英语人>词典>汉英 : 尸体的 的英文翻译,例句
尸体的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与尸体的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We are accordingly right 30 bodies, in all the upper limbs of 60 bodies undertakes venous anatomizes observation in the middle of ancon, report as follows now. 1 material and method 1 material of 1 · is grown of the body bilateral upper limbs, male 21, female 9, in all 60 side, immerse via formalin, anticorrosive, fixed, without operation scar and exterior deformation. 2 methods of 1 · issue trend of 5cm edge vein to come off from ancon horizontal grain, expose to with expensive want vein to hand in collect place.


A preliminary study on the decomposition and insect community succession of pig carcase was carried out in Hangzhou District.


There are so many bodies that undertakers want to cremate them in groups.


With heavy hearts we stood on either side of the broken body.then holmes bent over the body and began to move it.all of a sudden he began to laugh and jump up and down.


Q: What's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?


If an abomination spends a full round cannibalizing a corpse, it regains hit points equal to its Hit Dice (25, in the case of the Abomination presented above) at the end of the round.


Khadgar walked over to where the demon's hand had jutted out, but now all that remained was one ofthe bookcases pressed flat on the floor.


The present paper reports a determination of copper and zinc in skulls (10 adult stulls and 15 newborn skulls) in Xi'an area by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.


Nbsp;When Indians and Tibetans conduct funeral pyres, the Indians like to wrap the dead bodies in white cloth.


Meanwhile, no progress was made on forensic analysis in Recife, as none of the bodies sent there has been identified so far.


更多网络解释与尸体的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


baleen 鲸须 | balefire 焚化尸体的火 | balefire 大野火

balefire:野火, 烽火, 焚化尸体的柴堆

baleen | 鲸须 | balefire | 野火, 烽火, 焚化尸体的柴堆 | baleful | 有害的, 恶意的


cadaverize 使面如死灰 | cadaverous 象尸体的 | caddice 毛线


dexterous 灵巧的,熟练的 | cadaverous 像尸体的,(形容)枯槁的 | desirous 渴望的


cadaverine /尸胺/ | cadaverous /象尸体的/苍的的/ | caddice /毛线/


cadaveric rigidity | 尸体僵性 死后强直 | cadaveric | 尸体的 | cadaverine | 尸胺

For cremating all the bodies:是用来焚化尸体的

Execution chambers, ovens.|有毒气室,火炉 | For cremating all the bodies.|是用来焚化尸体的 | Jesus.|老天啊


关于恋尸是不是怪癖,在一部叫做<<特别的吻给特别的你>>(Kissed)的好莱坞电影问世后,曾有一番争论. 这部电影改编自美国女作家芭芭拉.歌蒂的小说,讲述一个叫珊卓拉的女孩,从小对死亡有一种莫名的迷恋,她最喜欢死亡的氛围和尸体的气味.

The choice body-dumping ground for mobsters from the tri-state area:附近的犯罪份子选为埋藏尸体的场所

And the grand Staten Island forests also ... | The choice body-dumping ground for mobsters from the tri-state area.|附近的犯罪份子选为埋藏尸体的场所 | The island's a virtual body farm with apropos stre...

re-dress, or alter the body in any way:动过,或是改变过尸体的位置 任何方式的改动

the deceased, did you move|有没有移动过... | re-dress, or alter the body in any way?|动过,或是改变过尸体的位置 任何方式的改动 | No, why?|没有,为何这么问?