英语人>词典>汉英 : 小网膜 的英文翻译,例句
小网膜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
retinula  ·  omentulum  ·  retinophoral  ·  retinophore

lesser omentum
更多网络例句与小网膜相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The lesser omentum connects it to the stomach and the coronary and triangular ligaments to the diaphragm.


Each ompound eye was composed of approximately 360 ommatidia. Each ommatidium consisted of a cornea, a cone, retinula cell, rhabdom and basal cell.


The sensitization system of an ommatidium included 11 retinular cells, of which four located at the distal part of the ommatidium; seven formed the proximal main part of the retina. The two parts are some one on top of another.


5Um〓. The surface area of the compound eye is about 21. 044mm〓. An ommatidium composed of cornea, four corneagenous cells, four cone cells and retinular cells.


The main components of every ommatidium of compound eye were completed in the larval stages. An ommatidium composed of cornea, four corneagenous cells, four cone cells and retinular cells. The sensitization system of an ommatidium included 11 retinular cells, of which four located at the distal part of the ommatidium; seven formed the proximal main part of the retina. Their structures are different.


The results show that the regular changes of the angular sensitivity of the retinula cells not only depend on adapted states, but also on the changes of the day and night times.


Each retinula cell contained abundant pigment granules.


During light adaptation, the diameter of rhabdoms was small, the arrangement of microvillus in the distal rhabdom was in disorder, and the area of the multivescicular bodies in the cytoplasm of the retinular cells was large, but the perirhabdomal vacuoles was very small, the amount of the lamellar bodies and mitochondrias were small, the pigment granules were distributed in all retinular cell.


Their structures are different, the cytoplasm of the distal retinular cells is more compact than that of the proximal cells, but the numbers and kinds of the organelles of the distal retinular cells are less.


The increase of the area of the compound eyes in Cherax quadricarinatus is mainly caused by the increase of both the number and the area of the ommatidia.


更多网络解释与小网膜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lesser epiploon:小网膜

lesser circulation 肺循环 | lesser epiploon 小网膜 | lesser lip of pudendum 小阴唇

lesser omentum:小网膜

2.小网膜(lesser omentum) 是连于肝门至胃小弯和十二指肠上部之间的双层腹膜结构. 其中连于肝门与胃小弯的部分称肝胃韧带,两层间的胃小弯附近有胃左、右动脉. 连于肝门与十二指肠之间的部分称肝十二指肠韧带,内含胆总管、肝固有动脉和肝门静脉.

omentum majus:大网膜

橄榄体 Oliva | 大网膜 Omentum majus | 小网膜 Omentum minus"

omentum minus:小网膜

1)小网膜(omentum minus)是连于肝下面与胃小弯及十二指肠上部之间的腹膜. 2)大网膜(omentum minus)似一围裙覆盖于小肠和结肠前面(图5-35),自胃大弯下垂至骨盆缘,又返折至横结肠. 由四层浆膜构成,前、后各二层之间有间隙,但在下部愈合.


为2个由上皮细胞特化而成的透镜细胞(corneagenous cell)所产生.每个个眼的透镜表面特称小眼面(corneal facet),多呈六角形.晶体也透明,由4个大的晶体细胞(cone cell)形成.受纳器也就是小网膜(retinula),由7或8个视觉细胞(retinular cell)构成.每个视觉细胞近端部延长,



Gastrohepatic omentum:小网膜

Gastrocolic omentum 大网膜 | Gastrohepatic omentum 小网膜 | Evisceration 去脏术,脏器除去术

omental bursa:网膜囊

3.网膜囊(omental bursa) 是位于小网膜和胃后方的扁窄间隙,又称小腹膜腔. 网膜囊以外的腹膜腔称大腹膜腔. 网膜囊的前壁为小网膜、胃后壁和大网膜的前两层;后壁为大网膜的后两层、横结肠及其系膜以及覆盖于胰、左肾和左肾上腺前面的腹后壁腹膜;


retinophora 小网膜 | retinophore 小网膜 | retinoschisis 视网膜层分裂 视网膜分层剥离

retinular cells:小网膜细胞

小网膜 retinula | 小网膜细胞 retinular cells | 眼球缩肌 retractile bulbi