英语人>词典>汉英 : 小窝 的英文翻译,例句
小窝 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fossa  ·  fossette  ·  fovea  ·  fossula  ·  alveole  ·  alveoli  ·  scrobiculus  ·  foveae  ·  alvelous  ·  bathmos

更多网络例句与小窝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am a company's staff member, I like early nine late five lives,after gets off work I to be willing to stay in mine alveolus cleans upthe room, I compare the attenion family life quality, the flowergrowing am when my joyful.


Does not ask you to have the outstandingly talented natural semblance,only asks you to have a sincere heart; Does not ask your family property great ealth, only strives for to be able to give me a peaceful alveolus; I use the filled with enthusiasm to wait for your arrival!


Show: coated vesicles were covered by a polygonal basketwork.


The aim of this study was to examine caveolin-1 expression and regulation in mouse uterus during early pregnancy, pseudopregnancy, delayed implantation, artificial decidualizarjon and hormonal treatment by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry.


In our happiness alveolus have 6 family members: always lively and cheerful, passion of infinite small than boys, the battle righteousness also chenchen classical and pure good elder sister, humorous and simple simple love laughs waited, and, of course, I've giggly of delight.


Muffin is very happy eating tasty slivers of fish and sleeping in the cosy sock Caitlin has given him.


A few days before the bitch is ready to give birth, she may stop eating and start building a "nest" where she plans to have her puppies-if you're lucky, this will be in the whelping box you have prepared for her.


That was one of the first things we bought and put upstairs in George's man cave, that we call it, the one big room that's upstairs , and where his desk is and his computer .


I'm a little girl looking for a good home after my ordeals in Taipei City.


They were put inside a small ticket booth, a home that kept them from escaping, if not happy.


更多网络解释与小窝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

alveolation:有肺泡, 有小窝

alveolate | 蜂窝状的, 多小孔的, 有肺泡的 | alveolation | 有肺泡, 有小窝 | alveoli | 气泡, 齿槽突起


动物小区系 faunula | 小窝 faveolus | 菊珊瑚科 FAVIIDAE


fosse 壕 | fossette 小窝 | fossick 淘金


fosse /壕/沟渠/运河/ | fossette /小窝/酒窝/ | fossick /淘金/翻寻/采掘/


泪腺窝 fossa of lacrimal gland | 小窝;触角基凹;咀嚼面 fossette | 化石 fossil


絮窝 fossa,floccular | 小窝,小凹,角膜小溃疡 fossette,fosset | 小窝,小凹 fossula

petrosal fossula:岩小窝

12212 鼓室小管 tympanic canaliculus | 12213 岩小窝 petrosal fossula | 12214 茎突 styloid process

central foveola:中央小窝

\\"中央窝\\",\\"central fovea\\" | \\"中央小窝\\",\\"central foveola\\" | \\"中枢神经系\\",\\"central nervous system\\"


scrobe 触角窝 | scrobiculus 小窝 | scrod 幼鱼


\\"螺旋虫,青蝇蛆\\",\\"screw-worm\\" | \\"窝,小窝\\",\\"scrobiculus\\" | \\"瘰<>,腺病\\",\\"scrofula\\"