英语人>词典>汉英 : 对神的 的英文翻译,例句
对神的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与对神的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They lacked the Calvinistic view of God's sovereignty over all of life and so preached what some call a "pietistic" Christianity, one that concentrates on my faith in God, my feelings, and my personal life, but has little to say about the transformation of all of society by God's word.


While the divinization of man is coming to its end, man feels the dying of God (Meister Eckhart, Hegel and Nietzsche).


Here we see a person who is diligently seeking after God, V10 " With all my heart I have sought Thee" and just as Yeshua said,"seek, and you will find;" Let us delight in our God by housing His Word in our hearts.

在这段中,我们看到一努力寻求神的人,V10 "我一心寻求了你",正如耶稣所说,"寻找的会寻见",让我们也心藏神的说话,以示我们对神的渴爱慕。

If I am self-centered, with selfish ambitions or disobedient to his teaching, His omniscience is threatening.


Although I overthrew the predecessors of our understanding of God certain, but we believe the purpose of God is not changed.


The God of Israel spoke, The Rock of Israel spoke to me, He who rules among men righteously, He who rules with the fear of God.

23:3 以色列的神说话,以色列的磐石对我说,那以公义治理人,存对神的敬畏执掌权柄的

The special pursuit with God is an outgrowing of both our normal and special experiences of God.


They lacked the Calvinistic view of God's sovereignty over all of life and so preached what some call a "pietistic" Christianity, one that concentrates on my faith in God, my feelings, and my personal life, but has little to say about the transformation of all of society by God's word.


MASTER: It begets yearning for God. It begets love of God.


Just as emperors conferred authority on their images, God commanded his likenesses to reign over the earth.


更多网络解释与对神的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

awe: n.1:(对神的)敬畏,(对权势的)畏怯,(对壮观景象的)惊奇,惊吸 2.恐惧

article: n.1.文章,论文,报道 2.条款,规定 3.(物品的)一件,物件 | awe: n.1.(对神的)敬畏,(对权势的)畏怯,(对壮观景象的)惊奇,惊吸 2.恐惧 | rancor: n.深仇,积怨,憎恶,敌意


infamous 恶名昭彰的,邪恶的 | blasphemous 对神不敬的 | polysemous 多义的,有多种解释的


以确据主义者的标准出发,傅卢不否定神迹的可能性,但他坚持,因为人对自然的认识是不完整的(incomplete),人不可能判辨(identify)"神迹"是否发生. 因此傅卢对神迹的认识,处于有神论者和哲学无神论者(philosophical atheist)之间,


基督祭司的职分有两个部分--基督满足了人对神的公义所有的亏欠,使我们与神和好(satisfaction)并不住的为我们代求(intercession). 窗B基督满足了人对神的公义所有的亏欠,使我们与神和好(satisfaction)﹔这包含了两个小的部分.


在"有神论"还有分为"多神论"(polytheism)和"一神论"(monotheism),对存在着几个神全都是终极的说法会有反对意见. 多神论实际上否认了任何神是终极的. 比较高级的有神论传统中没有一个是支持多个神的. 只可能有一个"上帝"(God),

rejoice at:对别人的事感到欣喜

in the north of 在...的北部 | rejoice at 对别人的事感到欣喜 | sinner 罪人, 不信神的人

sinner:罪人, 不信神的人

rejoice at 对别人的事感到欣喜 | sinner 罪人, 不信神的人 | crista [解][动]羽冠, 脊

I should in thought control your times of pleasure:就不许对你的寻欢管束

That god forbid, that made me first your slave, 神当初使我沦... | I should in thought control your times of pleasure, 就不许对你的寻欢管束, | Or at your hand the account of hours to crave, 或将你的约会...


godspeed /成功的祝福/ | godward /向神地/对神地/ | godwit /黑尾豫/

In depictions of God Rama:在对罗摩神的描述中

Interesting.|有意思 | In depictions of God Rama...|在对罗摩神的描述中... | he is famously holding what in his right hand?|他的右手里握着的是什么?