英语人>词典>汉英 : 对角和 的英文翻译,例句
对角和 的英文翻译、例句


diagonal sum
更多网络例句与对角和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, we discuss the boundary value problem of one dimensional biharmonic equation in an interval and its variational problem,multiresolution analysis in the Sobolev space , then solve it with wavelet-Galerkin methods.


The diagonal loading factor anti convergence performance were analyzed and the convergence scope of robust constrained LMS algorithm was also given.


By looking for positive diagonal matrix factors, we present several types of practical criteria for identifying generalized strictly diagonally dominant matrix, improve and extend some existing results.


With the aids of the angular momentum coupling theory, the diagonal sum rule and the irreducible tensor theory, a formulism for calculating the matrix elements of Boron-like atoms' non-relativistic Hamilton between the Racah wave functions have been derived. Based on this approach, the non-relativistic energies of Boron-like atoms in the ground and the first excited states have been obtained.


By using the properties of part matrix elements in N1 , and by looking for positive diagonal matrix factors, we present some new sufficient conditions of generalized strictly diagonally dominant matrix and improve the recent results.


Missirlis in article [1]. At the same time, a sufficient condition for convergence of the PSD method is given to be compared when the coefficient matrix A of the linear system Ax = b is a symmetric, positively defective matrix. In §3.2, an example is given to state that the range of our sufficient condition is wider than theorem 3.3 of article [1]. On the other hand, following a.n analogous approach of [14] and starting the functional relationshipwe have a perfect analysis for the PSD method to converge and optimum valves for the involved parameters under different conditions.Under the assumptions that A is a consistent ordered matrix with nonvanishing diagonal elements and the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix of A are real,we get necessary and sufficient conditions for the PSD method to convergence.The result is equal to theorem 1 of article [9].Under the same condition, we can see the optimal parameter and of corresponding spectral radius of thePSD method in [8]:(2)When A is a consistent ordered matrix with nonvanishing diagonal elements and the eigenvalues of the Jacobi matrix of A are imaginary or zero,we get necessary and sufficient conditions for the PSD method to convergence.In chapter 3, the optimal parameter and of corresponding spectral radius of the PSD method are given by table 3.3. Moreover, under the assumption 0


Therefore, we use the pairwise geometric attributes which are the directed segment relative angle and directed relative position.


This paper mainly deals with invariant subspaces and cyclic vectors of certain diagonal operators on a separable Hilbert space. In this case, a complete characterization is given.


Based on the decomposition theorem for vector space with module structure and rational canonical form of matrix, a kind of new block diagonal controllably canonical forms are inferred when the time invariant linear multivariable system is completely controllable, which the system matrix is similar to a block diagonal and has an analogy with its rational canonical form. Compare with current controllability canonical forms, this kind is easier to analyse the system constructional characteristic. The process of proof gives an effective solution method.


After all the angular integrations and spin summations completed, the needed parameters in the non-relativistic wave functions have been acquired using the variational method and so the functions themselves have been established in this way.


更多网络解释与对角和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


临床观察所得不良姿势往往会使身体局部出现肌肉不平衡(Muscle Imbalance),即一部分肌肉过紧,而其他部分肌肉倾向于软弱无力,这会在主动肌(Agonist)和拮抗肌(Antagonist)之间产生不平衡,肌肉不平衡通常出现于对角(Diagonal Pattern):缩短/过紧或软弱无力/拉



diagonal sum rule:对角和规则

diagonal matrix 对角矩阵 | diagonal sum rule 对角和规则 | diagram of equilibrium 平衡图

diagonal sum:对角和

diagonal principle 对角线原理 | diagonal sum 对角和 | diagonal term 对角项


选择是否是对角线类型的光表,缺省的是正交类型的光标在光标(Cursor)区域,你可以定义光标的类型,你可以选择小十字光标(Small cross)、大十字光标(Large cross)和整屏光标(Full screen),对角(Diagonal)中,选择是否是对角线类型的光表,


而是它全面展示了计算理论中那些最引人入胜的深刻想法(idea):抽象问题(problems)的形式语言(formal languages)描述,确定性(deterministic)和非确定性(nondeterministic)的引入,对角化(diagonalization)和停机(halting)问题,

hyoid arch:舌弓

第二对为舌弓(hyoid arch),包括背面一对舌颌骨(hyomandibular)、中部的一对角舌骨和位于腹面连接左、右角舌骨的单块基舌骨;舌颌骨的上端固着于脑颅,下端以韧带或通过其它骨块与下颌关连,鱼类以舌颌骨将下颌悬挂于脑颅的形式称为舌接式(hyostyl-ic).


移动电话集团"中兴"(ZTE)在普瓦提埃(Poitiers)附近的未来影视城(Futuroscope)成立了一个研究中心. 而两家生产对角超薄平面萤幕电视机的中国生产商"海信"(Hisense)和"厦华"(Prima)分别在洛林地区(Lorraine)和奥尔良(Orleans)设厂.


第二对为舌弓(hyoid arch),包括背面一对舌颌骨(hyomandibular)、中部的一对角舌骨和位于腹面连接左、右角舌骨的单块基舌骨;舌颌骨的上端固着于脑颅,下端以韧带或通过其它骨块与下颌关连,鱼类以舌颌骨将下颌悬挂于脑颅的形式称为舌接式(hyostyl-ic).

BEND SINISTER:从左上角到右下角的对角条纹

bend sb.'s ears || 和某人谈重要的事, 和某人谈个不休 | bend sinister || 从左上角到右下角的对角条纹> | bend sinister || 盾纹上表示庶出的斜条