英语人>词典>汉英 : 小孢子囊 的英文翻译,例句
小孢子囊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
microsporangium  ·  microsporangia

更多网络例句与小孢子囊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The anther possesses four microsparangia with its wall composed of four layers: epidermis, endothecium, middle layers and a 2\|nucleate celled tapetum.

绒毡层细胞在发育后期由单核分裂为2 核,多原位解体,为腺质型;但大约有12%小孢子囊的绒毡层在小孢子四分体释放时期进入花药室内,成为变形绒毡层。

Recurvata occurred in the Posongchong Formation of Zhichang Section, Wenshan District. Detailed research shows that Huia gracilis sp. nov. has K- or H-type branching in the rhizome.


Sori 1-5 pairs borne on the lower surface of ultimate lobes at the end of basal veins; indusium dehiscent in two equal halves when mature.


Germination rate of sporangium in different temperature, pH and nutrition was examined with suspending-drop method.

用悬滴法测定温度、营养和 pH值对孢子囊萌发的影响,用硫酸法控制小容器相对湿度和载玻片法测定湿度对孢子囊萌发的影响。

Microspore Ye as the feather, small sporophyll sac formed by the polymerization, each polymer capsules formed by four small sporangia, small spores with dual airbags, and airbag Pinaceae pollen is similar to large sporophyll from the central axis and arranged in Brachypodium feather composition, Each Yibing has a shell bucket, each bucket containing shell upright ovules 10-12 months.


Thus the stamens of angiosperms and the microsporophylls of lower vascular plants are said to be homologous, being derived from a leaflike structure bearing the.


Results:(1) The conchosporangia of brown yellow mutant was smaller and mature time was 15 days later than the parents. Thallus grew slowly in early stage, but average daily growth rate reached (7.50±1.18) cm after blade length was over 60 cm.(2)The emerald conchocelis were easy to mature and had special developmental mode that the spherulocytes can directly develop into sporangial branchlets and conchosporangia without thick conchocelis stage. Emerald blades were low in RPE with just (6.4710±0.0184) mg/g dry mass. The thallus grew quickly, average daily growth rate reached (11.95±2.33) cm after blade length was over 60 cm.(3) The conchocelis filaments of breen mutant were thin and short. Thallus grew slowly and had low contents of three phycobiliprotenin and chlorophyl.


The anther was tetrasporangiate, originated from the stamen primordium. The anther wall was composed of epidermis, fibrous endothelium, middle layer (2~3 layers) and tapetum (1~2 layers).


Petals absent. Stamens (8-)10; anthers distinctive in comprising only 2 microsporangia.


Pollen cones terminal, solitary or clustered in leaf axils, or borne in spikelike complexes; individual cones pedunculate or sessile; microsporophylls numerous, spirally arranged, with distinct adaxial and abaxial surfaces; microsporangia 2; pollen 2(or 3)-saccate in Chinese species,.

雄球花单个顶生,或者在叶腋簇生,或者形成穗状复合花序;雄球花有花序梗或者无;小孢子叶许多,螺旋状排列,背腹面显著;小孢子囊2个;中国的种类的花粉2 (-3)气囊,。

更多网络解释与小孢子囊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




横切面方形,孢子囊有两种,大孢子囊(megasporangium)含 4 个大孢子,大孢子散布,萌发成雌配子体;小孢子囊(microsporangium)内含多数小孢子, 小孢子萌发形成雄配子体.配子体的发育均在孢子壁内发育.雌配子体的发育经过游离核阶段,

microspore:小芽胞 小孢子

microsporangium 小孢子囊 | microspore 小芽胞 小孢子 | microsporemothercell 小孢子母细胞


雄蕊是特化的叶,故又称小孢子叶(microsporophyll). 每一雄蕊分为花丝和花药两部分. 花药产生小孢子,小孢子发育成花粉粒. 一般花药有4个小孢子囊或花粉囊,左右各2个. 成熟时花粉囊壁破开,花粉散出(图14-16).


孢子叶聚集成穗状或球状,称孢子叶穗(sporophyll spike)或孢子叶球(strobil);较进化的真蕨类其孢子囊常成群聚生在叶的背面或边缘,称为孢子囊群(sorus);也有的(如瓶尔小草)集生在一个特化的孢子叶上称孢子囊穗(sporangiate spike);

plurilocular sporangium:多室孢子囊

在网地藻属(Dictyota)的单室孢子囊中,形成4个静孢子;多室孢子囊(plurilocular sporangium)是由1个细胞经过多次分裂,形成1个细长的多细胞组织,每个小立方形细胞发育成1个侧生双鞭毛的游动孢子,此种孢子囊发生在二倍体的藻体上,形成孢子时不经过减数分裂,


androsome 限雄染色体 | androsporangium 雄孢子囊 | androspore 产雄器孢子,雄孢子,小孢子


"产雄精子","androspermium ; androsperm" | "雄孢子囊;小孢子囊","androsporangium" | "间生藻的雄孢子;小孢子;小胞子","androspore"


有着小叶或耳廓(pinnae)的蕨的叶子仿佛羽毛般长在叶柄上,其叶子又可分为更小的叶子,被称为羽枝(pinnule). 带有繁殖结构的叶子(孢子囊(sporangia))仿佛有着棕色珠子的项链. 荚果蕨可以在潮湿和阴暗的花园中被养殖以做装饰用.


原配子囊 progametangium | 小孢子囊 sporangiole | 微包囊 microcyst