英语人>词典>汉英 : 容量名 的英文翻译,例句
容量名 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与容量名相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The minster further said that the capacity of the prison should be 230 and not 200 prisoners.


Browse 8 Unbounded Unbounded Unbounded Following the visit 6 and later a major technological breakthrough in addition to Microsoft-based browser full-transparent proxy encryption, the unbounded browse 8 opening of a new invention called the road to the Super Eagles agent server connection technology to coordinate a global search for a variety of resources for users to use a proxy server, fast, unlimited capacity, and technology platform for the global network free basis.


One after another, the big cities of the interior have eagerly entered the race to urbanize, with many openly brandishing the objective of becoming a "world city" within a few years.


This thesis chooses Grade 7, Grade 1 of high school and junior as subjects, it proves that the dual-processing theory can make an effective interpretation of individual and age differences in the perspectives of content effect, logic effect, time pressure, self-confidence assessing, logic training and individual cognitive difference according to the different characteristics of the two systems. The research concludes:(1) The subjects in the three grades are all affected by content. The accuracy of the four inferent types about abstract and concrete material increases with age.


The Inn is centrally located at Exit 140 off Interstate 10 and within minutes of Historic Old Mesilla, offering a unique shopping experience and a glimpse into the life and times of Billy the Kid.

多一名年龄大的儿童或者成人在使用现有的床铺之下收费是每人每夜 USD 5,00 。一间客房的最高容量是 1张额外的床/幼儿床。

External constraint, left ventricular stroke work, dP/dtmax, and the slope of the preload recruitable stroke work relation were measured from the end-diastolic pressure-volume relation before and during delivery of biventricular and left ventricular pacing.


Whole blood samples drawn from 8 volunteers were diluted from 20% to 80% of the sample volume with both diluents separately.


The subject of articles to create a million sword sword statue were subject to the 28 cents tasks fruit BUG, the moment can not be completed with good and evil mode Pk, their name will be small red baguazhang friend Dan sent the capacity of the subject information is not prompted to open the packaging and testing, the players immediately have a lot to me, through you, the system gives us a lot of valuable opinions and suggestions.


更多网络解释与容量名相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blackburn Rovers:布莱克本

乐部全名 布莱克本(Blackburn Rovers) 成立日期 1875 俱乐部主席 威廉姆斯(Williams) 俱乐部教练 阿勒代斯(Sam Allardyce) 代表球星 希勒、本特利、麦卡锡、圣克鲁斯 俱乐部球场 埃伍德公园 容量 31367人 队服颜色 蓝白色上衣、白色短裤、蓝色球袜 上赛季名次 第10名 绰号 流浪者 联系地址:Ewood Park,

external memory:外存储器

external mass storage 外部大容量存储器外部海量存储器 | external memory 外存储器 | external name 外部名


firkin 木制小桶 | firkin 容量名 | firmamentalskyey 天空的

load factor:荷载系数

表5给出地热直接利用前10名国家. 要看出,中国地热直接利用设备容量已居世界第2(1 582MW),但其年产能值却不如日本. 美国情况类似,虽其装机容量位居第1,但其年产值却排在第4. 原因在于不同类型的地热直接利用,其荷载系数(load factor)不同所致.

pulmometry:肺容量测定法 (名)

pulmometry 肺容量测定法 (名) | pulmonary 肺的, 有肺的, 与肺有关的 (形) | pulmonate 有肺的; 有肺类的 (形)


所属足球赛会:西班牙足球甲级联赛 成立时间: 1902-6-29 西班牙国王授名 所在城市:马德里 球场:伯纳乌(Bernabeu)(容量78500人) 主教练:舒斯特尔(Schuster) (2007年7月入主) [皇马历史] 皇家马德里是西班牙成立最早的俱乐部之一,

teacupful:满茶杯的容量 (名)

teaching staff 教育工作者 | teacupful 满茶杯的容量 (名) | teak 柚木; 柚木木材 (名)

washing machine:洗衣机

矩形方框代表类的图标,它被分成3个区域. 最上面的区域中是类名,中间区域是类的属*,最下面区域里列的是类的操作. 举一个例子,属于洗衣机(washing machine)类的事物都具有诸如品牌(brand name)、型号(model name)、序列号(serial number)和容量


这次乐队在选择巡演城市时还是避开了美国的大城市,而是选择了像俄尔冈( Oregon),达勒威尔(Delaware)以及威尔名顿(Wilmington)这样的中小城市开展巡演,其中大多数的演出地都选在了容量相对较小的职业棒球体育场.

glassily:玻璃似地 (副)

glassful 一杯的容量 (名) | glassily 玻璃似地 (副) | glassiness 玻璃质 (名)