英语人>词典>汉英 : 尽力地 的英文翻译,例句
尽力地 的英文翻译、例句


at full steam · to the top of one's bent
更多网络例句与尽力地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They were all at pains to help me in examining all these accounts.


Then squeeze an eyelash curler as close as you can get to your roots, and work your way up.


And when their spiritual eyes are opened, they grab hold of it with all of their might.


In terms of urban common space in individual city, it exits quality decline, structure illegibility and regression of functions and artistic appearances, which are what we need to keep away and improve on.


At the ime for our great performance, we are going to perform our best.


When all was agreed, the case of the journeyman came up, and the mercer begged very hard for him


Photo at HEBEI un, this is already Dec, far away it's flowering season, but oxalis do not mind it at all, he donot mind ur season ur science theory ur taking pic and showing it to public, he just blooming,to leave more to the word---just like the dancers, they dance for their soul,do not mind if there are applause at all.


Hundreds of people laden with purchases battle along the pavements, search despairingly for scarce taxis or straggle to get through Macy's doors.


Packages should be placed on their side in the direction of the steam flow, endeavouring to ensure that all the packages are leaning or lying in the same direction to ensure free passage of the sterilant.


A few shareholders have questioned the wisdom of remaining in the textile business which, over the longer term, is unlikely to produce returns on capital comparable to those available in many other businesses. Our reasons are several:(1) Our mills in both New Bedford and Manchester are among the largest employers in each town, utilizing a labor force of high average age possessing relatively non-transferable skills. Our workers and unions have exhibited unusual understanding and effort in cooperating with management to achieve a cost structure and product mix which might allow us to maintain a viable operation.(2) Management also has been energetic and straightforward in its approach to our textile problems. In particular, Ken Chace's efforts after the change in corporate control took place in 1965 generated capital from the textile division needed to finance the acquisition and expansion of our profitable insurance operation.(3) With hard work and some imagination regarding manufacturing and marketing configurations, it seems reasonable that at least modest profits in the textile division can be achieved in the future.

部份股东开始质疑我们是否应该继续留在纺织产业,虽然就长期而言其投资报酬率明显低于其它的投资,但我们的理由有以下几个:(1)我们在纽贝福及 Manchester 的工厂都是当地最大的聘雇业者,员工的年龄偏高,缺乏转换工作的能力,同时我们的员工及其公会也已经尽其所能地与经营阶层配合努力改善成本结构及产品组合,以使我们的经营得以维持下去(2)管理阶层也相当努力同时坦承面对产业的问题,尤其是在1965年经营权易主后, Ken Chace 依然尽力尽力地协助我们把纺织部门产生稳定的资金流入转到获利更加的保险事业投资与购并之上(3)努力工作加上对制造与行销组合的乐观预期,我们的纺织事业在未来看起来应该可以维持一个起码的利润空间。

更多网络解释与尽力地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at a good pace:相当快地 ?暚霃靈

on one's own / / 独自地;主动地 酂嵕P N$圎 | at a good pace / / 相当快地 ?暚霃靈B? | take pains / / 尽力,努力,下苦功 奻绾昕H?h?


endurable 可忍受的 | energetically 精力充沛地,积极地 | exertion 尽力,施加

real estate tax:不动产税

实际上,不动产税(real estate tax)除征收地租税外还有许多其他的小税种. 这样,真正的税收大量地落在土地改良、经营上,而不是在土地本身. 结果之一就会人为地使土地所有者尽力避免(或拖延)其土地改良和经营. 更重要的是,

in part:在某种程度上;部份地

take pains 尽力,努力,下苦功 . | in part 在某种程度上;部份地 . | play a part 扮演角色;参与... .

take pains:尽力,努力,下苦功

keep pace with 与...齐步前进 . | take pains 尽力,努力,下苦功 . | in part 在某种程度上;部份地 .


snicker 不礼貌,不怀好意地笑 | snigger 尽力抑制住地笑 | guffaw 大笑,狂笑

To the best of one's ability:尽力地

at will 任意地,随意地 | to the best of one's ability 尽力地 | leave...about 到处乱放

to the utmost:尽力

to one's heart's content 盡情地 | to the utmost 盡力 | behind schedule 不準時

on every hand:四面八方

get out of hand 摆手控制 | on every hand 四面八方 | hand and foot完全,尽力地

at full steam:尽力地

at full split 拼命 | at full steam 尽力地 | at full stretch 非常紧张