英语人>词典>汉英 : 密密麻麻 的英文翻译,例句
密密麻麻 的英文翻译、例句


as thick as huckleberries · as thickly as stalks in a field of flax · close and numerous · thickly dotted
更多网络例句与密密麻麻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A tight cluster of people or things.


The hills and valleys surrounding Jerusalem were also dotted with these leafy dwellings, and seemed to be alive with people.


And when you look down,you'll see tiny figures pounding corn laying strips of vesion in the empty car-pool lane of some abandoned superhigh way.


And when you Iook down,you'II see tiny figures pounding corn,Iaying strips of venison in the empty car-pool Iane of some abandoned superhighway.


I feel close to going over the edge because of my schedule and all of the homework.


It is a tough task to read out the award list which Hamish brought with him within a short time. The bestwinery in NZ, The international white wine maker in 2007, the best winery in international show……. Well,let's taste the wines instead of citing the awards, as I think its wines will tell you a true white cloudland, and a true Saint Clair.


Impressed, walked out of the room is at the moment, the door is to look at and many of the mind, the river embankment is dense population - please remember, the weather like today, Please remember, their common noun "parents"!


But on the streets of the city's Anning District, where more than 70 noodle shops are crowded into several square blocks, the noodle contretemps was also a reminder of the millions of Chinese who still live on margins so slender that a bump of 4 cents for a bowl of noodles constitutes real money.


On one side is a small canal and the other a crazy quilt of dorm-like rooms, cheap restaurants and muddy paths.


If the densely placed laser lights created are considered an actual physical space, then the smoke produced by the fogger has destroyed the visual atmosphere against what is created by the densely placed laser lights.


更多网络解释与密密麻麻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China Arbor Day:(中国植树节)

于是,我上网查找有关3月份节日的情况,不看不知道一看吓一跳,3月份的"节和日"密密麻麻的,有很多很多,如 3月3日 全国爱耳日、 3月5日 青年志愿者服务日、 3月8日 国际妇女节(International Women' Day)、 3月9日 保护母亲河日、 3月12日 中国植树节(China Arbor Day)、 3月14日 白


正面映入眼帘的是悬挂在西墙上的一个大镜框,里面的挂图上密密麻麻地印满了 KKR参与交易的各个公司的徽标─西芙韦(Safeway)、金霸王(Duracell)、RJR 纳贝斯克(RJR Nabisco)、碧翠丝(Beatrice),挂图正中是一张黄色的存款凭证─这家传奇的公司成立于1976 年 5 月 1 日,

biological clock:生物时钟

有周期性的生物行为变化-生物时钟(Biological Clock)上我们每日过著一天24小时的生活,依据原子钟提供的分秒来安排生活作息,将该做的事誊写为密密麻麻的计画表.

On Broadway:在百老汇

>中的乔纳森,>(On Broadway)中的汤姆,以及本片中的约翰.所罗门. 几乎个个都是搞笑的高手. 另外,威尔.阿奈特未来两年的工作表上亦排的密密麻麻,足足有8部作品,且戏份愈来愈重,表现的机会亦越来越多 ......


问题出现二元论的分裂似乎有些命定--矛盾早就内含于手机(Cellphone)的词源含义. cell:1.细胞:具有细胞般的生殖能力--无论走到哪里,能生成新的社会、可能性和新关系;2.蜂窝:壅塞在密密麻麻的蜂房里,忙忙碌碌地喧嚷,丧失一切独立生存空间;

district heating:区域供热

马尔默市的成功在很大程度上归结于其目前的下水道网络,这些密密麻麻的网络可以将马尔默市SYSAV垃圾处理公司加热后的热水直接输送到家庭和办公大楼. 这套被称为区域供热(District Heating)的高效系统也在东欧遍地开花,广受追捧. 字串5


它们首先加装在桅间的支索上,稍后则像艏三角帆(jib)一般也出现在船艏斜桅的支索上. 支索上密密麻麻的转帆索、帆缘索与艏斜桅上桅的出现使得加装支索帆变得相当困难,不过到下个世纪末为止,支索帆已经占据了船上所有可用的支索.


卡式的CPU直接插到兼容主板的"卡带插槽"(Slot)上就可以了. 薄片式的CPU的一面通常都是密密麻麻的针脚,如果主板上有数目和位置都与之吻合的插槽(Socket),直接插上即可;否则,要先插在CPU转接卡上,再一起插到主板的Slot插槽上.

the sea floor is carpeted with dense mussel beds:布满了密密麻麻的贻贝

Just 1 0 metres beneath the ice|就在离冰面10米... | the sea floor is carpeted with dense mussel beds.|布满了密密麻麻的贻贝 | These can only be reached during a brief lull in the currents.|这个地方只有在...

The beach was thick with sunbathers:海滩上密密麻麻都是晒太阳的人

having a large number of people or a large amount of something in one place 擁滿;擠滿;充滿;... | The beach was thick with sunbathers. 海灘上密密麻麻都是曬太陽的人. | Are you thick, or what? 你是傻還是...