英语人>词典>汉英 : 小房屋 的英文翻译,例句
小房屋 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小房屋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was no garret at all, and no cellar—except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path.


Now the housing estate from the initial concept to address basic living conditions, to the comfort of a gradual, personalized, human and cultural development, the purchase of housing in the course selection has become increasingly critical, real estate developers have tried to use various means to meet the preferences of property buyers,"the concept of the Housing" and "apartments","Townhouse" and "small Huxing" began doing all kinds of Fangxing on stage, but also for many property buyers in the selection of housing is what many people in the room, most of their energies offices, bedroom, Chuwei inspection, and often easy to somewhat overlooked.


We had discussed this point in our Junto, where I was on the side of an addition, being persuaded that the first small sum struck in 1723 had done much good by increasing the trade, employment, and number of inhabitants in the province, since I now saw all the old houses inhabited, and many new ones building; whereas I remembered well, when I first walked about the streets of Philadelphia, eating my roll, I saw many of the houses in Walnut-street, between Second and Front streets, with bills on their doors,"To be let," and many likewise in Chestnut-street and other streets, which made me think the inhabitants of the city were one after another deserting it.3 }% x: V5 D1 q7 i+ D8 }1 r


"Come, let me comb your hair in the newest way," said the woman, and the poor unsuspicious child let her have her way, but no sooner did the comb touch her hair than the poison began to work, and she fell fainting to the ground.


Romantic and manorial the individual character space of li of player is made -- manorial and feudal, complete also by the move is own DIY game content and game means will manage nurturance, forest is planted fruiter of flower, crops, need not drive area of the environs that go to a city to lease land cultivate land, can experience like rurality and embrace take the happy experience that holds results in both hands greatly; Need not constrained at the appropriate breed aquatics in household the space is mixed breed a condition, can bring puppy people more cares and caress, do not have a thing to amuse funny piggy, chase after chase after leveret, hello feed a chicken; The super big flicker that business of coastal waters drawing near encircles the annulus hill that also need not accept estate to develop business constrainedly again, and style of machine-made Europe type and centralized building structure, manorial and built-in build community, door model pattern, surface color trend, indoor decorate, court is decorated said to calculate by yourself completely, DIY whole journey experiences, one person cent impersonates much character, antenna branches and tendrils expands more and professional domain and life experience drill; Need not force oneself to live for working public relations and affection more, with perfect and unfamiliar, be without be mixed but the person of character and circle try to show happyness when one is sad, the person nature that falls in love with romance is unrestrained, freedom and love are them most the little vain hope that care, romantic and manorial in assembled they are all the friend of have a common goal, they are the families that such is deeply attached to each other.


Victoria's coastal regions are losing the archltectural type of the holiday shack Development over the past decades fuelled by increasing demand and rebuitding after the Ash Wednesday fifes has seen the rude shacks replaced by a suburban architectural language that more closely mirrors affluence and the demands for comfort and amenity.


Great little home close to freeways and transportation.


To the latter,it is not effective because it is not registered.The housing of small property right brings lots of harms such as hurting the rightsof the buyers and fair competition.So we should follow the fundaments of the equality,in proper sequence,social stability and sustainable development to solute the problem.


During the Neolithic centuries, there would have been at least a dozen little houses here, half-dug into the ground for comfort and for safety.


The small property to a certain extent solved the housing problem of some people, but the collective land use in rural areas enjoy the right to have the identity of strict requirements, and has repeatedly stressed that the State Council promulgated regulations and policies clearly prohibit urban residents to buy small rural housing property for the small property litigation has more to the contract null and void and the purchaser losing end.


更多网络解释与小房屋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


一开始为小帐篷(small tent),然后是大帐篷(large te nt),以后能逐渐升级,分别有小的和大的屋子(shack)、小的和大的茅屋(Hovel)、小的和 大的房屋(Casa)、小的、中的和大的I ulae(小型的i ulae是第一种包括带税薪金的建筑 形式,


Describing a flat or house(房屋描述) | cozy 本意温馨的,实际上是说房子很小 | draughty 冷风阵阵(因为窗子装配不好)


houseleek 石莲花 | houseless 无房屋的 | houselet 小房子


houseleek /石莲花/ | houseless /无家的/无房屋的/ | houselet /小房子/


maintopsail 中帆 | maisonette 小房屋 | maisonnette 小屋


orky:兽人的,兽人文明,好的,绿的 | runt:小的,屁精,鼻涕精 | shak:建筑,房屋,生活,民居

House 3 - Shacks:房屋3 小木屋

House 2 - Tents房屋2 大型帐篷 | House 3 - Shacks房屋3 小木屋. | House 4 - Shacks房屋4 大木屋.

House 4 - Shacks:房屋4 大木屋

House 3 - Shacks房屋3 小木屋. | House 4 - Shacks房屋4 大木屋. | House 5 - HoveMs房屋5 小棚舍

pet cock:小塞门

pet clothes 动物服装 | pet cock 小塞门 | pet house 宠物房屋

efficiency apartment:效率公寓(一般指带一间小卧室,一些家具,一间私人的浴室和小厨房)

garage apartment 带车库的公寓 | efficiency apartment 效率公寓(一般指带一间小卧室,一些家具,一间私人的浴室和小厨房) | house 独立带院的房屋