英语人>词典>汉英 : 射击线 的英文翻译,例句
射击线 的英文翻译、例句


firing line
更多网络例句与射击线相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In an ISSF supervised event is a chalk "marker tape" line on a Skeet shooter's vest, legal?


If you have the person inside of the 4 lines that make up your crosshair, you'll only shoot within those 4 lines.


Some people don't deserve to be in your firing line!


Firing line :The line of positions from which fire is directed at a target.


Other cause can be vibrations of the print head letting small air bobbles inside the print head preventing the ink head of firing one ore more nozzles, also change of cartridges can let a little bit of air inside the ink system, in case of missing nozzles it will look like white line within the print, then push the pump bottom for a few seconds, please have a JetMaster tissue in front of the head when using the pump, otherwise you are facing ink all over your machine, the ink can spray more than one meter out of the print head using this function, so please use it carefully.

喷印头的振动释放的小茸球在喷印头中阻塞喷头的一个或多个喷嘴的射击,同时和的变化会使一点空气进入油墨系统,避免喷嘴的缺失。然而当喷嘴丢失时,喷印看起来像白线,这时推动操作泵底部数秒。请在顶端前有Jet Master棉纸时,使用操作泵,否则油墨会溅到机器上,可溅出喷印头1米多。因此,请谨慎使用。

Harry was in the line of fire and got peppered pretty good.


Test 100 feet of shooting line Swivels and weight 3-4 feet of Maxima monofilament 6-8 lb.


The guards have orders to shoot prisoners who stray over the line on the ground.


In this paper, we analyzed the firing results in one 57H Gun with six different ignition al structure such as igniter in bottom, centre ignition tube closed by computer typing paper,and so on at conventional and low temperture condition.


When the bandit and the police began to shoot, Jack was almost in their line of fire.


更多网络解释与射击线相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


弹幕射击(BARRAGE)持续了3个小时,我们躺在这个沸腾的大锅里熬过了这段莫名漫长的时间. 手表地指针最终指向了10时45分. 三个攻击组弓着腰从掩体里挑出来在出发线集合. 大家校对了手表. 只要炮击一停止,我们就准时在11时发起进攻(GOOVER THE TOP).

firing line:射击线

Firearm [枪械] | Firing line [射击线] | Firing pin [撞针]


- 联强 (Lemel) 无双旗舰机:- 捷元 (Genuine) 捷元宙斯机:- 即将於下半年正式推出的游戏橘子(Gamarnia)射击线上游戏 >、红心辣椒的 MMORPG 游戏>及美商艺电 (EA) 科幻射击游戏<<Crys

ligne de tir:射击线

环 point | 射击线 ligne de tir | 步枪(手枪)射击 tir au fusil ( au revolver )

Overwatch Protection Solutions International:(国际掩护射击保卫公司)

Northbridge Services(北鸟服务) | Overwatch Protection Solutions International(国际掩护射击保卫公司) | SkyLink USA, affiliated with SkyLink Aviation(天空线美国公司,下属于天空线航空公司)

No Fire Area:射击安全区;无射击区

night vision device 夜视装置 | no-fire area 射击安全区;无射击区 | no-fire line 禁止射击线

coordinated fire line:协调射击线

coordinated attack 协同进攻 | coordinated fire line 协调射击线 | coordinated illumination fire 协同照明射击

Combat Reticles:射击锁定线. 举枪瞄准敌人时出现的环形锁定(瞄准)线

Combat Reticles:射击锁定线. 举枪瞄准敌人时出现的环形锁定(瞄准)线 | Helper Buttons:按键提示. 在可互动物件旁以及抓钩的相关提示键 | Training Text:提示文字. 游戏初期右上角显示的教玩家按键的文字

Target shooting:标靶射击

但是在 8 倍以上高倍率的瞄准镜上,特别是对标靶射击(target shooting)和狐鼠狩猎(varmint hunting)的人来说,影响就很大. 所以在高倍率的瞄准镜上,通常可以调整物镜的焦距,俾能把聚焦平面准确地调整到瞄准线的平面上.

Line of Fire:射击线

line of battle 作战队形; 战列 | line of fire 射击线 | line of sight 视线; 瞄准线, LOS, 导弹引头及其目标之间的直线