英语人>词典>汉英 : 小罐 的英文翻译,例句
小罐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
caddy  ·  canikin  ·  cannikin  ·  cannister  ·  caddies  ·  canakin  ·  canisters

更多网络例句与小罐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cannikin had a body wave magnitude of 6.9 and it did not trigger any earthquakes in the seismically active Aleutian Islands.


More meaningful comparisons can be made by comparing water loss from the potometer with that from an atmometer (an apparatus used to measure the rate of evaporation from a porous pot or other nonliving wet surface), which allows uncontrolled evaporation.


If the boy, the urine is also used canister is a good way.


And, most pressingly, could I substitute another pot for the one currently housing my mother's flowering plant?


And I hadn't combed my hair and shaved in some years so it was matted hair, it looked like sadhu, and I had a little begging pot.


Hefting the load once more, Saegan limped around the Great Forge toward the Bronze Kettle.


The world's largest soft drink maker said the smaller packages will be available for the Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta Orange, Cherry Coca-Cola and Barq's Root Beer brands. The cans will be sold in packages of eight.

这个世界上最大的软饮料制造商说这种较小一些的包装将会用在可口可乐,雪碧,芬达橙汁,樱桃可乐和Barq's Root 啤酒这些牌子上,这种迷你小罐将会以8小罐一组包装后进行销售。

The world's largest soft drink maker said the smaller packages will be available for the Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta Orange, Cherry Coca-Cola and Barq's Root Beer brands. The cans will be sold in packages of eight.

世界最大的饮料制造商宣布一些较小的包装将用来包装可口可乐、雪碧、芬达橙汁、Cherry Coca-Cola 和Barq's Root Beer 的品牌,这种迷你易拉罐汽水将会以8小罐为一组进行销售。

It the release as if a canisters or time capsule.

它释放 释放出来好像一个小罐或时间囊小罐或时间囊。

Its application in Maotai Distillery had realized big pot (120 t) blending the problem of unstable liquor quality by small pot (5 t blending was settled, shortened production time, brought satisfactory economic benefits to the enterprise through energy-saving, and successfully prevented the loss of flavoring substances during liquor blending. Besides, maintenance-free of the system had freed the maintenance necessary to mechanical stirring before. Tran. by YUE Yang

脉冲气动调和搅拌系统在MT酒厂的应用表明,不但可尊重该厂的原始工艺,确保成品的质量,企业还实现了大罐(120 t)勾兑,解决了小罐(5 t)勾兑批次成品质量不稳定问题;缩短生产时间,提高了企业生产效率;节约能耗,降低生产成本,给企业带来了良好的经济效益;不需要进行罐维修,解决了此前采用机械搅拌需要的维修;可解决白酒勾兑过程芳香物质的损失问题。

更多网络解释与小罐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


canicule 酷暑 | canikin 小罐 | canine madness 狂犬病


蔗蜡 cane wax | 小罐,小杯 canikin,cannikin,canakin | 蛋黄果 canistel,eggfruit

cannikin:小罐, 小杯, <方>木(水)桶

suicide 自杀, 自毁, 给自己带来伤害或损失的行为 | cannikin 小罐, 小杯, 木(水)桶 | patching table (封罐前的)检验台


cannibalize 吃同类的肉 | cannikin 小罐 | cannily 精明的


manikin 侏儒 | cannikin 小杯,小罐 | 8. -let 法


galliot /带帆的小型两排桨船/ | gallipot /小罐/药罐/药剂师/ | gallium /镓/

more likely to drink microbrew beer:(喝小罐精酿的啤酒,有品味吧)

53% more likely to go hiking (去远足) | 60% more likely to drink microbrew beer (喝小罐精酿的啤酒,有品味吧) | 51% less likely to be an Accountant (职业不太可能是会计)

patching table:(封罐前的)检验台

cannikin 小罐, 小杯, 木(水)桶 | patching table (封罐前的)检验台 | winning position 取胜局面


canaille 暴民 | canakin 小罐 | canal boat 平底船

canakin:小罐, 小盏

canaille || 暴民, 贱民 | canakin || 小罐, 小盏 | canal boat || 运河用的平底的船