英语人>词典>汉英 : 对角化 的英文翻译,例句
对角化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
diagonalization  ·  diabonalization

更多网络例句与对角化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The pupose of the research is to develops public key encryption and digital signature shemes based on matrix canonical decomposition problem, or matrix diagonalization problem over Z/n, the ring of integers with modulo-n addition and multiplication in particular, where n is an RSA modulus.


Additionally, we propose an algebraic diagonalization method which is equivalent to Bogoliubov-Valatin transformation in a sense.


Successive diagonalization and truncation technique was used to reduce the size of the final Hamiltonian matrix to be diagonalized.


This paper discusses the matrix of the basic theory of diagonalization. On this basis, it studies the two matrices at the same time or a contract similar to the conditions of diagonalization.


In this paper, the concept of congruent diagonalization of matrix is presented, and the problem of diagonalization of one matrix is generalized.


Furthermore, we express a real quaternionic polynomial with four general polynomials which have real coefficients, thus build direct relation between real quaternionic polynomials and general polynomials.


It is also pointed out that an n-mode boson coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a "negative unitary" matrix which is an element of complex symplectic group SP(2n,c),and an n-mode fermion coupled quadratic Hamiltonian can be diagonalized by a unitary matrix which is an element of complex fermion group F(2n,c).


To one quaternion matrix, according to its normal form, into which a quaternion matrix is transformed after decomposed, the types of decomposition of a quaternion matrix are divided into three large classes: diagonalized decomposition, triangular decomposition and triangular-diagonalized decomposition.


Tridiagonalization of symmetric matrices and computing eigenvalues of tridiagonal symmetric matrix are the keys of eigenproblem parallel solver of dense symmetric matrix.


Then, the relation between vibration and sound, the acoustic holography method, the indeterminacy and identifiability of BSS, the BSS algorithm are discussed in detail. Based on above researches, the dissertation is divided in following four sections. The first section investigates the BSS algorithm suitable to acoustic feature separation. The algorithm of the joint approximate diagonalization of eigen-matrices is proposed. The spectra or the time-frequency distributions of source signals are the interesting features in ABD and they are separated from mixing signals by JADE algorithm. Then, the convolutive mixing model is transformed into a high-dimension instantaneous mixing model, and the deconvolution of source signals is achieved by the joint approximate block diagonalization of eigen-matrices. The proposed algorithm has a global minimum, and it is unsensitive to noise interference.


更多网络解释与对角化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diagonalizable matrix:可对角化矩阵

diagonal sum rule 对角求和规则 | diagonalizable matrix 可对角化矩阵 | diagonalization 对角线化

diagonalizable matrix:对角化矩阵

相似变换 similar transformation | 对角化矩阵 diagonalizable matrix | 特征值 characteristic value

orthogonally diagonalizable matrix:矩阵的正交对角化

orthogonal decomposition 正交分解 | orthogonally diagonalizable matrix 矩阵的正交对角化 | orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵


而是它全面展示了计算理论中那些最引人入胜的深刻想法(idea):抽象问题(problems)的形式语言(formal languages)描述,确定性(deterministic)和非确定性(nondeterministic)的引入,对角化(diagonalization)和停机(halting)问题,


可区别状态 distinguishable state | 对角化方法 diagonalization | 对偶产生器 pair generator


diagonal /对角线的/对角/ | diagonalization /对角化/对角线化/ | diagonally /对角的/

block diagonalization:块对角化

盲目搜索 blind search | 块对角化 block diagonalization | 玻耳兹曼机 Boltzman machine

simultaneous diagonalization:同时对角化

simultaneous confidence intervals 联合置信区间 | simultaneous diagonalization 同时对角化 | simultaneous differential equation 联立微分方程

diagonalization method:对角化方法

对角[线]化|diagonalization | 对角化方法|diagonalization method | 对角矩阵|diagonal matrix


diagonalization 对角线化 | diagonalize 对角化 | diagonally dominant matrix 对角占优矩阵