英语人>词典>汉英 : 尺度改变 的英文翻译,例句
尺度改变 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与尺度改变相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For example, the roll elastic deformation breaks the statically determinate condition of roll system in duo mill, and this is the main reason of bearing longevity shortening and burning accident; in aluminium foil four-high mill roll system with a 1 mm gap, the ideal position kept by a 3 mm offset is out of effect, some phenomenon such as chock horizontal vibration, gyroscopic effect and micro dimensional dynamic cross happen in fact rolling process, abnormal super and partial load resulted by these is the main reason of the end thrust bearing accident; the thermal deformation of mill roll system accompanying the temperature raising not only changes the roller track age of rolling bearing, but also results a micro dimensional slow dynamic inverse cross that counteracts the gyroscopic effect in a degree.


The ethnic place was formed through the spatial dynamics of "territorialization" which includes cross-bordering and border-making of different scales. Firstly there were the transnational flows of Vietnamese contract workers, marriage immigrants, and oversea Chinese that transplanted on the Taiwanese society. At the regional level, the interstice resulted from the decline of traditional retailing market, unfavorable location, rent gap, and the stigma of low-income housing was confronted by the change of population composition and life style induced by middle-class housing development, leading towards exclusion and remaking of borders that ended the interstice, and it is a middle class "territorialization" driven by the appeal of safety and "de-stigmatization".


In essence, we need a way to change scale at various points, and scale is at the heart of wavelets.


During numerical simulation,the scale effects of the microstructure of the honeycomb on its structural mechanical performance was studied through changing the scale factor of its unit cell while the volume fraction of the materials remains unchanged.


Parameterized unit cell of 3-D five-directional braided composites;2. During numerical simulation,the scale effects of the microstructure of the honeycomb on its structural mechanical performance was studied through changing the scale factor of its unit cell while the volume fraction of the materials remains unchanged.


In general, take estimations would use global scale GCMs data but too rough-cut for estimating a smaller region, such a stream area.


The dynamic course of multi-scale coherent eddystructures'bursting is researched. A periodic blowing/suction forcing, issued from a thin latitudinal slot onthe wall, is introduced to alter multi-scale ingredients of coherent eddystructure and their energy distribution in turbulent boundary layer, what ismore, to perturb and control the coherent eddy structures in order toaccomplish drag reduction of skin friction.


The dynamic course of multi-scale coherent eddystructuresbursting is researched.A periodic blowing/suction forcing, issued from a thin latitudinal slot onthe wall, is introduced to alter multi-scale ingredients of coherent eddystructure and their energy distribution in turbulent boundary layer, what ismore, to perturb and control the coherent eddy structures in order toaccomplish drag reduction of skin friction.


By translations and changes of scale the spectral subspaces associated with all discs can be characterized similarly.


Based on the return map and the principle of closed vectors, a new method is proposed to extract unstable periodic orbits embedded in chaotic attractors. As examples, the UPOs embedded in chaotic attractors of Logistic, Hénon and Lorenz are extracted respectively by this method. And our results of Skewed Hénon map also be compared with Nusse's. These results suggest that this method is valid for unstable periodic orbits from period one to period infinite of arbitrary dimension chaotic system. The dynamic considerations of spiking and UPO coding for individual neuron and neural system under external periodic and chaotic exciting stimulus also be studied in this dissertation. A lot of spiking phenomena, such as synchronization, period, and chaos appear alternatively with the changing of the stimulus frequency. For the small stimulus frequency the neuron could completely convey the periodic signal in synchronous anti-phase into interspike intervals sequences. For the slow time–scale chaotic input, the output two ISI sequences are reciprocally related to input signals, and their oscillation wave shape in time course can be derived from that of the input signals variation, furthermore, the similar input sequence and order of UPOs, distribution of LES and value of KYD remain in attractors reconstructed from ISI sequences.

发现周期信号在单个神经元传递过程中,随着激励频率的改变,神经元输出的峰峰间期interspike interval时间序列呈现出周期、混沌和准周期的交错变化,特别当外加激励信号频率较低时,周期信号可以通过神经元ISI序列以反相同步的周期运动形式传递下去;同时无论是周期还是混沌激励信号,在神经系统中的传递均与其自身强度和神经元之间的耦合强度的大小密切相关;快变时间尺度的混沌激励信号在耦合的神经系统传递过程中,会造成大量基本信息的丢失;而慢变时间尺度的混沌激励信号在神经系统传递中,它的非线性特征信息,如混沌吸引子、不稳定周期轨道、Lyapunov指数谱和分形维数,会通过系统输出的ISI序列部分地重现出来,如与输入慢变时间尺度的混沌激励信号相比,神经系统输出的ISI序列具有:相似几何形状的混沌吸引子、相近的Lyapunov指数谱和分形维数、局部结构相同的不稳定周期轨道的排列方式。

更多网络解释与尺度改变相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

iconic model:形象模型

有形象模型(Iconic Model)和抽象模型(Abstract Model)之分. 前者是由改变现实原型的度量、尺度或维数而得到的,其构造多为依据P定理(见第二章)和相似性原理,故又称比例模型(Scale Model);后者是用抽象的符号、图表、语辞等表述的模型.

iron oxide:铁氧化物

自组装可以发生在不同的尺度,例如,分子首先聚对均匀相而言,以预先形成之金属氧化物晶种为成核(nucleation)中心来制备金属氧化本研究将利用Yu等人所发展的方法制备铁氧化物(iron oxide)奈米粒子,探讨因粒径改变时的磁性行为,

squall line:飑线

注二:风切(wind shear)是一种风向或风速突然改变的大气现象. 注三:下冲风(downburst)是一种急骤下冲的气流,常引起飞机失事之小尺度大气现象. 注四:飑线(squall line)大都指发生在冷锋前缘之连续性雷雨(胞)不稳定带(线).




在都市的尺度,作用单元最有可能是一块块地籍上的丘块(parcel),也是可以进行变更利用的基本单元. 这种丘块的变迁往往是因为它邻近道路、或周围已经开发,由於接邻(contiguity)的关系或相近(proximity)而引发改变.


rescale 改比例 | rescaling 改变尺度 | rescap 电阻电容器


rescaling 重标度 | rescaling 尺度改变 | rescanning 重扫描


resaturation 再饱和 | rescale 改比例 | rescaling 改变尺度

scale effect:尺度效应

可塑性 面积单元问题包括 2 个方面 , 即尺度效应 ( Scale Effect) 和划区效应 ( Zoning Effect) . 尺度效应是指当空 间数据经聚合而改变其粒度或栅格细胞大小时 , 分析结果也随之变化的现象 ; 划区效应则指在同一粒度或 [1] 聚合水平上由于不同聚合方式 (如划区大小 ,