英语人>词典>汉英 : 对...十分严格 的英文翻译,例句
对...十分严格 的英文翻译、例句


be hell on
更多网络例句与对...十分严格相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Father was an austere man, very strict with his children.


Zhuang choice of food is not very strict taboo, in the past some people do not eat beef, worship and love may be because cattle; some people eat dog meat ban, some people describe as a rare, tonic.


Due to characteristics of expressway system's structure and function, there is a restrict request to the mainline green-space.


In the spent fuel reprocessing process and for the environmental concerns, very strict control is required for determination of neptunium.


They were rough-looking desperadoes, with sun-blackened faces, and an immensity of beard; their wide, short trousers were confined about the waist by belts, often clasped with a rough plate of gold, and sustaining always a long knife, and, in some instances, a sword.


Tours are tightly marshalled so that only highlights such as the "Mass Games" performance, home of the dancing eggs, are widely reported.


They transgressed, without fear or scruple, the rules of behaviour that were binding on all others; smoking tobacco under the beadle's very nose, although each whiff would have cost a townsman a shilling; and quaffing, at their pleasure, draughts of wine or aqua-vitae from pocket-flasks, which they freely tendered to the gaping crowd around them.


China will be showcasing some of its finest and most advanced military hardware and crowd control is always tough - especially given the recent spate of knife stabbings around Qianmen.


This type of crown can be used very successfully as a retainer for short-span bridges.


Jiang Ye Yiyang colored plant since 1997 zhejiang for the production of three Group took the body with yellow brass, there have been more than a decade of history, maturing technology, complete equipment, product quality higher than the national standards in the chemical products Composition, tolerance level of accuracy, mechanical properties, both inside and outside surface quality in areas such as technical requirements, Reflects a production capacity of enterprises, technical and management level.

化学成分,化学成分 GB/T5231—2001中的 H65化学成分范围,为使其性能更有保障,对主成分及有害杂质进行更严格控制,制订企业标准(Q/JY001—2004)。(2)公差及机械性能参照 GB/T1527—2006拉制管标准和浙江三花集团企业标准 Q/ZSH05·099—2002,制订企业标准(Q/JY001—2004),对其进行严格控制。三位四通阀的工作环境是液态或汽化的氟利昂等冷凝剂,其内腔气密性要求十分苛刻,这就需要 AC 黄铜管的内、外表面质量有极高表面质量,内、外表面光洁,无划伤、拉痕、起皮、沙眼、夹杂等加工缺陷,无酸、油、润滑等残留附着物。由于 AC 黄铜管在制作四通阀时,需要锯切、车削、冲孔等机加工,因此对公差精度要求很高。

更多网络解释与对...十分严格相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


与此同时,隔声小室(Booth) 和隔声屏风等附属设施在录音室中得到广泛使用. 尽管如此,自然混响音乐录音室在音乐录音中仍然占据不可替代的重要作用. 多传声器多声轨录音工艺首先对通道和声迹之间的隔离度都提出了十分严格的要求.

Epsom salts:泻盐

六间,在我看来对水质的要求并不十分严格,只要饲养者能够保证饲养用水体的ph值偏碱性(最好达到7.6以上),水质略硬再加上一些泻盐(Epsom salts)和食盐它们就能茁壮成长.

galois theory:理论

现在,包括哈明码在内的整个编码学已建立在十分复杂而严格的数学理论基础之上,要用到抽象代数(abstract algebra),包括伽洛瓦理论(Galois theory)等. 哈明码的发明是为了解决通信中的误码问题,但对计算机同样有用.

Noble Rot:贵腐酒

贵腐酒(Noble Rot),是甜白葡萄酒中最为高贵的一种. 灰霉菌对葡萄皮的侵染使得真菌的菌丝刺破葡萄皮表面的蜡质层,让葡萄在日照中很容易失去水分而将甜甜的葡萄汁浓缩. 虽然听起来是一个很简单的过程,但是由于这种方法对天气的要求十分严格,


摘要: 石斛(Dendrobium)为珍贵药材,是兰科石斛属多种植物的新鲜或干燥茎. 石斛生境独特,多附生于悬崖峭壁和高大的乔木上,生长缓慢,对小气候环境要求十分严格,尤其是对湿度的要求较高,分布地域狭窄,资源稀少,目前已成为濒危植物.

fermented milk:发酵乳

发酵乳(fermented milk)是发酵乳制品的简称. 这是人类最古老的食品之一. 据资料介绍. 发酵乳的历史十分久远,早期制作是把经过驯养的动物(奶牛、绵羊、山羊、水牛和骆驼)乳煮开后降温到40度通过自然发酵而成. 我国没有对发酵乳的严格定义,