英语人>词典>汉英 : 将要发生 的英文翻译,例句
将要发生 的英文翻译、例句


in the wind
更多网络例句与将要发生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No, I do think I drove over some kind of cosmic energy of an alien being, either from an accident that had happened in the past, or perhaps one that has yet to happen.


The future tense describes something that will or may happen.


Jarlaxle knew everything that happened, or would soon happen, in and around the city, and, armed with that information, he had survived for centuries as a houseless rogue.


The essence is how to use the mine microseism, under the unchanged mining intensity, which occurs upon accumulation of the respective low stresses, to predict the next extremum mine microseism due to occur during the stress mining environment classified by the increased isostress gradient instead of a period divided by the human experience.


Internet of our ability understanding is occurrent with a lot of event that will produce.


They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. 2)be going to do sth.


Ii. A non-negotiable sea waybill indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the

ii。 银行可以接受注明将要发生或可能发生转运的非转让海运单。

Ii. A non-negotiable sea waybill indicating that transhipment will or may take place is acceptable, even if the credit

ii。 银行可以接受注明将要发生或可能发生转运的非转让海运单。

Had been doing have/has been doing 一般进行完成过去 was/were given was/were being given had been given 现在 am/is/are given am/is/are being given have/has been given /将来 will/shall be given / will/shall have been given /过去将来 should/would be given / should/would have been given

不定式:不定式:二不定式常考的考点:不定式常考的考点: 1不定式做定语不定式做定语----将要发生将要发生 2不定式做状语----目的不定式做状语目的 3不定式充当名词功能不定式充当名词功能---To see is to believe。

Yet another movement is made when the legislature, instead of waiting for the alleged commission of a crime as the occasion of appointing a Quaestio, periodically nominates Commissioners like the Quaestores Parricidii and the Duumviri Perduellionis, on the chance of certain classes of crimes being committed, and in the expectation that they will be perpetrated.


更多网络解释与将要发生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the prospect of/that:一想到...的前景/将要发生的事

30. send into使处于(某种状态), 使变得 | The news sent the school into a panic. 这消息使整个学校陷入一片恐慌. | 31. at the prospect of/that...一想到...的前景/将要发生的事

You'll work with a basset hound in a birthday hat:我得对我的命令

Cooking:cook的形态下,专指在筹划中的、将要发生的. | 24、我得对我的命令 You'll work with a basset hound in a birthday hat | 唯命是从 if that's what I tell you to do.

be going to:不定式"多用于口语中,表示打算、将要发生的事

Will you be at home at seven this evening? 今晚七点你会在家吗? | (2) "be going to +不定式"多用于口语中,表示打算、将要发生的事. | What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你要干什么?

clear the air:消除误会

Be in the air 将要发生的事情 | Clear the air 消除误会 | Cost an arm and a leg 极其昂贵


在量子色动力学中,夸克除了具有"味"的特性外,还具有三种"色"(color)的特性,分别是红、绿和蓝. 严格地说,历史和将来一切可能发生的事情,都已经实际上发生了,或者将要发生. 只不过它们在另外一些宇宙里,和我们所在的这个没有任何物理接触.

simple future tense:一般将来时

例如:一般将来时(simple future tense)主要用于表示将来发生的动作或情况. 例如:过去将来时(future-in-the-past tense)主要用来表示过去某一时间内将要发生的动作或存在的状态. 例如:

lie in store:将要发生

lie in state (遗体)停放于某处供瞻仰 | lie in store 将要发生 | lie second [英](在竞赛中)名列第二

lie ahead:将要发生

lie about 1.凌乱地摆放 2.无所事事地混日子 | lie ahead 将要发生 | lie at the heart of 处在...的核心部分


显然,"停车"(stop)还未发生,是一个将要发生的动作,这里用现在完成时表示stop 这个动作将在get off 之前完成. 通俗点讲,要表达"先停车后下车",即"等车停稳了再下车", 关怀之情溢于言表,考生倍感亲切.

to come:未来的, 将要到来的

Let them all come. 让他们都来吧 (对大家的挑战, 表示自信、蔑视). | to come 未来的, 将要到来的 | come about发生; (风等)改变方向; 转帆, 转航向