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少林寺 的英文翻译、例句


Shaolin Temple
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This method of warfare from the Shaolin Monastery, is composed of many branches more or less acrobatic.


According to Marx's argument,"300 percent of profits and capital to dare to commit any offence", is now operating a number of Shaolin Temple, with many adventures on the nature of such risk exists in the nature of the two level, the economic level , Its operating costs and profits of easily arouse suspicion and controversy, in the cultural level, the excessive commercial invasion is likely to smear the cultural treasures, the impact on a country's cultural image.


This world, bonze is the most ordinary, can everybody wants to notice, the bonze nowadays is the richest, allegedly south the Shaolin Temple of little little brother of the Supreme Being should appear on the market.


The women who were mothers spoke bitterly about the monastery's confiscation of their young boys in Tibet.


"Net inn should move hundreds of kinds of goods of hypostatic inn to the net as soon as possible not only, what still will use Internet next is convenient the person with the net that clean out treasure is angry, roll out Shaolin Temple to jubilate experience of ground substance inn serves book a project."


Taijiquan Wushi to hire a sixth-generation direct-to-human transmission, Sakyamuni disciples are headed for the release; employ extended spring release Shaolin Masters (martial arts star's father, Chen release dragons with his disciples Hill) for the deputy head; employ fifth-generation Wushi Taijiquan immediate successor the state for two Sun Jianguo, deputy head of referees; employ Chinese calligraphy, martial arts tai chi Shenquan Warren Zhang - Zhang Ying-Min, deputy head for; recruit the best young boxer with Chen Shan (Little Dragons martial arts star's father, release) for the special guidance; hired martial arts star release dragons performances for invited representatives of friendship.


"Jubilate the ground the goal that establish, it is the culture distinguishing feature that introduces Shaolin Temple to more person through the network, let more person understand Shaolin Temple."


In ancient times, China has two Shaolin Temple , one called the Northern Shaolin Temple in Henan Province.


Originally this thing also does not have what marvelous, become fabulous, can move these stunt to their Shaolin Temple.com to peddle publicly when present Shaolin Temple, expect " the person that has a reason " buy copy with 9999 yuan price " classics of easy veins that stand out " when, poplar complacent hold back did not live, if he has skinful, want to say.


The spirit table Xumi place and above the palace wall's stone banket the vulture has the volume grass, the fierce lion, the warrior, to ride the deer, the unicorn, the marine animals, the horse, the sheep, as well as dances in the air the tuck dive to smoke like a chimney flies in circles the dragon and the lifelike scenery character and so on.

神台须 弥座和殿墙的石护脚上面雕有卷草、猛狮、武士、骑鹿、麒麟、水兽、马、羊、以及飞舞翻腾吞云吐雾的翔龙和惟妙惟肖的山水人物等。在五乳峰离绝顶数十米的地方,有一深约5米,宽约3米的天然石洞,这就是达摩面壁九年处,人称&达摩洞&。相传达摩到少林寺后曾在此洞内面壁九年,由于年深日久,身影投于洞内石上,竟留下了一个面壁姿态的形象,衣褶皱纹隐约可见,宛如一幅淡色的水墨,人们把这块石头称为&达摩面壁影石&。后寺僧唯恐影石有失,将影石凿下放入少林寺。洞前现存有明代万历年间石坊一座、明代苏民望题七绝诗一首,洞内还有达摩、慧可石雕像等。

更多网络解释与少林寺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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It overawe everywhere ,and:少林寺威震四方

精湛的武艺举世无双The Shaolin martial art is amazing in the world | 少林寺威震四方 It overawe everywhere ,and | 悠久的历史源远流长 is long in China .

Shaolin temple is with the grand resplendence:少林寺美名辉煌

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Shaolin Temple:少林寺

不知这首...提示:李连杰(Jet Li)是我们非常熟悉的人物,他1963年4月26日在北京出生,8岁开始学习武术(Wu Shu),11岁时第一次成为武术冠军.17岁时他拍摄了影片>(Shaolin Temple),从此就成为了一名家喻户晓的电影明星......你还

Shaolin Temple:年 少林寺

1976年 蔡李佛小子 / New Shaolin Boxers | 1976年 少林寺 / Shaolin Temple | 1977年 海军突击队 / The Naval Commandos

Shaolin Temple, the:少林寺

73 Warlord, the 大军阀 | 73 Shaolin Temple, the 少林寺 | 73 Romancing Star, the 精装追女仔

Shaolin Temple, the:少林寺 [已看]

73 Warlord, the 大军阀 | 73 Shaolin Temple, the 少林寺 [已看] | 73 Romancing Star, the 精装追女仔 [已看]

The Shaolin Temple:少林寺

以下为 少林寺(The ShaoLin Temple) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址. 隋唐年间,著名武术家"神腿张"抗暴助义,遭王仁则陷杀,其子小虎幸被少林武僧昙宗救出. 小虎为报父仇,拜昙宗为师,习武少林,并落发为沙弥,法号觉远. 一日,

Shaolin Monaster:少林寺

碧云寺 Temple of the Azure Clouds | 少林寺 Shaolin Monaster | 大昭寺Jokhang Monastery