英语人>词典>汉英 : 封建性的 的英文翻译,例句
封建性的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The national bourgeoisie is less feudal than the landlord class and not so comprador as the comprador class.


With the Christian prevalence and the establishment of feudalism, the Christian hostility and the feudalistic exclusionism make it impossible that Jew continues to engage in agriculture because they cannot gain soil, so Jew has to seek living space in commerce and handicraft industry.


He held that the regime was neither a totally revolutionary one, nor a totally feudal one, but a double one thathas the character of peasants revolution and feudality at the same time.


He thought that not only the central power, but also the village power was controlled by laborers, which caused the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to be a revolutionary regime, and that the village power had feudality to some extend, and the peasantry was a double class, thus the central power was with feudality to some extend.


Because of Chinesefeudatories traditional effect, sex which is originally natural, should be understood byeverybody including students, and should be taken in mind as hygienical ability, but it hasgone too far from reality.


It can be said that the main body of feudal tradition, the historical tragedy of Japan's Showa cultural roots and lead to the modernization of Japan embarked on Qi Lu.


With the improvement of living standards, people are paying more attention to sex education. But the deep-rooted、vulgar feudal ideas made people gave a wide berth to "she". This Obstructing the accurate dissemination of sexual knowledge .The keen knowledge of the desire is contrary to the shackles of traditional values .Especially the Hobbledehoys ,they are in a obscurity state to sex, because of the unavailable of proper adolescent education to most young people, induce they get access to sexual knowledge from some badness approach which contaminate the health of body and mind of them, even go to crime in virtue of spur-of-the-moment.


In the first part, the opinions and ideas from some main figures concerning the North-western regions in modern history; In the second part, the process of three vital stages(Yang-Wu Movement, the "New Deal" in the last period of Qing Dynasty, Anti-Japanese War) are studied, and the characteristics of each stage are generalized falling into four categories, such as: military、feudal、comprador and nation-monopoly etc; In the third part, four reasons of the low efficiency of the industrial and mineral exploration are explored, they are the dominant role natural economy, the low level of productive forces, the science and technology, lack of capital accumulation and investment, lack of systematic policies and support from the government, In a word, as Mao Tsetung said:"It"s impossible to get rich, develop industry, strengthen national defence in semi-colonel and semi-feudal China.


He is ambiguous and not quite self-conscious ground thinks in fact, china is sex of a semi-colony and feudalistic society.


The Chinese traditional legal culture created in slave society and feudalistic society , and had dense characteristics of the feudalism and ages.


更多网络解释与封建性的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Curia Regis:御前会议

这主要表现为御前会议(Curia Regis)和其它中央机构的建立和发展. 御前会议在形式上相似于盎格鲁-萨克逊时代的贤人会议,但性质上却与后者大相径庭. 御前会议实际上是一种封建性的政府组织机构,因为出席者不是为国家尽义务,


但从谋取个人声誉来说,它并非纯粹是封建性的,而是掺杂进了文艺复兴个人主义的因素. 对平民来说,追求荣誉还包括因功而受封为贵族. 哥伦布在与西班牙国王签订的协议书中,他的名字前就加上了"唐"(Don)的尊称.


欧洲各国不再困于那些好战成性的封建主们的扰攘,一时如释重负,颇为自在. 国王们用一种初级形态的中央集权政府取代了各自为政的封建体制:警钟楼(beffro)不久便与封建城堡主塔(donjon)一样成为防卫与权力的象征. "

feudality:封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名)

feudalistic 封建制度的; 封建主义的 (形) | feudality 封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名) | feudally 如封建地 (副)


feudalistic /封建制度的/封建性的/ | feudality /封建制度/封建地/封地/ | feudalization /使成封建制度/封建化/


 他特别注意资本主义劳动和封建性劳动之间的对立,认为近代社会的形成过程是近代的"勤劳"(industry)逐步代替了近代以前的封建性"劳役" (labor)的过程.


feudalist 封建论者 | feudalistic 封建性的 | feudalistic 封建制度的


feudalist /封建论者/ | feudalistic /封建制度的/封建性的/ | feudality /封建制度/封建地/封地/

feudalistic:封建制度的; 封建主义的 (形)

feudalist 封建论者; 主张封建制度者 (名) | feudalistic 封建制度的; 封建主义的 (形) | feudality 封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名)

feudally:如封建地 (副)

feudality 封建性; 封建领地; 封建制 (名) | feudally 如封建地 (副) | feudatory 臣属的; 受有封地的; 隶属于外国的 (形)