstand characteristics of electrical lines in low voltage system is also tested.


It also introduces the discrete ordinates couple-solving method (DOT-BSTP-DOT) which uses the half-symmetric angular quadratures for core geometry and the quadratic S〓 biasing angular quadratures for duct geometry. Calibrations for several types of duct are carried out and the schemes of XPR epithermal neutron filter are successfully designed. The other international popular code ANISN is also exploited and modified.


更多网络解释与屏蔽了的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


为了看这个电影, 我有意地去屏蔽一切外界关于影片的介绍和剪影, 甚至强忍着不去查询为什么会用化身/头像 (Avatar) 一词作为一部科幻片的片名. 就是抱着很多悬念和无尽的期待, 我看了这个传说中的华丽巨献. 影片给予我的剧情享受和视觉震撼让我整个晚上回味其中.

Faraday shield:法拉第屏蔽

压器绕组间的交叉耦合电容为共模噪声流过整个系统提供了通路.这一交叉耦合电容可以在变压器结构中采用法拉第屏蔽(Faraday shield)来减小.法拉第屏蔽简单来说就是用铜箔或铝箔包绕在原方和副方绕组之间形成一个静电屏蔽层隔离区并接地,


信号接地或屏蔽接地也不难理解,这里的"地"(Ground)是指大面积的金属,电路板上大面积的铜箔、金属机箱、金属机柜都可看作Ground. Ground的作用是保持"信号地"电平的稳定,吸收电磁干扰,屏蔽接地决定了屏蔽布线系统的电磁兼容特性.


文章摘要:作为BSRF改进项目的重要内容之一,为高压科学研究专用的4W2光束线和实验站屏蔽棚屋(HUTCH)已完成设计和建造,于2002年冬季投入使用. 高压站也由3WlA光束线移至4W2,对实验设备进行了重新组装和调整,并对用户提供了部分机时.

Adblock Plus:广告过滤扩展

高版本论坛时,会发现在发布主题和编辑主题、回复时看不到源码选择框和主题无法显示分类框的问题,经测试后发现,用火狐的广告过滤扩展(Adblock plus)屏蔽了其中的common.js后,一切都显示正常了,请问这段JS有什么作用?


看看网站的例子: 出版电子杂志的沙龙公司(Salon)对愿意浏览标题广告的访问者提供免费服务,而不想看广告的人就需支付费用才能看网站内容了. 同样的道理也适用于 IPTV: 讨厌广告的观众通过付费屏蔽它们. 少付钱,就得多看几则广告.

screen memory:屏蔽记忆

弗洛伊德将这种有意的遗忘称为主动性遗忘,或"屏蔽记忆"(screen memory). 这也是弗洛伊德为何强调梦的功能的原因,遗忘的内容并不是消失了,而是在防御时再现,特别在应激状态下出现. 有时候,遗忘对成长是有保护作用的,因为早期婴儿对客体的负性情绪,




单个信号薄片(wafer)构成的1列结构上可以有6针和8针2个规格. 屏蔽接地片也集成在该薄片上,可对信号针起到严密的阻抗控制作用,不同薄片间信号针的隔离,减小串扰. 正是因为有了屏蔽接地片,使得即使在同一个薄片上的信号针都可以运行高速的差分信号.

flying bridge:浮桥

艇内的内部面积达到了惊人的5000平方米,并搭载一艘应急用的迷你型游艇. 高级配置版的Phoenix 1000还有浮桥(flying bridge)设置,内部还配置了增压雷达天线屏蔽器,GPS天线和卫星通讯天线屏蔽器,以及远程控制站等. 虽然不能确定是否有人会真正使用它,