英语人>词典>汉英 : 小快板 的英文翻译,例句
小快板 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与小快板相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a quick, lively tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegretto but slower than presto.


Allegretto third movement with an endless stream of sixteenth note rhythms, showing a dynamic and imaginative spiritual realm.


Allegro In a quick, lively tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegretto but slower than presto.


Allegretto comodo is a sonata form. Adagio is written in very romantic mood. Con spinto is typical South American: lively with rhythm, many parts remember us to be in Carneval in Rio.

适当的小快板是一个奏鸣曲式;随后而来的柔板充满了浪漫的情怀;Con spinto是典型的南美音乐风格——熟悉的旋律让我们想起在巴西狂欢节上欢快的时刻。

I. Allegretto con spirito 06:45

4: ——热烈的小快板

No.36 in e major,op.67,no.6,lullaby,allegretto non troppo


Arban Variations on Opera Vois-tu la neige qui brille?: Andante quais Allegretto, Variations 1 and 2, Lento, Allegro, any edition.

變奏曲 -根據歌劇《美麗的雪景》,需演奏:近似小快板的行板、變奏 I 和 II、尾聲和快板,可選任何版本。

Second, most of the content of the assigned chorus piece were chosen to meet to the elementary students' musical abilities. The form was referred to as AB; two parts songs were usually selected; the meter signature was referred to as quarter note gets one beat and beats can be grouped in twos or fours, it remained stablely in the whole tune; the tempo of assigned chorus piece almostly based on "Moderato" and "Allegretto"; the tonality are combined with the major and minor scales and also present as the pentatonic scales, the minor scale were rarely used.

二 、九十二至九十六学年度国小合唱指定曲的内容,大部分与国小音乐能力指标相符:乐曲曲式明确,以二段式居多;编制以同声二部为主;拍号以单拍子的二拍、四拍为主,少有拍号变化;速度以中板、稍快板为主;调性不完全偏向大小调乐曲,仍兼顾调式乐曲,转调变化的不多,小调乐曲较少出现。

Autumn: Allegro, Piano e Larghetto, Allegro molto

秋天:快板,柔柔的小广板,极度快的快板 5:07

Autumn: Allegro, Piano e Larghetto, Allegro molto

秋天:快板,柔柔的小广板,特别快的快板 5:07

更多网络解释与小快板相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gavotte: Allegre:加沃特舞曲:小快板

35: 利戈东舞曲:朝气蓬勃的快板Rigaudon: Al.... 01:19 | 36: 加沃特舞曲:小快板Gavotte: Allegre.... 02:31 | 37: 布雷舞曲:富有表现力的小快板Bourree: Al.... 01:45

Humoresque: All:幽默曲:优美的小快板

杂曲之三Miscellaneous III | 15: 幽默曲:优美的小快板Humoresque: All.... 01:54 | 16: 小托卡塔:活泼的快板Toccatina: Alle.... 01:30

Bourree: Al:布雷舞曲:富有表现力的小快板

36: 加沃特舞曲:小快板Gavotte: Allegre.... 02:31 | 37: 布雷舞曲:富有表现力的小快板Bourree: Al.... 01:45 | 38: 西西里舞曲:如歌的行板Siciliana: And.... 02:09

Allegretto non troppo:不过分的小快板

affrettando快速的 | Allegretto non troppo 不过分的小快板 | Allegretto poco mosso 稍快的小快板

Allegretto non troppo:不过火的小快板

Allegretto 小快板 | Allegretto non troppo不过火的小快板 | Andantino 小行板

Allegretto non troppo:当然分旳小快板

Allegretto 小快板 | Allegretto non troppo 当然分旳小快板 | Andantino 小行板

Allegretto non troppo:不外 分的小快板

affrettando快速的 | Allegretto non troppo 不外 分的小快板 | Allegretto poco mosso 稍快的小快板

Andatino non troppo:不过分的小快板

Allegretto 小快板 | Andatino non troppo 不过分的小快板 | Aadantino 小行板

Allegretto con moto:小快板 富有生气的

Allgretto 小快板 | Allegretto con moto 小快板 富有生气的 | Allegretto moderato 中速稍快

Allegretto animato:昂奋、活跃的小快板

Allegretto animato 昂奋、活跃的小快板 | Allegretto vivace 活泼的小快板 | Allegro 快板