英语人>词典>汉英 : 对比度 的英文翻译,例句
对比度 的英文翻译、例句


contrast ratio · contrast grade
更多网络例句与对比度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A method of image enhancement is proposed based on particle swarm optimization,which can automatically find the optimal regularized Beta function to achieve image adaptive enhancement.


Tubbs firstly used a regularized Beta function to fit the contrast transform of an input image.


But,it is still a problem to find the two parameters of the Beta function for an input image to be adaptively enhanced.


The coronagraph has been used to block the light from the brightstar allowing the search for the dim glow of the planetHR 8799b.

通过星冕仪技术,明亮的恒星光全部被遮蔽,以便我们寻找行星HR 8799b的微弱光芒(PS:我们在Photoshop中可以做类似操作,把中央区域给全部dell后,整个图片的亮度、对比度等都会有巨大改变,继续做大幅度增加亮度、对比度操作,有近似的效果——译注)。

This text mainly is to panorama video frequency picture, the usage partitions new calculate way automatically according to the video frequency object of timespace consociation at preparing processing stage's ash to video frequency sequence degree diagram to carry on a partial contrast degree to strengthen a processing, increasing foreground object and the contrast degree of background, the filter which passes 3 ×s 3 templates filters in addition to contrast degree strengthen after of lead go into of a little amount 噪 voice;Then aim at the circumstance of complicated background, the calculate way in the text puts forward the covariance characteristic backlog which makes use of immediately signal to get the background that the calculate way needs, overcoming the irregularity that the handicraft obtains background, carrying out a background information to obtain automatically;The standpoint put forward a background backlog finally to categorize a discussion in the process, solved object stop sport time is longer result in the partition throw the problem for losing.


The supper-resolution of the PR method is pointed out for the first time and the uniqueness of the retrieved complex image is proved with the help of linear independence of given discrete system response.


Chapter 8: According to our research works on psychophysical and modeling. the stereopsis related VEPs were studied.


Point operations because of its role in the nature of computing is sometimes referred to as contrast enhancement, contrast stretching, or gray-scale transformation.


The fringe contrast of interference from the reflection spectrum of the sensor is influenced by the refractive index to be measured outside.


By establishing a model based on the law of infrared radiation transmission in atmosphere and the characteristics of infrared imaging system for the apparent contrast between the target and the background, and analyzing the model over two wavebands to formulate the distance measuring formula and the distance resolving power formula, a passive distance measurement method is proposed for aerial point target distance measurement.


更多网络解释与对比度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accentuation contrast:增强反差(对比度)

accentuation增强(反差) | accentuation contrast 增强反差(对比度) | acceptable reliability level 容许可靠性水平

high-contrast anomalies:高对比度异常

high-consistency viscometer 高稠度粘度计 | high-contrast anomalies 高对比度异常 | high-contrast image 强反差图象

brightness contrast:(亮度/对比度调节)

Boost Blend(可选择区域的混合效果,较复杂) | Brightness-Contrast(亮度/对比度调节) | Color Balance(色彩平衡调节,不错)

CGA ContrastGateAmplifier:对比度选通放大器

CN ContractNumber 合同号 | CGA ContrastGateAmplifier 对比度选通放大器 | COM ContrastOpticalLaserTrackingSystem 对比光学激光跟踪系统

Y SUB:副对比度

XVOL 外接预置音量 | Y SUB 副对比度 | Y SUB CONTRAST 亮度信号副对比度

Unsharp Mask:通过增加定义边缘颜色的对比度产生边缘锐化效果

Sharpen 通过相邻像素点之间的对比度进行图像清晰化 | Unsharp Mask 通过增加定义边缘颜色的对比度产生边缘锐化效果 | Distort 扭曲特效

COL. CNT:艳丽对比度

STD. SHP 标准清晰度 4 4 4 | COL. CNT 艳丽对比度 3 11 10 | MIL. CNT 柔和对比度 2 3 3

Enable Color Contrast:允许色彩对比度

By Sample Contrast -依取样对比度 | Enable Color Contrast -允许色彩对比度 | Enable Depth Contrast -允许深度对比度

Contras t:产生颗粒的对比度. 数值越大,对比度越明显. 参数设置范围 为

2、Grai n:颗粒化. 用不同状态的颗粒改变影像的表面纹理. | Contras t:产生颗粒的对比度. 数值越大,对比度越明显. 参数设置范围 为0~10. | Grain type:颗粒类型 .

MIL. CNT:柔和对比度

COL. CNT 艳丽对比度 3 11 10 | MIL. CNT 柔和对比度 2 3 3 | NAT. CNT 自然对比度 8 5 8