英语人>词典>汉英 : 小盏 的英文翻译,例句
小盏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

lesser calices
更多网络例句与小盏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An an a pair of old shoes, little bridge, oil lamp, these ordinary little things are deep affective symbolizes, love often is so simple!


In the next Place, I was at a great Loss for Candle; so that as soon as ever it was dark, which was generally by Seven-a-Clock, was oblig'd to go to Bed: I remembered the Lump of Bees-wax with which I made Candles in my African Adventure, but I had none of that now; the only Remedy had was, that when I had kill'd a Goat, sav'd the Tallow, and with a little Dish made of Clay, which I bak'd in the Sun, to which I added a Wick of some Oakum, I made me a Lamp; and this gave me Light, tho' not a clear steady Light like a Candle; in the Middle of all my Labours it happen'd, that rumaging my Things, I found a little Bag, which, as I hinted before, had been fill'd with Corn for the feeding of Poultry, not for this Voyage, but before, as I suppose, when nt my Wall.


Results? 6 cases in X-ray film revealed round or oval stones in areatus distribution in the areas of renal papillae and medulla. 3 cases of IVP revealed cystic or hair-brushed dilation. 5cases in B-ultrasound revealed little anechoic area and strong echo light spot in radial distribution with acoustic shadow. Unenhanced CT of 6 cases revealed spotted or areatus stones surrounding minor renal calices with collecting tube system dilation and enhanced CT showed artifacts of stones magnification because of the collection of contrast medium around the stones. Conclusion?

结果 X线平片检查6例,表现为肾乳头、髓质区见簇状排列的圆形、椭圆形致密影;IVP检查3例,显示肾集合管囊状、刷子状扩张;B超检查5例见肾髓质内呈放射状分布的小无回声区和强回声光点,其后方伴有声影;CT检查6例,平扫呈环绕肾小盏分布的点状或簇状钙化灶,集合管囊状扩张,增强后因钙化周围的集合管内造影剂聚集,造成钙化影增大的假象。

The stress resistance of common roof garden plants, e.g. Dahlia hybrida, Callistephus chinensis, Calendula officinalis and Chrysanthemum multicaule were determined by mensurating such index as chlorophyll content, electrolyte leakage, water content, Pro content, MDA content and dissoluble sugar content. The result indicates that Dahlia hybrida is the best, Callistephus chinensis next, Calendula officinalis and Chrysanthemum multicaule are weaker as to drought resistance;while in the experiment on coldness resistance, the ability to bear coldness ranks from the best to the worst is Poa annua, Festuca arundinacea and Trifolium.


I lifted my body and about to go. She held my arm and, pulling thread and niddle she sew the orange skin and made it a latern. She then got a short candle and lighted inside it, handing over it to me: Take it, it is dark and slipery outside and this orange latern may help you find the way.


The most popular during the Shang Dynasty was the "bird and beast" design,hu,(long-necked and small opening, deep-bellied with round base, some with overhanging handle),you (elliptic opening, deep-bellied with round base, has a lid and overhanging handle), lei (some round and some square, openings vary in size, short neck with square shoulders, deep bellied, with curling feet or round base, and has a lid), fou and the like are wine vessels, jue (deep-bellied, tri-pedestal, can be heated on top of fire, protruding grooves at the top for easy pouring), gu (the most common wine-drinking utensil, more often used in combination with jue, which is bigger, opening is shaped like a bugle, long neck, thin waist, tall curling feet), zh(similar to the zun in shape but smaller, some with lids), gong (oval belly, has an outer edge for flow of wine, short handles, bottom has curling feet, lid is in the shape of the head of a beast, some has an entire body like a wild animal, with small spoon as accessory), bei, zhen is to drink from.


Now I have my own room, in which there's a bed, a small round table, a simple drying rack, a lamp and a large bookshelf, which wouldn't be of much use to me.


Each individual is limited to one free mini lantern. In addition, those who bring two unified invoices for the 2010 January-February period could receive an additional Hoki mini lantern.


This pen size and pen in general similar, but more in the Pen-tailed red, yellow, blue, green, four small buttons, a small red light, a "super-mini" camera, and a small screen.


Summer was still young. The little flame in the oil lamp danced in the darkness, my small-framed granny and I were sitting on the little stools by the lamp.


更多网络解释与小盏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


真正的主角是那围著喷水池栽种的那一棵棵矮小的草药. 喏,那不是妈妈煮佳肴时的必备香料(Basil)吗?不识宝的人还以为是野草一脚踩下去呢!旁边其它不起眼的小草也不可小看,它们可是大有来头的鼠尾草(Salvia)﹑金盏草(Calendula)及刺贤垤尔(Lavandula).

canaille:暴民, 贱民

canaigre ink | 消迹墨 | canaille | 暴民, 贱民 | canakin | 小罐, 小盏

renal corpuscule:肾小体

renal calyce 肾盏 | renal corpuscule 肾小体 | renal pelvis 肾盂

pot marigold:金盏菊

金盏菊(Pot Marigold):驱除番茄天蛾及其幼虫、芦笋甲虫和其它害虫. 是西红柿、芦笋的好伙伴. 除虫菊(Pyrethrums):驱蚊,还能驱除多种害虫. 青蒿(Southernwood):驱除菜蛾. 是甘蓝的良友. 艾菊(Tansy):驱除蚂蚁、小飞虫、铜绿丽金龟、黄守瓜、南瓜椿象.

renal pelvis:肾盂

肾盏(renal calices)和肾盂(renal pelvis)是排尿管的起始部分. 肾小盏呈漏斗状,紧紧包绕着肾乳头,以收纳由乳头管泌出的尿液,一个肾小盏包绕着1个或2个肾乳头,每2-3个小盏集合成肾大盏,大盏2-3个最后合并形成漏斗形的肾盂,


ramstam 固执的 | ramtil 盏金花 | ramulose 多小枝的

minor calices:小肾盏 第九章

miniature endplate potential 微终板电位 第二章 | minor calices 小肾盏 第九章 | minor test 次侧 第三章

calyx,calyces majores:肾大盏

\\"盏,杯\\",\\"calyx,calyces\\" | \\"肾大盏\\",\\"calyx,calyces majores\\" | \\"肾小盏\\",\\"calyx,calyces minores\\"

calyx,calyces minores:肾小盏

\\"肾大盏\\",\\"calyx,calyces majores\\" | \\"肾小盏\\",\\"calyx,calyces minores\\" | \\"肾盏\\",\\"calyx,calyces of kidney\\"

canakin:小罐, 小盏

canaille || 暴民, 贱民 | canakin || 小罐, 小盏 | canal boat || 运河用的平底的船