英语人>词典>汉英 : 对立 的英文翻译,例句
对立 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
antagonism  ·  oppositely  ·  opponency

face-off · set sth. against · be antagonistic to
更多网络例句与对立相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author tries to explain the results with cultural perspectives. In Chinese culture, dual- categorization (like yin/yang, good/evil) is often used in any situations. The most popular character sketch is Chun-tzu (i.e., real gentleman) and Hsiao-jen (i.e., mean person) presented in the Confucian Analects.


The contradiction of life and love is the concentrated representation of Isolde's love against secular contradiction.


It deals with feeling versus experience, subjectivity versus objectivity, disinterested pleasure, aesthetic universality, free and adherent beauty, the sensus communis, genius, aesthetic ideas, beauty as the symbol of morality, beauty of nature versus beauty of art, the sublime, and the supersensible.


The core of the debate between Latour and Bloor on the Strong Program was the confrontation of Bloor\'s symmetry principle of Strong Program and Latour\'s second symmetry principle. The essential disagreement between their theories was whether to insist the subject-object schema, or to discard it. Each of them adopted his own criterion of metaphysics and the different criteria resulted in two different kinds of relativisms. Both sides fell into the same philosophical dilemma. The debate between the post-SSK represented by Latour and the SSK represented by Collins and Yearley intensively revealed their disagreement in interior social construction, manifested by the opposition between social realism and ontology of nature-society mixture, between the normative method and descriptive method, between signified view of science and practical view of science, respectively.It is necessary to trace and clarify the core concepts of Latour\'s "Actor-Network Theory" such as "actor","network","agent", etc.


Thenceforward the real antagonism was to be between Dionysian spirit and the Socratic, and tragedy was to perish in the conflict.


When dialectic is exposed, when it brings a bright for philosophy, every school of thought is stimulated and be ready for the conflict of mutual contending, utilizing and twisting dialectic, which make dialectic can not freely go forward, but make it become a thing with specific school of thought, position or opinion, on the contrary, it makes every school of thought be opposite among legalization, systemization and absolutization. It makes dialectic become the basis of opposition of school and opinion, and also makes theoretical problem transforming into class position problem.


The contribution of this dissertation is to identify and explain 8 different contrast factors in the motion events: 1. The factive or the fictive motion in events; 2. The motion caused by the internal or external forces; 3. The process windowing or objective windowing; 4. The live reporting or non-live reporting; 5. The Directive role or the Objective role in motion event; 6. The high or low volition of the Subject of motion; 7. The event or state; 8. The Container schema or Path schema.


Therefore, cognition sidedness should be avoided. Do not narrow the content of intangible cultural heritage; do not set popular culture against literary culture; do not set traditional culture protection against cultural innovation and social modernization; do not set protection against utilization.


Subsequently, the contrary-based concept design model integrating with Triz theory is presented, which generates new concepts by reformulating the representation of the existing product concepts through parametric variations, substitutions and other formal operations.


It deals with feeling versus experience, subjectivity versus objectivity, disinterested pleasure, aesthetic universality, free and adherent beauty, the sensus communis, genius, aesthetic ideas, beauty as the symbol of morality, beauty of nature versus beauty of art, the sublime, and the supersensible.


更多网络解释与对立相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alternative hypothesis:对立假设

在奈曼-皮尔生的架构里,有一虚无假设(null hypothesis)及一对立假设(alternative hypothesis). 虚无假设通常表示现况,而对立假设表示我们倾向相信的,也就是想证明它是真者. 例如,对北银乐透彩头奖号码中 1 号出现的机率是否大於 1╱7 的问题,

antithetical ideas:对立思想

antithesis 对立 | antithetical ideas 对立思想 | antithing 对立

Opposable thumbs:可对立的拇指

Okay, Pheebs. See how I'm making these little toys move?|菲比 看我玩这些小玩... | Opposable thumbs!|可对立的拇指! | Without evolution, how do you explain opposable thumbs?|没有进化论 怎么发展出可对立的拇...

Without evolution, how do you explain opposable thumbs:没有进化论 怎么发展出可对立的拇指

Opposable thumbs!|可对立的... | Without evolution, how do you explain opposable thumbs?|没有进化论 怎么发展出可对立的拇指? | Maybe the Overlords needed them to steer their spacecrafts.|也许外星主宰需要...

Oppositional code:对立符码

贺尔的对立符码(oppositional code)也可与派金的急进体系(the radical system)相对应. 这种解读方式完全拒绝优势观点与社会价值. 对立译码者(oppositional decoder)十分清楚什么是社会所优先期待的,但他会视之为错并全然拒绝.

Oppositional defiant disorder:对立反抗症 对立性反抗疾患 对立违抗性障碍 反抗不服从障碍 叛逆症

Conduct disorder 行为规范障碍症 品行疾患 品行障碍... | Oppositional defiant disorder 对立反抗症 对立性反抗疾患 对立违抗性障碍 反抗不服从障碍 叛逆症 | Adjustment disorder 适应障碍 适应性疾患 适应障碍 环...

tonal contrast:声调对立

对比敏感度:contrast sensitivity | 声调对立:tonal contrast | 元音对立:vowel contrast

opposites viewpoint:对立观念

opposites test 对比测验 | opposites viewpoint 对立观念 | opposition 对立

contrastive distribution:对立分布

constituent 成分 | contrastive distribution 对立分布 | converse pair 关系对立反义词

Binary oppositions:二元对立

西苏一直致力于消解"二元对立"(binary oppositions)的思维模式. 西方的哲学与文学批评经常受困于等级性的二元对立之中:将哲学与逻各斯、真理联系在一起;文学与修辞、情感联系在一起,前者主宰者支配后者. 这种模式其实是以男性\女性的二元基本对立为出发点推导出来的.